Affiliates Management

Affiliates Management

Affiliates Management

Affiliate marketing strategies with guaranteed ROI.

unning a thriving business know there’s always more they can do to make that business grow. One way of taking things to the next level is by finding an alternate stream of income.

Affiliate marketing leverages a highly motivated salesforce that gets commissions after you get the sale.

Wouldn't it be nice if the sale came before the ad spend?

  • With affiliate marketing, it does. Affiliates work on a commission basis with their own audiences, assets, and motivation.
  • You get more traffic, higher SEO rankings, and a more significant market share without the risk of throwing ad spend down the drain.
  • And when you partner with us to manage your affiliate network and relationships, you’re always in control of your brand’s image.

With, you will:

  • Broaden Your Audience
  • Test New Markets Without Risk
  • Scale Traffic and Revenue

Experience the power of performance-based marketing.

We make it easy to dive in and reap the benefits without the growing pains or wasting money or time:


Full-Service Affiliate Program Management

From your affiliate relationships to your platform, we handle it all

Affiliate Growth Strategy

Find the right partnerships for your industry, product, and goals.

Ongoing Consultation

Adapt to any challenge with affiliate marketing experts in your corner.

Here’s how we make lucrative affiliate partnerships happen:

Before a contract is ever signed, we pop the hood on your business with a detailed appraisal. You get an in-depth report on what’s working, what’s not, and what opportunities we’ve found for severe growth for your affiliate marketing channel.
2- Strategy
We use the findings of our analysis to connect you with your best affiliate matches.

A detailed performance-focused roadmap is developed and optimized to create the most effective path toward your goals.

From first contact to ongoing maintenance, your affiliate partnerships are entirely managed for you.

Sit back as we execute on our strategy, getting your affiliates ready for success.

4- Results, Rinse, Repeat
As your affiliates create content, assets, and campaigns to sell your products, revenue and traffic begin to soar.

We track performance, keep your strategies fresh, and optimize continuously for results that keep stacking.

You’ll receive an in-depth appraisal of your:


  • Competitive Benchmarks - To see how you stack up against the competition.
  • Affiliate Opportunities - To discover where and how an affiliate marketing program could fit into your business.
  • Past Promotions - To identify what’s worked, what hasn’t, and where improvements can be made.
  • Recruiting and Activation - To get a look at potential affiliates' matches and strategies.





o Application Process

o Optimized Auto Responders

o Relevant Creatives

o Activation Processes

o Publishers Communications

o Affiliates Diversity


Competitive analysis

o Publishers’ recruitment

o Publisher’s promotions

o Negotiate increased placements

o Negotiate for-performance media buys


o Weekly reporting

o Publishers’ communication

o Manage brand vs. revenue balance

o Monitor and manage policy violations

o Reverse commissions for violating publishers

Content Writing Services

Content Writing Services

SEO Content Writing Services

Communicate Your Brand Purpose and Demonstrate Your Expertise

Create top-level content that converts and attracts more organic search traffic with Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency’s SEO content writing services. Our content marketing agency handles keyword research, content strategy development, content writing and content marketing at the backend to help you reach out to untapped demographics and build up your reputation in your specific niche market.

What Is Content Writing?

Engage Your Target Audience and Foster Trust

As more companies turn to online marketing and compete on digital platforms, many businesses also struggle to gain traction for their brand and stay ahead of the curve. Showcase your industry knowledge and rise above this saturated digital marketplace through effective content writing and consistent content marketing efforts.

Content writing is the process of mapping out ideas and developing website content that meets search engine optimization (SEO) guidelines. Websites require quality SEO content to best represent their brand or services. If you want your site to showcase your positive brand image and achieve your sales goals, you must produce descriptive, original, understandable and SEO-friendly content.

But not only that: You should also enhance your content marketing efforts to capture your audience’s attention and move prospects through your sales funnel.

SEO Content Writing vs. SEO Content Marketing

SEO content writing is the initial phase of content marketing. It centers on creating and optimizing dynamic web content to convey your brand message and ensure a smooth website experience for online users.

Once you’re done developing website content, the next phase of your content plan is to promote it on the right channels. This is where SEO content marketing comes in.

SEO content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on disseminating relevant and SEO friendly content on various online platforms to drive profitable customer action.

A well-articulated digital content marketing strategy makes it easier to gauge the effectiveness of your content development strategy and identify opportunities for improvement.

Combined SEO content creation and SEO content marketing efforts work best to provide value to your audience and gain their trust.

If you only prioritize web content writing but do not distribute the content SEO material to appropriate platforms, your online content might not rank on relevant search engine results pages (SERPs) and get the attention it deserves. Likewise, feeding customers with irrelevant content for SEO could move your company off track in meeting your sales and marketing targets.

Invest in all-inclusive content marketing solutions and get content that converts.

Reputable content marketing companies provide comprehensive content services that involve keyword research, content strategy creation, SEO content writing and content marketing plan implementation. These content strategy SEO solutions are designed to help brands communicate their unique value proposition (UVP) and solve consumers’ problems.

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the trusted content writing companies committed to producing highly valuable SEO content that draws customers to your business. Capitalize on our article writing services and find out how your brand can benefit from SEO content creation.

SEO and Content

Boost Your Click-Through Rate by Appearing in Relevant Search Results

Many marketers consider SEO and content marketing to be two different strategies. On the contrary, SEO and content optimization are interconnected disciplines that share the same goal: to provide the best possible solution to online users’ information needs

Think of SEO and content marketing as two overlapping digital marketing strategies: A content creation strategy focuses on generating quality web content that provides value to search engines and online users. SEO, on the other hand, deals with content optimization and the more technical aspects of your website, such as page speed and keyword research and integration.

SEO without website content is like building a house without a framework. You cannot attract website visitors and increase the quality of your site traffic if your site does not contain useful website content. Similarly, your web content writing efforts will be wasted if you don’t have a concrete content marketing SEO plan.

To ensure digital success, SEO and content optimization must go hand in hand.

Have more questions about content SEO integration and SEO keyword search? Let our content marketing agency show you how to leverage content for SEO to drive more organic traffic and conversions for your business. Our SEO content writers discuss the advantages of developing website content to guide your learning process.

Why SEO Content Writing Services Is So Important

Convert Page Visitors Into Paying Customers

Your website content serves as an extension of your brick-and-mortar store. It speaks volumes about your business and determines the success of your digital marketing efforts. Studies show approximately 77 percent of online users read online content, and marketers who prioritize developing quality content for SEO are 13X more likely to gain a positive return on investment (ROI).

With the right content writing services, you can:

Build Brand Awareness

Your online content reinforces your brand message and communicates it across all digital channels. By capitalizing on content marketing services, you communicate your business’s unique selling points (USPs) in the most efficient way possible. With stiff competition in the online realm, a good SEO content writing service goes a long way in creating brand recognition and staying top of mind with your target audience.

Expand Your Customer Base

The key to consistent business growth is increasing your customer base – and web content writing allows you to do just that. Content writing companies improve your online reach by performing thorough SEO keyword research and publishing fresh, SEO optimized content. Effective content marketing strategies connect your brand with high-converting prospects while retaining the old ones.

Grow Your Online Authority

As a business owner, you need to publish credible web content to show prospects and customers you’re knowledgeable in various areas of your niche market. Not all marketers, however, have the time to sit down for hours-long SEO content creation. A content marketing firm performs in-depth SEO keyword analysis and market research to create authoritative content marketing SEO pieces that attract high-quality backlinks and encourage thoughtful discussions with your audience.

Gain Higher Leads and Conversion Rates

According to a HubSpot study, six out of 10 marketers believe that an SEO optimized content generates the highest-quality leads. With different content marketing SEO techniques, such as email and mobile marketing, you can turn these leads into cold, warm and hot prospects. Your online content strategy fuels your lead generation and conversion rate optimization (CRO) efforts. By investing in growth-driven SEO content services, you can improve the number of people doing business on your website.

Earn Long-Term Revenue

The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer report reveals that businesses gain consumer confidence by providing trustworthy website content. If you can identify and address the information needs of your potential customers, you don’t only inspire trust, but you also build a loyal following that contributes to your brand’s long-term sustainability. Develop a creative and reliable content strategy and acquire more traffic and revenue over time.

Get Better SEO Results

Search engines look for high-quality, unique web content that integrates keywords naturally and provides informational, emotional and entertainment value to online users. Companies that capitalize on SEO content writing services backed by research and data have higher chances of getting tremendous search visibility, online exposure and search engine rankings. Fill your website with SEO optimized content and rank higher in search results.

Era Tech’s SEO Content Creation Process

A Streamlined System That Works for You

Our content marketing agency acknowledges that SEO content creation requires close collaboration between the content marketing specialist and the client. While we know how to target search engines and the internet community, you know your customers best, so we want you to be involved as much as you wish as we write your SEO content.

Here’s an overview of our web content writing process:

1-Client Consultation

Our content strategy agency provides you with a dedicated content marketing specialist whom you can regularly contact to give instructions, check on your content marketing strategy development, ask questions and request any revisions you’d like to see on your SEO content. Fill us in on your ideal consumer and how you want them to feel when they visit your site and start reading the content. Era Tech can even develop personas of your targeted clients.

2-SEO Keyword Research and Market Analysis

Once our content marketing specialist has identified your SEO content marketing pain points and SEO content expectations, we then move on to market analysis and SEO keyword research. Our content writer works closely with SEO experts to perform thorough keyword research and SEO keyword analysis and build your SEO keyword strategy. We also conduct industry analysis, competitor benchmarking and content analysis to create a strong foundation for your digital content strategy.

3-SEO Content Strategy Development

Once our content marketing specialist has identified your SEO content marketing pain points and SEO content expectations, we then move on to market analysis and SEO keyword research. Our content writer works closely with SEO experts to perform thorough keyword research and SEO keyword analysis and build your SEO keyword strategy. We also conduct industry analysis, competitor benchmarking and content analysis to create a strong foundation for your digital content strategy.

4-In-Depth Research Process

After finalizing the content strategy plan, the next step is content marketing research. This phase is crucial to guide our content writer’s SEO content creation process and ensure we have a clear understanding of your SEO content writing needs and demands. Your dedicated website content writer performs high-level research to get familiar with the topic, consults with experts and leverages useful content references and search engine strategies to convey your brand message or any technical information effectively to your target audience.

5-Web Content Writing

Content writing is one of the most crucial stages of your digital content marketing strategy, so we maximize our time and efforts to build out your website content’s structure, fill in your bullet points and complete all sections of your SEO content. You can choose the tone and phrasing of the online content your visitors will be reading. Whether you want it to be light-hearted or formal, business-like or casual, our content writer can adapt the writing style to suit your needs.

6- SEO Content Optimization

Finally, your dedicated website content writer runs a hard edit of the web content to check for cohesion between online content sections and ensure the final piece is unique, digestible and authentic. Our content marketing agency comprises a team of experienced SEO content writers and editors who work night and day to ensure we serve you the content according to your expectations.

You can review the content as much or as little as you wish. We’re confident in our writing skills and we know we will provide you with website content that is appealing to both search engines and people. Of course, the final approval is yours to make, and if there is anything you don’t like or want to add, just let us know and it will be done!

Why You Need a Content Marketing Strategy

Develop Your Competitive Advantage and Reach Your Goals

A 2018 content marketing survey revealed that only 4 percent of business-to-business (B2B) marketers consider their online content strategy extremely successful. Meanwhile, 53 percent of the respondents find their content strategy SEO approach moderately effective.

To appeal to your ideal customers and create a robust relationship with them, you need a content marketing strategy that captures your customer persona and unique brand voice.

A well-constructed website content plan allows you to:

Create Consistent, High-Quality Content

Successful SEO content marketing doesn’t happen in a flash. You need a smart content creation strategy and data-driven SEO keyword strategy to create SEO-friendly content that converts. If you don’t have a well-laid-out content strategy plan, your content marketing efforts will fall flat. Content strategies are designed to provide your business with a clear direction in creating consistent, valuable SEO content.

Retain Page Visitors

Great web content is a vital asset in keeping page visitors on your website and compelling them to sign up for your blog updates and come back for more. With the right SEO content strategy, you can effortlessly capture your prospects’ attention and continually reinforce a positive brand impression. Content marketing agencies formulate website content strategies focused on building and strengthening relationships with online users.

Gain Better Traction

What topics should you focus on? Which types of content resonate with your target audience? What brand-related questions are your customers asking online? Having an SEO content strategy makes it easier for you to identify the topics you need to address in your website content and map out content marketing strategies for better audience targeting and brand promotion.

Cultivate Brand Loyalty

A HubSpot study revealed that nearly 40 percent of marketers consider web content creation services essential components of their overall digital marketing strategy, especially in generating brand loyalty. A growth-driven website content plan allows you to write more useful online content for potential customers, showcase your market expertise and build a community around your brand.

Save Time, Money and Resources

On average, it takes approximately 3 hours and 55 minutes for a content writer to finish a blog post. Evidently, SEO content creation takes time. By prioritizing your content marketing plan, you can ensure all your time, money and resources are strategically spent unlocking your website content’s full potential and creating relevant content marketing SEO pieces around topics that your ideal audience is interested in.

Avoid Google Penalty

Google penalizes websites that implement black hat content marketing strategies, such as keyword stuffing, copyright infringing and link spamming. To protect your website from Google penalties, you need white hat website content strategies that meet search engine standards. Content writing companies recommend keeping abreast of the latest SEO developments and new algorithm updates to ensure your rankings don’t slip and your revenues don’t fall.

Ready to create your digital content strategy? Discover the different types of online content you can include in your content strategy SEO priorities.

Popular Content Types We Offer

Adopt an Online Strategy That Speaks Directly to Your Customer

When you hear “content writing,” what do you think of? If you’re like most businesses, blog posts would probably be the first thing that comes to your mind. While blogging is among the most well-known forms of online content, there’s a lot more SEO content that you can add to your SEO content marketing arsenal.

Our content strategy agency works with local businesses, enterprises, multiple-location companies and large franchises to handle the development and execution of their content management strategy. These are some of the most popular types of online content we can help you with:

Blog Posts

Statistics show websites with active blogs generate 97 percent more backlinks than their competition. Build brand awareness and generate more brand mentions from authoritative sites with useful and relevant blog posts. Our content writing agency uses advanced keyword research tools and performs extensive niche analysis to identify high-converting content ideas and create opportunities for social sharing.

Website Content

The quality and value of your web content determine whether page visitors stay or leave. As your dedicated content agency, we ensure your website content reflects your SEO keyword strategy, captures your unique brand voice and represents your company in a positive light. Our website content writer works closely with your in-house representatives to accurately communicate your website’s purpose and convince visitors to take action.

Service Pages

Do you offer two or more services? Or do you specialize in specific areas of your niche market? Our content strategy services team comprises SEO content writers with diverse industry knowledge and subject matter expertise, so you can rely on us to create expert content no matter your industry. Whether you’re in the healthcare, finance, construction, manufacturing or food delivery industry, our content writing company has got you covered!

Location-Specific Pages

Does your company serve two or more local and/or international locations? Our content marketing company creates city and state pages, depending on your business’s marketing needs and demands. We use a geo-specific SEO keyword research strategy to show customers where you are and highlight your specific brand offerings per location. These practices allow our content agency to improve your local SEO and attract targeted leads.

Landing Pages

Share the benefits of your products and services and convert more visitors into paying customers with SEO-optimized landing pages. Era Tech’s SEO content writing service covers the creation of landing pages to support your social media paid advertising and pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns. Our content expert ensures your web content matches your ads, creates strong calls-to-action (CTAs) and uses compelling web copy to improve your conversions.

Social Media Content

Social media marketing is one of the most cost-efficient ways to drive more inbound traffic and showcase your brand authority. Some marketers, however, take online content strategy development for granted, so they lose the opportunity to connect with more fans and followers. As your partner content writing company, we take note of the correct format and monitor character counts for each platform to deliver on-brand social media content that converts.

Ad Copy

Whether you’re introducing new products or services in the market, expanding your market scope or promoting company events, our SEO content services team can help you. We write compelling ad headlines, keep your descriptive copy short and simple, offer useful insights and include powerful CTAs to engage your audience wherever they’re active online. Our content company also runs A/B tests to determine which ad copy resonates the most with your prospects.

Case Studies

Case studies are valuable tools in establishing social proof and illustrating your brand principle. Unsure of how to write in-depth case studies? Our content marketing company formulates your digital content strategy and presents recommendations on structuring your case studies. Once we’ve agreed on a specific structure, our SEO content writer collects valuable data and turns it into a unique, shareable case study that highlights your significant accomplishments.

Press Releases

Gain immediate exposure and prove your brand authenticity through public relations (PR) campaigns. We use powerful action words to capture your readers’ attention, give straight-up facts and leverage CTAs and visual content to convey your brand story and increase your sales potential. As your dedicated SEO writing services provider, we run effective PR campaigns to maximize your reach and connect your brand with people who share the same vision.

Email Marketing Content

Need help moving prospects through your sales funnel? Our SEO writing services are centered on delivering targeted messages to your preferred audience segments no matter the platform. We create your email content plan, organize your online content per campaign, leverage lead magnets and create engaging online content. Our web content writer makes your emails skimmable to convince more subscribers to take immediate action.

Product Descriptions

Rank your product pages for relevant search terms with keyword-driven product descriptions. A big part of our web content writing services is making your descriptions specific, interesting and engaging. Your dedicated SEO content writer adheres to the specific guidelines of each eCommerce marketplace to ensure you attract shoppers and convince them to buy. Whether you’re an Amazon, Target Plus or Walmart Marketplace seller, our content agency can assist you.


Launching newsletter campaigns? Let our content marketing company increase your business’s credibility and authority with well-written newsletters that drive stronger engagement. We create multiple versions of your email content and run A/B tests to determine which newsletter version will drive more clicks and conversions. More importantly, our web content writer creates solid CTAs and informative content to generate repeat traffic and sales.

Era Tech’s Content Writing Services

Provide Exceptional Value to Your Existing and Prospective Clients

SEO Keyword Research

Although keywords shouldn’t dominate your online content, they still play a significant role in your content management strategy. Our content writing company uses advanced SEO keyword search tools to determine keywords with high search volume, identify their ranking difficulty, relevance and search demand curve and perform Keyword Objection to Benefit (KOB) analysis. Most importantly, we employ strategic SEO keyword search tactics and mix head terms and long-tail keywords to improve your content creation strategy and attract targeted search traffic.

Content Development Strategy

There’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to content strategy plan implementation. However, as a marketer, you need to conduct extensive research and assess all your options to develop a smart website content plan that delivers measurable results. Our content marketing service team audits your existing website content and content marketing plan to provide you with SEO copywriting services that bring more clicks and conversions to your website. We ensure you offer the right content to the right audience at the right time and platform.

Link Building

The quality of your inbound links affects your search engine rankings. Your best approach is to capitalize on website content writing services to earn high-quality links from authoritative sites and boost your SEO. Era Tech is one of the venerable content marketing agencies that prioritize creating data-driven website content to drive success in terms of link acquisition. Our content strategy services team leverages different content types, such as case studies and interviews, and publishes industry-specific guides and blog posts to provide value to your audience and drive quality backlinks.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

SEO content creation results in about 434 percent more indexed pages. The more indexed pages you have, the higher your chances of ranking high in relevant search results and driving clicks and conversions. At Era Tech , we use suggestive headlines, create compelling content that speaks to your audience, adopt your unique brand voice, use the right keywords and tone and ensure your web content is free from plagiarism. Our content company follows the best practices in creating and executing your content strategies to ensure every section of your website content generates conversion.

Web Design and Development

Studies show online content with a relevant image and good layout receives an average of 94 percent more views than other web content. Enhance your website content’s aesthetic appeal and convey your brand message more effectively with our integrated web design and SEO copywriting services. Our web content writing team and web design experts take a collaborative approach to your web design and content development strategy to provide the best possible user experience (UX). Era Tech is also one of the few content marketing companies that offer ADA website compliance services to ensure your web content is accessible to everyone.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Nearly 70 percent of marketers capitalize on content marketing services to calibrate their SEO strategy, attract traffic and encourage visitor-to-client conversion. Take advantage of our web content services and work with an SEO content writer experienced in creating SEO friendly content. Our content writing agency understands how search engines work, and we constantly update our content writing service and technical SEO methods to match each new update that search engines roll out. Enlist our SEO content writing services and let us help you do SEO content marketing the right way.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

Improve your PPC performance and generate more qualified leads with Era Tech’s PPC content marketing service. Our PPC content writing service includes in-depth research, ad copy creation and A/B testing to boost your PPC performance and content ROI. We can also handle your landing page creation and/or content management strategy optimization at the backend to save you time and stress. With us, you get PPC content services focused on nurturing inbound leads through your conversion funnel and driving the highest possible traffic and revenue.

Google Analytics

A big part of our SEO content writing services is keeping track of your Google Analytics performance and using these content marketing insights to improve your content strategies. Our SEO content services team monitors and analyzes your traffic, navigation, organic search and conversion metrics, such as email signups, page clicks, page views and bounce rates, to gain actionable insights and quickly implement the necessary updates on your content strategy. We also provide you with monthly reports, so you stay on top of your content marketing service progress.

Video Production

More than half of internet users watch videos online every day. Take advantage of our video content strategy services and supercharge your video content marketing plan. Our web content services team creates scripts and guides for various types of video content, including interviews, webinars, presentations, product reviews, video emails and about us/culture videos. Have old videos that you want to repurpose? Our content expert can handle your video content optimization to ensure it is up-to-date and SEO optimized.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Nearly 70 percent of marketers capitalize on content marketing services to calibrate their SEO strategy, attract traffic and encourage visitor-to-client conversion. Take advantage of our web content services and work with an SEO content writer experienced in creating SEO friendly content. Our content writing agency understands how search engines work, and we constantly update our content writing service and technical SEO methods to match each new update that search engines roll out. Enlist our SEO content writing services and let us help you do SEO content marketing the right way.

Email Marketing

Unsure of how to best reach out to your customers and followers without sounding too salesy? We offer SEO copywriting services to support your email marketing campaigns. As your content writing service provider, we analyze the location, demographics and online behavior of your different audience segments to ensure we craft appropriate email marketing content before sending an email blast. Our email content marketing services team also leverages your latest email campaign performance reports to understand what’s working well and what needs improvement.

eCommerce Marketing

Do your current content marketing solutions generate profitable results for your online store or do they incur more cost than gain? Get the right website content creation services and increase your conversion rate by almost six times! Era Tech is one of the leading content marketing agencies offering affordable, quality web content services that produce significant results. We analyze your preferred platform's demands and content marketing guidelines, audit your current marketplace listing and provide data-driven recommendations to optimize your eCommerce content marketing strategy based on product, niche market and customer type.

Why Choose Era Tech for SEO Content Marketing

Overcome Industry Challenges and Improve Your Performance Metrics

Headquartered in Arlington, Texas, Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the most recognized content marketing companies. We provide content marketing solutions that help businesses convey their brand message with clarity and confidence.

Here’s what you can expect from our website content writing services:

Fast Turnaround

Studies show publishing fresh, new website content two to four times a week provides the best results in terms of traffic and conversions. Save time producing web page and blog content at an efficient pace when you sign up for our SEO writing services. We determine your preferred timeline and set your expectations during our initial consultation to ensure we are on the same page regarding your content strategy and deadlines. Expect us to go above and beyond to produce quality SEO content within your target date.

Professional SEO Content Writers

At Era Tech, we confidently offer our clients SEO content services that meet the standards that a professional, high-quality website requires. We are a professional, personable content marketing service provider and we take the time to work closely with you to best communicate your site’s purpose. Our SEO content writing team enjoys the process of content writing and its practical application on websites – and our content quality reflects that commitment and desire for excellence.

100% Unique, High-Quality Content

Content marketing is clearly a highly important part of any online strategy. That's why at Era Tech , we ensure you get content that's optimized for search engines and your website visitors. We conduct extensive research and perform thorough editing and proofreading before submitting the final output to your team to ensure your SEO content is 100 percent unique and reflective of your brand. Our content specialists use state-of-the-art plagiarism checkers to guarantee your web content is authentic.

Diverse Market Expertise

Every business requires a different level of technical expertise and content writing approach. To ensure your content creation strategy appeals to the right audience and addresses their needs, we assign a dedicated content expert that possesses the industry knowledge you require. Our content writing team boasts years of experience developing website content for various platforms and industries, including eLearning, computer repair, restoration and delivery. Schedule a consultation with our content marketing agency and let’s discuss your SEO content marketing strategy.

Intellectual Rights

We understand that brands have a distinct vision and marketing preference and varying financial capacity. As such, we don’t tie you into long-term contracts. Rest assured once you complete your payment on your SEO content, all intellectual rights automatically transfer to you. Our content company also offers white label SEO writing services where you get brandable content marketing solutions that you can present to your clients.

Niche Market Analysis

Research and analysis are two of the most crucial ingredients of effective SEO content writing. Our content writer performs a market analysis to identify trends, determine gaps in your content marketing strategies and refine them accordingly. We thoroughly research your website’s brand, services, purpose and audience to tailor content that efficiently and dynamically tells your story. Our content services team also reviews your competitors, analyzes their weaknesses and adjusts your content to benefit from our findings.

Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services

Grow Your Client Base With Data-Driven and Targeted Strategies

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is a dynamic, versatile, and full-service digital marketing agency that doesn’t rely on smoke and mirrors to attract new clients. Instead, Era Tech trusts its own search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing skills to drive new customers to our website. 

We’re not a static company. We don’t limit ourselves to specific industries. Era Tech has the experience and professionals to build a custom website and use multiple digital marketing services to assist any size company in any industry. 

So many other agencies rely on a one-size-fits-all approach, many times offering you the same strategy and cookie-cutter website as your competitor down the street. 

Era Tech works with you to produce customized internet marketing services and a plan that aligns with your unique business needs. We become an extension of your team, a partner that understands your market and goals, rather than just an agency that executes strategies blindly. 

Unlike so many other agencies that use glitz and glamor to close sales and then fail to execute, Era Tech focuses on client relationships and results. We always deliver substance, not false promises, ensuring we maximize your budget, so you get the most return on investment (ROI).

Our reviews and testimonials speak volumes. We earn your business every day with month-to-month contracts. 

Take a look below at the wide variety of digital marketing services Era Tech offers. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business! 

How Digital Marketing Services Drive Business Growth

Engage Your Target Customers at the Right Time on the Right Platform

Digital marketing services provide businesses of all sizes with an opportunity to market their brand 24/7 at a low cost. From startups to medium-sized enterprises to multiple-location companies, a digital marketing company helps you expand your niche market reach to offer goods and services to your target customers, irrespective of time differences or location. 

Hiring an internet marketing agency is one of the best ways to reach your prospects while maintaining a robust relationship with your existing clients. As long as your business has a strong digital presence, your customers will always find you. 

Since 2000, Era Tech has been partnering with hundreds of businesses in the USA, GCC, & Egypt to achieve their conversion goals. Throughout the years, we’ve provided an array of custom digital marketing services to our clients and generated the following results: 

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) 


Top 5 Keyword Rankings 


Monthly Leads 

SEO and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing 


Conversion Rate 


Live Chat 

Amazon Advertising 


Sales Volume 


Unit Sales 


Era Tech agency follows a systematic approach to ensure all our online marketing efforts deliver profitable results. Leverage Era Tech’s internet marketing services today and let us help you boost your customer acquisition and retention rates. 


Era Tech’s Digital Marketing Services

Build Brand Recognition as an Industry Leader and Increase Profitability

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Through careful keyword research and white hat SEO practices, we can help you achieve higher organic rankings and increased visibility in search results. Era Tech performs extensive keyword research, conducts on-page and off-page optimization, and tracks your results with Google Search Console. These practices allow us to attract high-quality leads and traffic and increase your conversions as part of your digital marketing solutions.

eCommerce Marketing

The eCommerce industry generates 23 percent YoY in revenue. Take advantage of a whole range of opportunities in the eCommerce business to promote your products and offer round-the-clock convenience to your customers. Era Tech provides eCommerce SEO and eCommerce PPC solutions to drive top-of-funnel traffic to your website. We generate more product reviews, optimize your product pages and personalize your marketing strategies based on your customer needs.

Local SEO

Statistics show that 88 percent of consumers searching for local businesses online will call or visit a store within 24 hours. Attract your ideal customers and generate more leads and sales with Era Tech’s internet marketing services. Our internet marketing company ensures your name, address, and phone number (NAP) consistency, enhances your location pages, and conducts local link building. We also leverage social media platforms to stay top of mind with your audiences.

Technical SEO

The eCommerce industry generates 23 percent YoY in revenue. Take advantage of a whole range of opportunities in the eCommerce business to promote your products and offer round-the-clock convenience to your customers. Era Tech provides eCommerce SEO and eCommerce PPC solutions to drive top-of-funnel traffic to your website. We generate more product reviews, optimize your product pages and personalize your marketing strategies based on your customer needs.

Link Building

Acquire a steady stream of traffic from high-authority websites and increase your consumer trust. Era Tech agency capitalizes on paid advertisements, sponsorships, and collaborations to put your page content where influential people will see them. We utilize strategic guest blogging, publish unique, compelling content, distribute data-driven infographics and boost your social media engagement. In this way, we build quality backlinks that drive more sales.

Web Design & Development

Era Tech builds custom, mobile-ready, and search engine-optimized websites that help you meet your business objectives and support your digital marketing campaigns. We create a visual hierarchy to highlight your important site elements and encourage page visitors to take your desired action. Our web design experts utilize clear calls-to-action (CTAs), avoid carousels and rotating sliders, simplify form fields and create content for your persona.

Custom Website Design

Capture your target audience's attention with a professional custom web design that highlights your business’ unique value propositions. Era Tech has a team of WordPress experts with years of experience in creating custom websites for specific niche markets. We analyze your industry demands, design ADA-compliant websites, and provide ongoing site maintenance. These internet marketing services are designed to create a positive first impression of your brand.

Social Media Marketing

Ready to expand and market to your audiences on social media? We build social media campaigns to help your business grow and engage your followers. Era Tech identifies your goals, performs competitor benchmarking, and evaluates your customers' online behavior. Using data and analytics, we develop custom social media brand management and paid advertising strategies tailored to your business.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Reach your customers quickly and with precision with a data-driven PPC campaign. Our PPC Specialists are AdWords certified, so you can rest easy knowing your campaign is in the hands of professionals. Our team creates targeted ad copies, optimizes your bidding strategies and device targeting tactics, and monitors your ROI for each keyword. We also take advantage of seasonal trends to promote your products and drive high-volume leads and traffic.

Video Production

Video marketing is powerful and engaging when done right. Storytelling with video has the power to take your brand to the next level and increase your customer engagement by leaps and bounds. Capture your customers' attention and create a buzz in the online community with captivating, SEO-optimized video content. We’ve got you covered from location scouting and scriptwriting to motion graphics creation and video editing.

Content Writing

Your website's content is crucial: it's the foundation of your SEO and the reason many people visit your site. Entrust your content creation with Era Tech, and we'll write it with precision. Our content specialists stay abreast of the latest news and market trends to ensure we adhere to Google standards when developing content. We write headlines that pack a punch, utilize high-performing keywords, incorporate imagery and structure your posts to promote easy reading.

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Your reviews and online reputation can make or break your success online. Improve your reputation and reap the rewards with the help of Era Tech agency. We Review to improve your review generation, review monitoring, and review response publishing tactics. Our team utilizes state-of-the-art online reputation management software to streamline your ORM practices and acquire more positive reviews.

Amazon Marketing Services (AMS)

Getting found on Amazon is not easy! Competition is fierce and thick, so you need to find the right digital marketing company to strengthen your AMS strategy. At Era Tech, we help your products to get found in this massive marketplace. Our Amazon marketing experts combine the best Amazon SEO, Amazon PPC, and Amazon storefront and branding practices to deliver valuable results. We develop your keyword strategy and optimize your product listings to lower your advertising cost of sales (ACoS).

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Getting visitors to your site is only half the battle. Conversion optimization ensures your site is primed to turn them into customers. Move more page visitors to the bottom of the sales funnel and increase your conversion rate with Era Tech's CRO services. We optimize your website for mobile and voice search, create clutter-free landing pages, place verified payment systems, and simplify your site navigation to promote better conversions.

Email Marketing

How many emails from businesses do you delete every day? Choose Era Tech and let's make your email marketing campaigns stand out and work for your business. We create personalized email newsletters to keep your emails out of spam folders and encourage your customers to take your desired action. Our team builds your subscriber list, tests email campaigns before delivery, utilizes power words on your content, and creates a curiosity gap in your emails.

eCommerce Web Design

At Era Tech, we understand the nuances of eCommerce web design. When you sell products online, the design of your website is crucial to its success. According to recent studies, eCommerce websites with an optimized checkout design can gain a 35 percent increase in conversions. Partner with Era Tech agency and let us help you highlight your competitive advantages and reduce your cart abandonment.

Web Hosting

You need a secure, trustworthy company to host your new website. Go with Era Tech and you won't have to worry about it. Era Tech provides network monitoring, system backup and restoration, malware scanning and removal, file management, and WordPress acceleration. We also offer unlimited bandwidth and data transfer, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) prevention, and a free Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to improve your site security.

Why Your Business Should Be Using Digital Marketing Services

Engage More Clients and Rank High on Search Results

The online marketing industry is growing at an unprecedented rate. According to eMarketer, businesses in the World. spend more than $110 billion on digital advertising. With more companies investing their time and resources in online marketing, relying on your old advertising tactics is not enough to win over customers. 

Increase your sales volume and build a robust digital foundation with value-driven internet marketing services. Digital marketing helps you: 

  • PSave time, money and resources
  • PBuild your brand reputation across online channels
  • PAcquire huge ROI
  • PMaximize various customer touchpoints
  • PTrack your campaign results
  • PPromote greater consumer engagement
  • PAdjust your strategies based on analytics and data
  • PDrive profitable long-term growth
  • PLeverage precise audience targeting
  • PImprove your conversion rates

A study presented by BrightTALK shows that 42 percent of marketing professionals find the lack of quality data their biggest barrier to lead generation. With the help of Era Tech agency, you can gain a holistic view of your customer journey and competition. 

Don’t waste your investment in marketing techniques that do not deliver measurable results. Partner with Era Tech agency today and establish your market dominance with our targeted digital marketing solutions. 

Why Choose Era Tech as Your Digital Marketing Services Agency

Boost Your Revenue Growth Rate and Achieve Online Success

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is an award-winning internet marketing company that provides goal-oriented advertising solutions. Our primary focus is to help businesses increase their client retention rate and maximize conversion opportunities. 

Trust us to give our full commitment to your brand’s digital success. Choose Era Tech agency and gain the following advantages (and so many more digital marketing solutions). 

Data-driven Digital Marketing Services

Research and data are essential parts of business success. Deliver the right message at the right time using the right platform with Era tech agency’s results-oriented digital marketing services. We analyze your brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to create up-to-date metrics and generate actionable insights.

Industry Experts

Era Tech agency is comprised of digital marketing professionals who have more than 10 years of industry experience. We keep track of the latest trends and innovations, develop goal-oriented strategies, and ensure all our campaigns meet search engine guidelines. Whether you need support in Walmart Marketplace integration, Shopify SEO, or other digital marketing solutions, we can help you.

Custom Digital Marketing Framework

Our internet marketing company takes a 360-degree approach to online marketing. We review your current marketing strategies and digital presence, set key performance indicators (KPIs), identify your brand personality and integrate your customer experience in all levels of your strategy-building. In doing so, we create a structured marketing framework that optimizes all your digital touchpoints.

Omnichannel Personalization

Results of a RedPoint Global survey by The Harris Poll revealed that 63 percent of consumers expect personalized brand experiences as the standard of service. At Era Tech, we perform audience analyses and needs assessments to develop customized internet marketing strategies that drive more business. Omnichannel personalization increases your revenue and boosts brand loyalty.

Campaign Monitoring and Evaluation

How do you know if digital marketing services work for your firm? At Era Tech, we establish your campaign metrics and perform regular monitoring and evaluation to determine your strategies' success. Using Google Analytics results, we adjust your online marketing tactics and improve your approach to audience targeting to put you in a stronger financial position.

Digital Marketing Services FAQs


Digital marketing encompasses all aspects and activities of marketing an organization, business, or brand across digital channels on the internet. Digital marketing strategies and tactics are crafted to target specific online audiences across a variety of internet-connected devices. 

Digital marketing includes optimization across search engines (the likes of Google and Bing), visibility and engagement on social media platforms, email marketing communications, website design and development, and integrated applications to connect and engage with prospects and customers. 



A digital marketer is a marketing specialist who understands how to develop and deploy effective marketing strategies online. A digital marketer understands connecting with an online audience. They can ensure your brand engages with your consumer from the first point of contact through after-sales service. 


Every single brand must have an online representation of the business. However, your digital footprint won’t have any impact if you don’t market it successfully. Every business would benefit from an ongoing, comprehensive digital marketing strategy and the support of an expert marketing team. 


Digital marketing is cost-effective in that you can get your message directly in front of your ideal audience. Consider that traditional marketing casts a wide net across the general public. In contrast, digital marketing takes a targeted approach and engages the consumer with the right message at the right time. You can measure your digital marketing efforts and the costs involved quite easily and mitigate unnecessary spending. This is far more difficult with traditional marketing campaigns. What’s more, the costs involved with hiring a digital marketing agency are dependent on the project scope. 


Look for a company that takes the time to assess your current and future marketing needs. A digital marketing agency worth it’s salt won’t promise immediate results because digital strategies take time to yield results. But it will boast a team of experts able to identify needs and gaps in your current strategy. What’s more, they will work with you to establish outcomes, align with your goals and offer consistent, transparent reporting. Be cautious about companies offering a quick fix. Choose an agency with proven successes, client testimonials and case studies, and outstanding reviews across its services. 

Conversion Rate Optimization Services

Conversion Rate Optimization Services

Conversion Rate Optimization Services

Turn Your Visitors Into Paying Customers and Boost Your Sales

Reach new levels of success with a solid CRO marketing strategy expertly tailored to your unique business requirements! Put your conversion marketing needs in the capable hands of our conversion rate optimization agency and reap the benefits of Conversion Rate Optimization services done the right way.

What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Pivot Your Strategies and Achieve Your Growth Goals

What is social media branding and why is it essential in digital marketing?

Social media brand management or social media branding is the use of combined social media brand marketing and social media promotion services that align with your brand persona to attract, engage and expand your target market.

Social media marketing and branding companies identify your unique brand voice and image to create a customized social media brand guide and launch brand strategy services tailored to each social media platform. The ultimate goal of brand marketing services is to effectively deliver and reinforce your key message and create a consistent brand experience across social media channels.What is CRO and how does it impact your business marketing efforts? Conversion rate optimization, also known as CRO or conversion optimization, is the systematic process of testing and optimizing your website elements, including call to action (CTA) buttons, content and website design, to increase the percentage of site visitors who complete the desired goal.

What is conversion optimization and what does it mean? In defining this concept, marketers often use purchases as a measure of success. CRO goals and metrics, however, differ per brand. Depending on your marketing needs and objectives, there are multiple CRO SEO goals you can set for your business, including:

  • Sales
  • Social media shares
  • Form submissions
  • App installations
  • CTA button clicks
  • Newsletter sign-ups

What is conversion rate optimization if you’re not mastering best practices to make your CRO marketing goals actionable and measurable? Decide what you want to achieve with your CRO website, understand your audience demands and launch growth-driven conversion marketing campaigns to compel more people to take your desired action.

Additionally, as you focus on improving conversion rates, it is imperative that you dig through various CRO metrics that impact your optimization efforts and CRO SEO results.

What Is CRO metric? Conversion optimization metrics are benchmarks that CRO companies track during CRO testing to determine your CRO website performance and identify opportunities for conversion funnel optimization and conversion marketing. CRO metrics include:

Bounce Rate

The percentage of page visitors who visit your website but left without navigating to other web pages. A high bounce rate indicates that there is a problem with your CRO website. As such, knowing how to lower bounce rate is imperative to increase website conversion rate.


Many marketers have entered the eCommerce marketplace, but only a few truly understand its demands, limitations and potential. If you’re building your eCommerce strategy or still solidifying your social media marketing plan for your online store, it’s imperative that you choose a digital marketing strategy agency with years of experience in eCommerce optimization. Our marketing strategy company has more than 15 years of experience in various areas of eCommerce marketing strategy development, including eCommerce PPC, eCommerce SEO and eCommerce web design.

Click-through Rate (CTR)

This conversion optimization metric shows how many of the people who saw your ads, organic listing or search results clicked on your site link. Click through rate is used to gauge your keyword performance and CRO marketing campaign relevance.

Pages Per Visit

Measures the volume of web pages a particular audience segment views on your website. Your average page per visit indicates the level of your site engagement and ability to provide useful information.

Page Load Time

It shows how quickly your website responds to user interaction. Studies reveal the first five seconds of your page load time have the highest impact on your conversion rate. To increase conversion rate, be sure to optimize your page load time and prioritize user experience (UX) in your web design.

Return On Investment (ROI)

What is conversion optimization if not a growth-centric method to boost your revenue? Your business’s ROI allows you to gauge the impact of your conversion rate marketing efforts on your bottom line and re-assess your CRO marketing spending.

Leads Generated

Leads pertain to online users or site visitors who showed interest in your brand offerings and are ready to move along your conversion funnel. Effective conversion rates in marketing campaigns result in above-average lead conversion rates and sustainable revenue.

Website Traffic

What is conversion optimization if not a growth-centric method to boost your revenue? Your business’s ROI allows you to gauge the impact of your conversion rate marketing efforts on your bottom line and re-assess your CRO marketing spending.

Exit Rate

Leads pertain to online users or site visitors who showed interest in your brand offerings and are ready to move along your conversion funnel. Effective conversion rates in marketing campaigns result in above-average lead conversion rates and sustainable revenue.

Cost Per Conversion (CPC)

What is conversion optimization if not a growth-centric method to boost your revenue? Your business’s ROI allows you to gauge the impact of your conversion rate marketing efforts on your bottom line and re-assess your CRO marketing spending.

Partner With a Trusted CRO Agency and Increase Website Conversion Rate

In this increasingly competitive online marketplace, conversion rate serves as the most important key performance indicator (KPI) for business growth. What is conversion optimization if not a way to maximize the effectiveness of your CRO website and turn more visitors into customers? If your website is struggling to convert, you are essentially losing business with each passing day.

Take a 1 percent marketing conversion rate and increase it to 3 percent and you’ve essentially tripled your leads without having to earn a single extra visitor to your site. That’s the magic of conversion rates marketing from results-driven CRO companies.

What are you waiting for? Enlist our CRO services to learn more about what is CRO and start generating more revenue!

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the most established CRO companies dedicated to helping more business owners understand conversion rate marketing and its critical role in achieving online success. Entrust your conversion rate optimization to our CRO agency and let us capture the interest of your target audience and move them along your CRO marketing sales funnel.

Marketing Conversion Rate vs. Click-Through Rate

Track Your Metrics and Create Winning Campaigns

Digital marketers use both marketing conversion rate and CTR to measure the success of their SEO and online marketing efforts. Do not confuse conversion rate with click through rate, however. These two metrics affect two different stages of your sales funnel.

Our conversion rate experts discussed what is conversion rate vs. click through rate to help optimize your website and marketing efforts for better conversions.

What Is Conversion Rate vs. Click Through Rate? 

Conversion Rate

What Is Conversion Rate?

Conversion rate pertains to the percentage of online users that complete a definite action out of the total number of site visitors. An understanding of what is a conversion rate is crucial because it directly impacts your business’s overall sales and revenue.

Earning a good conversion rate means your website CRO efforts are on the right track.

How To Calculate Conversion Rate:

To determine what is a good conversion rate, learning how to calculate conversion rate is essential. Here’s the formula on how to calculate conversion rate:

[Total Number of Completed Goals (i.e., email subscriptions, number of sales, etc.)/ Total Number of Website Visitors] x 100 = Conversion Rate

For example, if you had 100 email subscriptions from 1,000 website interactions, your conversion rate would be 10 percent.

[100/1,000] x 100 = 10%

What Is a Good Conversion Rate?

The average landing page conversion rate varies depending on factors such as your goals and niche. What is a good conversion rate? The average landing page conversion rate across the online marketplace is 2.35 percent. Meanwhile, the top 10 percent companies convert at 11.45 percent at a minimum and the top 25 percent industry players boast at least a 5.31 percent conversion rate.

Your CRO efforts must generate a 10 percent conversion rate or higher to place your website conversion rates 3X to 5X higher than the average landing page conversion rate.

Be sure to consult with the top CRO companies to find out what is a conversion rate ideal percentage for your specific industry.

Click Through Rate

What Is Click Through Rate?

CTR is considered a micro-conversion or an event that correlates with your end goals, such as purchases or signups.

What is click through rate in relation to conversion rate? A high average click through rate is a good indication that you’re doing things right. In most cases, more clicks also eventually lead to more conversions.

How To Calculate Click Through Rate:

To address the question of what is a good click through rate, you must first establish how to calculate click through rate. Conversion rate experts follow this formula on how to calculate click through rate:

[Total Clicks / Total Impressions] x 100 = Click Through Rate

For example, if your paid ads earned 150,000 impressions and 3,500 of those people clicked the ad to visit your website, your CTR is 2.3 percent.

[3,500/150,000] x 100 = 2.3%

What Is a Good Click Through Rate?

The question of what is a good click through rate is a hotly debated topic. This is because the average click through rate varies per campaign and based on factors such as target keywords, ad position, ad format, country and niche market.

As of October 2020, the average click through rate in Google Ads across all industries is 3.17 percent on Search and 0.46 percent on the Google Display Network (GDN). For the eCommerce industry, the average click through rate is 2.69 percent on Search and 0.51 percent on GDN.

Experienced CRO companies can help you identify what is click through rate ideal percentage for your niche and launch appropriate measures to achieve it.

Have more questions like what is conversion rate, what is CRO standard metric for your niche or how to increase conversion rate? Get in touch with our CRO agency and let’s discuss all your CRO questions one by one.

Why Conversion Rate
Is So Important for Online Success

Make a Remarkable Difference to Your Bottom Line

You’ve successfully gained your customers’ interest. What’s next? Convincing prospects to purchase your product or take your desired action isn’t exactly easy.

Research shows around two-thirds — or approximately 68 percent of businesses — still don’t have a structured website conversion optimization strategy in place. What’s more, Econsultancy’s annual Conversion Rate Optimization Report revealed that brands spend only $1 on website conversion rate optimization for every $92 spent on customer acquisition.

These numbers reveal a huge gap between the amount companies spend on driving traffic and the amount spent turning that traffic into website conversions.

If you don’t capitalize on website conversion optimization, you miss out on a lucrative opportunity to gather valuable data, maximize your website’s full potential and improve conversion rate.

On the other hand, investing in CRO services allows you to:

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Simply having an interactive web design and generating leads and traffic are not enough to boost your monthly sales and guarantee long-term profitability. You need a robust landing page optimization strategy to obtain your objectives and reach your maximum potential.

Conversion rate optimization services by top CRO companies include A/B testing, heat maps analysis and user behavior assessment, which allow you to understand your customer behavior and identify specific website elements you need to optimize to generate more revenue month-over-month (MoM) without overspending.

Develop a Customer-Centric Mindset

One of the keys to online success is striking a balance between pleasing online users and search engines. Statistics show about 88 percent of online users are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience – and there goes your opportunity to increase website conversion rate.

The good news is that conversion optimization services providers prioritize the user experience in website conversion rate optimization. Conversion rate experts perform CRO testing to determine existing user pain points, identify potential site issues and find the middle ground in keeping both users and search engines happy.

Improve Conversion Rates Marketing Results

Sales funnel conversion optimization requires a methodical approach to clearly identify marketing opportunities, analyze performing and non-performing metrics and generate high website conversions. Evidently, not knowing how to increase conversion rate puts you at a disadvantage.

With the right conversion optimization services, you get access to user behavior analytics tools and advanced CRO software that simplify information gathering and analysis. Using the analytics reports, you can develop an effective marketing strategy that captures your audience’s attention and moves them to the bottom of your sales funnel.

Outpace the Competition

Your online traffic means very little if your page visitors are bouncing off your page quickly. And if you have a high bounce rate, you’re not converting traffic into leads and conversions.

Conversion optimization services from a results-driven CRO agency can dramatically improve the return on your marketing investments and set your business apart from the competition. Strategic conversion funnel optimization tactics increase your revenue even with the same number of website visitors. Conversion optimization is a powerful tool that maximizes your marketing efforts and works hand-in-hand with SEO to increase your organic traffic, leads and website conversions.

Raise Your Conversion Rate and
Get Incremental Revenue Over Time

The digital marketplace is plagued with myths and misconceptions that impede the online growth of several industry leaders. Inexperienced marketers, for one, often see sales funnel conversion optimization as an additional expense instead of a smart investment that helps move their business goals.

Many brands also face multiple obstacles when it comes to conversion funnel optimization, including:

  • Highlighting unique value propositions (UVPs)
  • Managing marketing spending
  • Collecting and using actionable customer insights
  • Communicating a unique brand message
  • Adapting to changing consumer demands and online habits
  • Prioritizing the highest conversion optimization tactics
  • Keeping up with industry trends and market developments
  • Adhering to changing marketing compliance regulations

If you’ve been struggling to turn traffic into leads, our CRO agency will assess your sales funnel and your user experience to weed out problem areas and eliminate anything that might provide friction to your conversion goals.

Reach out to our CRO company and discover how to lower bounce rate and how to increase conversion rate using proven white-hat landing page optimization techniques.

Era Tech Conversion Rate Optimization Services

Communicate Your Brand Value and Build Online Trust

CRO Audit

It’s important to do a full CRO audit on your pages and use heat maps, Google Analytics and other CRO testing tools to see your website interactions and gauge if prospects are taking the right actions that you want. Our conversion rate optimization consultant conducts in-depth CRO audits and extensive conversion marketing research, covering each stage of your sales funnel, including search query intent and landing page layout and content. These practices allow us to optimize your calls to action and other site elements for better conversion.

A/B Split Testing

We believe that data-driven conversion rate digital marketing initiatives are key to executing lucrative marketing campaigns. That is why our conversion optimization agency performs various CRO testing solutions, including A/B split testing and multivariate testing, depending on your website performance and online needs. Our A/B testing services range from simply testing a different call to action to switching out different landing pages to find what works.

Google Analytics

Unlike other split testing and CRO audit tools, Google Analytics is a free service that allows businesses to gain in-depth insights into their website engagement metrics and online performance. Our CRO consultant uses Google Analytics to track your behavioral metrics (including online traffic, bounce rate, page views, and average session duration), analyze your user behavior, and generate real-time, valuable reports. We leverage Google Analytics reports to improve your CRO SEO efforts and improve your conversion rate.

Heat Maps Testing

Heat maps are useful visual representations of user engagement, interests and interactions as page visitors navigate your CRO website. We leverage heat maps testing tools to determine site elements that are getting ignored or attracting more attention and engagement than they should. Depending on the heat maps result, we make appropriate changes on your call to action button, graphics, content, site layout and other website elements to ensure your page visitors do not get distracted by unimportant page elements.

Website Design and Development

Statistics show simplifying form fields and keeping them to a minimum drives up to 120 percent more conversions. Evidently, your website design is a big part of improving conversion rates. How your landing page is structured, where your CTA button is located and where specific site elements are positioned significantly impact your efforts regarding how to lower bounce rate and increase website conversion rate. To enhance your site functionality, accessibility and usability, our CRO consultant implements web design and development best practices and prioritizes your landing page optimization.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Minimize your attrition rate and fill your website conversion funnel with integrated SEO and conversion optimization services. Our CRO consultant collaborates with other Era Tech digital marketing experts to create a solid, data-driven foundation for generating qualified leads and converting customers. We perform necessary split testing of your site elements, including CTA button, page content and keyword targeting, track user behavior analytics and prioritize creating a positive website experience for better ROI and scalability.

User Behavior Analytics

Create personalized landing pages that resonate with your customers’ marketing needs and demands and improve your conversions. We identify and analyze your user behavior, such as their click behavior and browsing and purchase activities, to determine user patterns and get more new and returning visitors to convert. More importantly, we analyze the difference between the percentage of converted and unconverted users per campaign to facilitate your strategy planning and decision-making process.

ADA Website Compliance

Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is crucial in attracting more customers and securing equal access to your website. Era Tech is one of the few CRO companies that offer comprehensive ADA compliant services. Our ADA compliance tool boasts features such as seizure-safe profile, keyboard navigation, blind users support and orientation adjustments, designed to safeguard your brand from ADA compliance lawsuits and ensure quality website experience for all page visitors. From your call to action button to your website content, we make sure everything is ADA compliant.

Content Writing

Your content needs to be persuasive and make people want to take action. But what if you don’t understand what is a call to action or how to write effective site content? Our conversion rate experts are knowledgeable in various industries and areas of conversion rate digital marketing. Whether you’re in the healthcare, pest control or manufacturing industry, our content specialists and online marketing professionals can create data-driven content that promotes better online engagement and website conversions. Schedule a consultation with our conversion optimization agency to find out how we can optimize your calls to action, service pages and other site content.

Why Choose Era Tech for Conversion Rate Optimization

Unlock Your Business Growth Using Proven Methodologies

Fully-Managed Web Services

We don’t just diagnose your conversion issues, we also implement growth-driven conversion rate optimization tactics to solve them. Our CRO agency offers a comprehensive suite of services, including local SEO, social media marketing, web hosting, email marketing and much more! Establish a relationship with our trusted digital marketing agency to promptly tackle not only your conversion optimization questions, but also any online issue you could conceivably run into.

Tailored Conversion Optimization Services

The efficacy of our conversion rate optimization solutions is proven, but we understand that no two businesses are the same. You talk, and our conversion optimization agency will listen. As with any of our services, we value your input and seek to resolve the challenges you face. We also proactively audit your site and traffic data and look for conversion marketing problems or solutions that may never have occurred to you.

Expert Insights

Many conversion optimizer tools out there run an automated CRO audit and look for conversion rate marketing red flags. Some are even reasonably decent. However, an automated CRO audit can’t tell you that an image or heading communicates the wrong message or many other subtleties that can turn a potential customer off. These are invaluable insights that we provide to our partner agencies. Need help in determining what is a call to action appropriate placement on your website? Sign up for our free consultation and let’s discuss your most pressing CRO questions.

Well-Rounded Approach

Successful conversion rate marketing campaigns do not just consist of SEO and web design solutions. Our conversion optimization agency builds a well-rounded conversion rate digital marketing strategy to maximize the use of your website and social media platforms. We leverage CRO audit reports to generate more buzz for your brand and improve the click rates of your call to action buttons. Discover what our clients have to say about the quality of our account management and conversion rate digital marketing services.

Proven Track Record of Success

Era Tech is a leading CRO agency with a growing list of awards and accolades for providing customer-centric conversion optimization and digital marketing services. We’re a conversion optimization agency that gets results – but that’s not all we are. We also teach you the nitty-gritty of the conversion optimization processes we implement to ensure we are on the same page. Need expert insights, a simple answer to, “What is a call to action?” or tips on how to increase conversion rate? Our conversion rate optimization consultant has got you covered!

Ongoing CRO Audits

An Econsultancy report revealed that businesses with high conversion rates perform 50 percent more split testing solutions than other companies. This proves that A/B split testing is not a one-time marketing effort. Trends and user behavior constantly change. To ensure you stay on top of the competition, your website and landing page design must adapt. Our CRO agency performs scheduled A/B testing and a regular CRO audit to optimize your website pages and marketing materials and generate more leads and conversions. We can also run campaign audits upon request – just let us know when you need a CRO report, and we’ll generate it and analyze the results for you.

Search Engine Optimization-SEO

Search Engine Optimization-SEO

Search Engine Optimization – SEO Company

Invest in Your Future with an SEO Company that Gets Results

An SEO Marketing Company That Gets It

Let’s face it. You know what you need but you just don’t know how to get it. Our SEO specialists hear that over and over from SEO clients who contact Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency.

You’re likely here because of one or more of the following reasons:

•  Your website isn’t being found online.

•  Your website traffic has diminished recently and you don’t know why.

•  Suddenly, your volume of incoming calls and leads has declined.

•  You’re starting a new website and want to ramp up new business quickly.

If any of these four pain points ring a bell, rest assured, you’ve come to the right SEO company. There’s a reason why Era Tech is currently serving hundreds of SEO clients and providing optimization solutions to answer Google’s ever-changing algorithm.

Our SEO Services

Increase Your Search Rankings and Get Discovered More Online

Keyword Research & Strategy

Era Tech is an SEO agency that understands your niche and can boost your ranking for specific search terms. Your dedicated SEO specialist will review the keywords your website is currently ranking for, take your keyword wishlist and conduct additional keyword research to build a list that makes the most sense for your website and the competitive landscape.

Link Building

Backlinks are a huge component of ranking higher in search results, but not just any link! That’s why you should partner with a search engine optimization company like Era Tech that has a dedicated link building team and has connections with many high-quality and relevant websites.

Technical SEO

Rankings can improve with optimizations on your website’s back-end, such as improving page speed. By fixing these errors, it makes it easier on search engines when they crawl your website. And when you make search engines happy, your rankings can make you even happier!

Local SEO

Backlinks are a huge component of ranking higher in search results, but not just any link! That’s why you should partner with a search engine optimization company like Era Tech that has a dedicated link building team and has connections with many high-quality and relevant websites.

On-Page SEO

Enhance your online visibility and earn high-quality traffic. At Era Tech, we ensure our SEO services are aligned with search engines’ best practices to boost your website’s trustworthiness. Our SEO experts publish unique, value-rich content, optimize your headlines and HTML tags and utilize high-resolution images.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page optimization is crucial in establishing brand credibility and increasing online exposure. Partner with our SEO company and let us help you demonstrate your industry expertise. We leverage social media marketing, link building, and influencer marketing to generate qualified links and positive ratings.

Amazon SEO

Differentiate your brand on Amazon and get found by millions of customers who are ready to convert. We optimize your Amazon product listings, maximize ad placements and implement goal-oriented Amazon marketing services (AMS) SEO solutions to promote your products to the right customers.

eCommerce SEO

Provide your customers with a 24/7 convenient shopping experience and increase your client retention rate. We launch targeted email marketing campaigns and optimize your site for mobile and voice search to create personalized brand experiences. We also offer Walmart Marketplace integrations to increase your sales volume.

Content Writing

We have a team of writers that produce SEO-friendly content for your website, whether that’s creating share-worthy blog posts or optimizing pre-existing service and product pages with more content. Search engines love a website that adds new content on a regular basis. Choose our SEO firm to support your content needs and bolster your search marketing.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Increase your customers’ lifetime value and grow your online revenue with Era Tech’s CRO services. Our SEO marketing company integrates pay-per-click marketing with our SEO services to maximize your conversion opportunities. We perform website analyses, landing page optimization and A/B split testing.

Franchise SEO

Supercharge your franchise marketing efforts with Era Tech’s SEO services for multiple-location businesses. We publish geo-specific content, leverage Nextdoor advertising and develop custom web designs. Era Tech is the SEO firm that'll maximize your brand impact and increase your leads and sales.

Shopify SEO

Strengthen your online store’s digital presence and expand your market reach. Our SEO experts offer 24/7 customer support for your urgent needs and concerns. We provide a Shopify SEO audit, Shopify web design, paid advertising and review response publishing services to optimize your customers’ Shopify experience.

Why Era Tech’s SEO Services Are Better Than the Rest

Our SEO Solutions Work: We’ve Proven it Over and Over Again

Experience Matters

For more than 23 years, Era Techhas helped businesses in all industries grow their online presence to drive more revenue. We have the experience and client success stories to support any size business wanting to increase online traffic and grow its leads. Many of our SEO experts have been industry leaders for more than a decade. Our team collaborates. If someone has an issue, we all jump in.

Dedicated SEO Professionals

We believe our job is to make a technical, complicated and sometimes overwhelming search engine optimization process as simple as possible for our clients. One of the many ways we accomplish this is by providing each client with a single point of contact to manage your project. You get to know your Era Tech SEO professional well and they will get to know your business and understand your unique needs.

Relationships & Results

We live by our two primary core values: Relationships and Results. We’re here for every client, that’s our pillar. We have SEO experts who specialize in helping businesses of all sizes -- from small businesses to large, national franchises -- achieve exponential growth. Our search engine optimization company believes in owning the voice of our clients and we work hard every day to prove it.

Dedicated SEO Professionals

We believe our job is to make a technical, complicated and sometimes overwhelming search engine optimization process as simple as possible for our clients. One of the many ways we accomplish this is by providing each client with a single point of contact to manage your project. You get to know your Era Tech SEO professional well and they will get to know your business and understand your unique needs.

We’re Always Getting Better

SEO is never stagnant and neither are we. SEO is always changing because of multiple Google algorithm updates each year that impact ranking factors and we are always on top of the latest news and trends. Our search engine optimization company is constantly learning new techniques and staying up-to-date to remain ahead of the curve. Rest assured, our SEO company is proactive and not reactive.

We Play Fair

We value honesty and integrity in everything we do. We always play fair, using white hat SEO to drive results without spamming or gaming the system that can lead to possible Google penalties. Simply put: We don’t have to cheat to win in SEO. As a Google Partner, we play by the rules and never jeopardize your business in any way. We never compromise our integrity.

Era Tech’s Agile SEO Methodology

Your First Step Towards Digital Success

The search landscape is constantly evolving. To rank high on search engines, you need to invest in the right SEO services tailored to your business’ needs, demands and target customers. Simply relying on old SEO tactics is not enough to maintain a robust online presence — you need to find a reliable SEO company that can take your digital marketing efforts up a notch.

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is a customer-focused SEO company. Our SEO experts work closely with our clients to develop personalized SEO strategies that drive long-term profitability. By using a proven, efficient and effective methodology, we are able to create high-quality, measurable results.

Our SEO company utilizes a methodology called “Agile SEO,” which allows us to build a robust campaign framework that provides value for your business. Era Tech’s Agile SEO approach is built around the following processes:


1. Discover

As your search engine optimization company, we take the time to understand your business needs, demands, and expectations. During the discovery phase, we set up a meeting with your key company stakeholders and conduct an initial site review. Afterward, we identify your key performance indicators (KPIs), determine your conversion path, and perform extensive keyword research. Doing so allows us to gain in-depth knowledge of your company’s processes, site purpose, and goals.

2. Analyze

The next step is analysis, which covers competitive benchmarking, in-depth site audit, site analytics review, and link risk assessment. In this stage, we collect and analyze all your business data to determine the factors that affect your digital presence. We look at your historical traffic patterns, on-site technical issues, competitor’s backlink strategies, and link-building tactics. We utilize the analytics results in formulating the best approach for your SEO.

3. Strategize

Once we’ve identified your marketing gaps and opportunities, our SEO experts will create a 60-day strategic online marketing plan (SOMP). This includes your campaign goals, expected outcomes for each marketing channel, and estimated completion time. During the first month of your campaign, our SEO company prioritizes the most critical aspects of your SEO. This is to ensure all our SEO efforts deliver immediate, targeted results.

4. Execute

In this phase, we start executing the SOMP. We optimize your web pages and blog posts with high-performing keywords, improve your site structure and manage your business listings. Our SEO company also leverages a multiple-channel strategy to improve your overall SEO results. We implement social media management campaigns and reach out to third-party websites to increase your online reach.

5. Measure

From the moment you sign up with our SEO company, we set up a tracking system that allows us to monitor your online progress and understand the impact of your SEO campaign. We monitor and analyze your analytics, keyword rankings and KPI. Our SEO experts also look at your organic traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, local visibility and click-through rates (CTRs). By monitoring your SEO efforts, we gain actionable insights and improve your optimization strategies.

6. Report

Our SEO team schedules regular consultations and monthly reports with your project managers to keep you up-to-date with your campaign progress. During our consultation, we present a comprehensive report that provides an overview of your site performance. This includes your KPI trends, overall traffic and ranking. Every month, we create a new 90-day roadmap, so you know exactly how your campaign is doing and what to expect.


7. Adjust

As part of our ongoing SEO efforts, we continuously adjust our optimization strategies based on the latest algorithm updates and market trends. Search engines are dynamically changing and industry demands are continuously evolving. As such, we take a proactive approach to ensure your website ranks high on search results. Trust our SEO team to make the necessary adjustments and keep you informed of your campaign progress at all times.

Why Search Engine Optimization is a Great Investment

We Practice What We Preach to Provide Maximum ROI

All business owners want more bang for their buck. All want better profit margins. SEO saves you money. Consider SEO as an employee: SEO never clocks out. SEO never calls in sick. SEO never takes a holiday. SEO works for you around the clock, even when you’re sleeping.

No, SEO won’t answer the phone. But it will keep the phone ringing. SEO done right will funnel customers to your website and put them in front of your products, services and brand.

We’ve spent years refining our SEO strategy. What we do not only works for

What is social media branding and why is it essential in digital marketing?

Social media brand management or social media branding is the use of combined social media brand marketing and social media promotion services that align with your brand persona to attract, engage and expand your target market.

Social media marketing and branding companies identify your unique brand voice and image to create a customized social media brand guide and launch brand strategy services tailored to each social media platform. The ultimate goal of brand marketing services is to effectively deliver and reinforce your key message and create a consistent brand experience across social media channels.

Search Engine Optimization FAQs


Search engine optimization is more commonly known as its acronym SEO. Optimization is the basis of all SEO practices. Once your brand’s presence (website, content and social media platforms) is optimized across the internet, you increase its online visibility. Your website will find its way to the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs). Your online customers will find your business much quicker too.


SEO is the practice of making changes to your online presence, particularly your website, making it more attractive to search engines like Google and Bing. Search engines crawl (or scan) your website to understand what it is about. The best SEO practices make sure it is easy for search engines to understand your website. SEO increases the quantity of organic website traffic and the quality of your site visitors at no additional cost. It doesn’t include any paid media or placement and it excludes direct traffic. With a robust SEO strategy implemented on your website, Google will identify it as an authority site and point users in your site’s direction.


It’s advisable to employ an experienced SEO agency or expert and this cost should be included in your marketing budget. The amount you should expect to pay is aligned with the scope of work needed to ensure success. A digital agency or SEO expert will charge after considering the project scope and once you have presented your predetermined expectations. The average hourly rate of employing an agency or SEO expert is approximately $150 per hour.


There are subtle differences between the various search engines. However, you can usually focus on Google in your SEO strategy, since most of your target market will make use of this leading search engine. Also, the majority of organic traffic is from Google.


There are three factors that directly impact your SEO ranking, even if you’ve only implemented a very basic search strategy on your site. The factors to be aware of are:
Page Load Time — If your website loads too slowly your visitors will bounce and likely go to a competitor’s website. Google (and all search engines) will rank your website lower because of a slow page load time. This is something to pay close attention as we draw closer to the major update confirmed by Google. The Core Web Vitals update in March 2021 will focus on three aspects that directly — and dramatically — impact user experience on your site. Page load time features in this update and is paramount to securing your ranking or reaching the top of the SERPs.
Keyword Selection — Your keywords must be carefully chosen so your website and pages are listed under the correct search terms your ideal customer is looking for.
Content Creation — If you create quality content on your website your audience will find your site quickly, and easily and will stay on your site to learn more. This increases dwell time which boosts rankings on search engines.


Blogging helps to boost your SEO strategy across your site but only if crafted with optimization in mind. Search engines are looking for the content on your website that will sufficiently answer users’ questions. So, by creating and sharing high-quality and in-depth blogs that address pertinent topics within your industry, you’re likely to be identified as an authority source of the searched topic. With on-page SEO tactics, search engines will find your blog more easily.


SEO and pay-per-click or other paid media options work together to boost your website and position your brand as an authority in your industry or niche. SEO often gives you a far better return on your investment by comparison to paid media options. That’s not to say that SEO is cheap and easy; it takes a fair amount of time and resources to get it right but it’s long-term rewards are immense and sustainable. Most times, SEO and paid advertising will work together to provide the best results.


This is entirely dependent on your goals and the search campaign tactics you employ. Most SEO experts will estimate four to six months before you begin to see results. Bear in mind this is when you begin to see the results not when you achieve your identified goals.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Drive Lucrative Results on the Right AChannels

Are your social media efforts falling short of expectations? Now more than ever, social media is a “pay-to-play” environment requiring all the resources you have: a cohesive game plan, 100 percent commitment, and a well-defined budget. On top of organic outreach, getting content in front of your target audience can be challenging without shelling out advertising money, whether for an ongoing campaign or a once-off sponsored post.

To maximize your online presence, Era Tech Agency weaves social media management services into your overall marketing strategy. The right Facebook or Instagram management service can attract, nurture and convert followers into loyal customers. The social media management campaigns our team has implemented and overseen for our small business, enterprise, or franchise clients are a testament to that.

What Is Social Media Management?

Custom Strategies That Promote Stellar Customer Engagement 

As social media evolves, market players maintain each channel’s core purpose: the trifecta of connection, communication and community. Sprout Social data showed that 57 percent of consumers will follow a brand’s social page to learn about new products or services. It’s why brands should make sure they’re posting content that satisfies connection and engages in communication while building community – instead of posting promotions for users without any thought.

Enter social media management. Sometimes called social media marketing management, it is a branch of social media marketing (SMM) that covers planning, crafting and publishing content on social platforms. It involves regular social profile audits and audience research, which are essential to rolling out relevant content.

At Era tech, we take a holistic approach to managing our clients’ social media accounts successfully. Our social media management company combines organic and paid solutions to deliver the most efficient and profitable results.

Social Media Management

Integrated Processes for Maximum Impact

Social media marketing entails more integrated processes to ensure an interconnectedness between your customer,
your content and your company. Simply sharing links to your content or web pages on your
social channels is not enough if you hope to achieve results for your social media activities.

Aside from fully understanding and learning the social media management definition by heart, you should master its major processes, too. This will assist you in better understanding how to leverage social media marketing to gain a competitive advantage and effectively bolster your entire marketing strategy.

Here’s what your social media management game plan must include:

Strategy Creation

the map or plan containing your social media goals, steps to achieve them, a corresponding timeline and metrics to track progress

The social media management definition isn't complete without a mention of strategy. It's the master plan, and it helps you visualize what business social media management looks like for you. Some major factors to consider are which platforms to capitalize on, who your audience is, what types of content to produce, what key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and which social media management software to use.

Inbound Engagement Monitoring:

the process of responding to comments, questions and interactions with all social media content and profiles and continuing conversation initiated by fans

Studies show that an average of two-thirds of consumers desire a connection with brands. It makes sense, then, to strive to facilitate two-way communication every chance you get. This is true for all of your social platforms, even when you're deploying Instagram management services or exploring TikTok management solutions using mostly video content.

Analytics Monitoring

the gathering and checking of data against metrics to ensure the accomplishment of results

Let data drive your corporate, multi-location business or franchise social media management campaigns. You can monitor important metrics on your chosen platforms, such as engagement metrics (likes, shares and comments), impressions and click-through rates (for targeted social ads).

Why Businesses Need Social Media Management

Online Solutions That Make Your Brand Stand Out

Business owners and marketers know that social media is an important part of any digital strategy. As such, social media is often tackled at the launch of a business or brand.

But when you dive into social media marketing, it immediately becomes apparent there are several elements to navigate and implement if you hope to succeed across social platforms.

Consider how social media management for small businesses alone requires you to create an overarching strategy, post and schedule high-quality content, respond to customer comments, engage with users and set up paid advertising campaigns.

It begs for its own budget, tools and even a team of strategists and specialists!

Online Solutions That Make Your Brand Stand Out

Balancing all these moving parts is what social media management is about.

For many businesses, giving up the resources required to carry out fullscope Facebook or LinkedIn management services in-house is a tall ask. The additional costs of, for instance, YouTube management or Pinterest management services are likely not even a consideration. Social media management of each of these platforms requires bandwidth many businesses simply don’t have.

Enjoying the Benefits – Minus the Burden

While it’s crucial for business owners and marketers to understand the true effort and cost involved in social media marketing, they should also be aware of the incredible benefits a well-rounded strategy can bring. If you want these benefits at a fraction of the cost, consider how a social media management agency is uniquely positioned to support you.

According to Rachel Czeszewski, Era tech’s senior social media manager (paid), when social media management is brought in-house, it rarely gets the attention it deserves and the strategic input it needs to be successful.

Why waste your chance to raise brand awareness, generate leads and garner sales by trying to do it alone and falling short?

The Smart Choice Is To Invest in a Skilled Outsourced Team 

You stand to benefit from employing an expert social team with experience and success in deploying the social campaigns and strategies your business needs.

The Smart Choice

Many professionals prefer to rely on software and tools to get the job done. However, while the best social media management tools certainly help streamline your processes, Era tech’s senior social media manager (organic), Alyssa Tear, said these don’t replace the need for an expert. Era tech provides you with an experienced social media and content marketer who can align their efforts with your holistic marketing strategy and deliver content that speaks directly to your target audience, driving reach and engagement.

As a leader among social media management companies, we exist to deliver an all-encompassing social marketing service to all types of businesses.

How the Best Social Media Marketers Achieve Their Clients’ Goals:

Your content is tailored to the needs and preferences of your target audience.

You never miss an opportunity to respond to questions or continue conversations initiated by customers or fans.

Your social media management budget is well-appropriated and prudently managed.

Your social media management service package can be divided into organic and paid social, depending on your priorities

Nuances can be applied while keeping multi-channel efforts unified.

Your Search for the Best Social Media Management
Company Ends Here

Era tech offers comprehensive Facebook and Instagram strategies as well as TikTok and YouTube management. In fact, Era tech provides a full suite of social media marketing and management services that company owners and marketers (no matter their niche) can believe in.

Furthermore, we integrate our social media follower growth tactics into your email marketing campaigns for targeted reach and engagement. We also align your social strategy with your website optimization tactics to help increase site traffic and boost your conversion rate. In this way, your social media strategy is supported by your other marketing strategies and vice versa.

Organic vs Paid Social: What’s the Difference?

Choose the Right Channels and Tactics That Work for You 

When it comes to organic and paid social, which one do you need? It’s important to know the difference, as not all your “social media management near me” agencies that show up in the search results will be proficient in both strategies. These two social marketing tactics often work together as complementary aspects in your strategy.

Here’s how you define these two distinct types of social media management tactics and how they are used in a strategy:

Choose the Right Channels and Tactics That Work for You

In addition our social media managers, Tear (organic) and Czeszewski (paid), listed some of the main purposes of social media marketing management based on type:

Organic Social

  • ZFor raising brand awareness
  • ZFor creating a community on social media
  • ZIdeal for audiences in the research phase of their buying cycle
  • ZHelps you retain and maintain a relationship with existing customers

Paid Social

  • ZFor sending users to your site
  • ZFor driving leads to landing pages
  • ZIdeal for audiences interested or deciding to purchase your product or service
  • ZComplements other paid advertising options like search engine marketing (SEM) and Amazon marketing

So, should you focus on one or the other, or do you need a mix of both? Tear said it can be a challenge to get content in front of social media users without some budget. It’s best for brands to keep in mind that while the benefits of organic social are worth the time investment, a boosting budget – no matter how small – is always helpful for kickstarting your campaign. That’s why you should partner with an agency or expert who can tackle both organic and paid social campaigns.

At Era tech, we have organic and paid social strategists so we can match clients with the best expert for their specific needs. We identify the right platform for your growth, monitor results and make changes based on the data. In the long run, partnering with us can be more efficient and effective.

Types of Social Media Management for Business Owners

Types of Social Media Management for Business Owners 

The best social media management agencies can tailor any solution to your specific niche, from organic Facebook and
Instagram marketing to YouTube and Twitter advertising. At Era Tech, knowing your industry well is part of our comprehensive research, and it helps us identify the correct social platforms for your business sector, the overarching strategy and the targeted campaigns that are right for you and align with your business goals.

There may be a universal social media management definition, but different industries adopt the components that work for them. Our social media management offering includes:

Our social media management offering includes:

In some instances, other digital marketing firms partner with us to propel their clients’ presence and engagement on the social web – they achieve this by using our white label social media management packages.

Types of Social Media Management for Business Owners

This is our unique social media management for agencies offering, which allows us to support digital marketers who are still building out their social management teams and service offering.

Social Media Platforms Era Tech Helps Manage

Reach Your Niche Market Audience With a Robust Social Presence 

Different platforms call for different measures. As an award-winning social media management firm, we take on this challenge. Our diverse portfolio allows us to serve those seeking an Instagram management agency or go toe-to-toe with YouTube management companies. But our biggest strength is in tying everything together to drive the best results

Facebook Management

Boasting over 1 billion daily active users, Facebook has sufficient reach to support social media management for everything from small business clients to large corporations. Its main appeal lies in its low-cost marketing, exact targeting and organic follower engagement. Maximize these benefits when you sign up for our Facebook management services. Our social media management company offers strategy recommendations, content development, comment monitoring for social content and paid advertising, among others.

Twitter Management

Hop into the conversations that matter to your target audience, advocate causes your company believes in and cultivate an online community on Twitter. This chatty app is conducive to expanding your outreach and establishing your brand personality. Whether it's large enterprise or small business social media management you require, our Twitter management experts aid you in devising a cohesive, channel-specific strategy.

Instagram Management

About one third of the 1 billion Instagram monthly active users have purchased a product on the visual storytelling app. Adapt social media marketing management on this platform to achieve your sales goals. You can leave the legwork to Era tech, an Instagram management agency with extensive experience in optimizing vanishing and user-generated content. We handle it all, from gallery posts and Instagram stories to interstitial ads.

LinkedIn Management

Our experts have found LinkedIn an optimal place for business-to-business (B2B) companies to compel executives and decision-makers to partner with them. At Era tech, we take advantage of its native social media management software solutions to employ lead-generating enterprise social media management. Our array of LinkedIn management services are designed to bolster your brand credibility, demonstrate your thought-leadership, edge out your rivals and gain market trust.

YouTube Management

YouTube’s commercial success is well-documented, but its emergence is tied to how it yields relevant videos to user searches. Your brand can take part in this cultural moment by embedding technical search engine optimization (SEO) best practices into your channel. Our YouTube management approach simplifies the steps for you, researching the most appropriate title tags and descriptions to go with your video uploads.

Pinterest Advertising

Improve your add-to-cart and checkout rates when you share your eCommerce catalog on Pinterest. No other social media management agencies are as committed as Era tech in strategically posting, optimizing and positioning your pins. Responding to inbound engagement like comments, questions and feedback is also a part of our social media management business strategists' day.

TikTok Management

Transitioning quickly as a rising star to a global platform, TikTok has taken social media by storm and helped level social media management for small businesses. Step up with TikTok for Business solutions that are well-designed for targeting, forging an authentic connection with and empowering the next generation. Entrust your social media content management to our specialists who understand how this massive platform works.

Era Tech’s Social Media Management Services

Trends and Tactics You Can Trust to Deliver Qualified Leads

Social Media Marketing

Social platforms let you touch base with your target audience and promote your offerings at digital speed. But there’s a right way to boost your brand visibility and achieve your business goals, and it’s called social media marketing. Our social media management services include this process, which combines market research, strategy-building, consumer engagement and campaign-based social media marketing management.

Social Media Advertising

Choose the social strategy that keeps 63 percent of consumers clicking: paid social advertising! Leverage this lucrative trend and devise the best social media management game plan with Era tech experts. We select platforms where your target audience is found and create custom-built ads that appeal to them. Ad campaigns are aligned with your budget, turning clicks into purchases and maximizing your return on ad spend (ROAS).

Social Media Brand Management

What is social media management without brand management? From Facebook management to TikTok management, Era tech plans, executes and monitors organic and paid brand campaigns on multiple platforms. Our social media management company's custom solutions enable you to establish a positive brand image, amplify your reach and ramp up sales and profits.

Social Media Follower Growth

Forrester data shows that 80 percent of customers want to interact with brands using social media. If you want to expand your market and enlarge your social following, enhance future results with our sustainable growth strategy. You can rely on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram management services for an integrated approach that spans social media invite emails and website follower growth buttons

Social Media SEO

Point visitors to your site or secure visibility for your links in social search results through proper social media optimization. With guidance from your dedicated social media manager website, links are distributed on your social profiles, increasing exposure and extending lifespan. Social media management firms can help you leverage the fact that search engines can also index your organic post if they are relevant to people’s queries.

Website Design and Development

When you send people from your social pages to your website, ensure they will find it easy to use and navigate. As we manage social media accounts, we also check if your site is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), functional and optimized based on best practices. Our web design and development team sets up a responsive and mobile-first digital home to boost conversions.

Video Production

Feature videos across your accounts to assist users in understanding your product or service. Videos are a profitable addition to your marketing arsenal, and our in-house team is here to handle full production, which other YouTube management companies tend to outsource. We have masters of the trade to conceptualize, film, edit and finalize your ad, demo, explainer, event highlights or testimonials.

Social Media Content Writing

Research suggests that over 50 percent of consumers head off to social media to research products. Capture their attention with high-value, engaging posts crafted by Era techs social media content management and creation pros. We design organic social content that attracts interest and influences decisions among your followers, while paid social content drives traffic and potential leads to your site.

Social Media Reputation Management

Build a positive brand identity by maintaining goodwill with all stakeholders, responding to reviews and growing your following on social media. Incorporated into our solutions is online reputation management (ORM), which allows you to shape public perception on social platforms. Gain confidence as we gather votes of approval from your customers – a vital component of any business social media management strategy.

What Is Social Media Management for Agencies
or White Label Social Media Management?

Create Top-Notch Content Tailored to Any Type of Follower

You’re probably familiar with most of the social media marketing services we’ve listed, but many people wonder about white label social management. Let’s define it: It is a service reserved for smaller social media management firms or social media management for agencies with limited capacity. This service allows standalone marketing companies that don’t have the social media manpower or expertise on-site to offer their clients social media management or marketing.

A digital marketing agency with a dedicated social media team can now boast social marketing competencies because they have partnered with a trusted white label social media management company. In this way, any digital agency can catapult their clients to social media supremacy.

Our unique white label service provides our partners with the following benefits:

  • Support for digital marketers who are still building out their social management teams and service offering
  • Establishment of their brand by keeping all client-facing documents and communications branded with their name
  • Ability to compete as a social media management agency instead of being just a Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube or Instagram management agency
  • Expansion of social media management business portfolio through the delivery of organic posts and targeted social ads from a capable white label social media management agency.

Why Choose Era Tech for Your Social Media Management

Invest in Flexible Social Packages Customized To Meet Your Growth Goals

More and more small-business owners are choosing to collaborate with experts, as social media management is no easy feat. It requires meticulous attention and time to master. Here at Era tech, we cater to your specifications, no matter your industry, size of business or budget.

We aim to pass on to clients the benefits of knowing the ins and outs of each process through our almost two decades’ worth of social media marketing background. Your search for “social media management near me” is over. Let our data-driven professionals manage and steer your social media accounts toward your desired results.

Below are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy:

Deliverable-Based Packages

From content and engagement to strategy and analytics, Era tech manages small- and large-scale deliverables for clients each month. Say, for instance, you enlist our Instagram management services. You can expect us to deploy a customized list of items within the project deadline. Our social media management agency does not skimp on the best social media management tools and tactics to meet, if not exceed, your expectations.

Extensive Subject Matter Expertise

Get matched with the best social media management strategists, depending on your most urgent needs. Both our paid and organic teams have precise skill sets to cover all bases, whether you want pay-per-click advertising out of our LinkedIn management services or prefer organic posting from our Pinterest management services. We tailor social media management for small businesses, Fortune 500 companies and even franchisees.

Dedicated Account Managers

Consider Era tech’s social media management firm as an extended unit of your marketing team. As a direct or white label social media management client, an account manager will be working closely with you from start to finish. Think of your AM as your go-to person from the inside, providing you with an overview or the details of your progress.

Sharp Trendspotting

Tired of how past social media management companies have brought the same underwhelming results? Resistance to shifts in social media management service packages is a no-no within our agency. We are keen to spot, predict and stay on top of the most bankable trends and the best social media management tools that go with them.

“Quality Over Quantity” Focus

As with any other digital marketing process, social media content management is dynamic and always advancing. The teams that manage social media accounts stay flexible to the changes, adapting strategies and techniques accordingly. One of the most vital pivots we’ve made is to move from increasing posting frequency to crafting valuable content instead, in all our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter management.

Semi-Monthly Reports

For the most accurate picture of your campaign status, you’re given mid-month and monthly reports. Your AM is also available to answer any questions you may have about our franchise social media management or enterprise social media management solutions. Plus, we offer you access to your real-time data through Era tech’s proprietary social media management software, also known as the online client portal.

Social Media Advertising

Social Media Advertising

Social Media Advertising

Boost Your Goal Completions With Targeted Campaigns

Experiencing a dip in organic reach, audience engagement or conversions? Tackle your social media marketing hurdles head-on and stay ahead of the curve with Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency’s growth-driven social media advertising services.

As your trusted social media advertising company, we leverage social media data to dissect your audience demographics, identify customer preferences and pain points and craft a social media advertising strategy that delivers unmatched results!

What Is Social Media Advertising?

Generate High-Converting Leads and Increase Sales Exponentially

In today’s digital age, conventional marketing methods are not enough to build a loyal and highly engaged customer base. You need to meet people where they are active and tailor your brand message to specific audience segments to reach more consumers at a low cost and generate a better return on investment (ROI).

More than any other marketing strategy, social media advertising helps maximize your brand’s visibility and provides lucrative opportunities to attract and nurture leads and transform them into paying customers.


  • What is social media advertising’s edge over other digital marketing methods? Is it worth the investment?

    Social networks advertising allows you to direct your campaigns to specific audiences by criteria, such as location, age, online behavior, interests and device use. Unlike other online marketing initiatives, you only have to pay for the number of clicks or impressions your social ads get when you’re advertising through social media. This makes social advertising a high-ROI marketing strategy.

    Have you got big goals for your company? Harness the power of paid social media to boost your digital marketing efforts and connect with customers who are ready to convert!

Advertising on Social Media: How Does It Differ
From Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is an unpaid marketing initiative. This means you don’t have to pay to promote your brand to your followers. Social media marketing encompasses optimization efforts centered on creating brand recognition, developing meaningful connections and driving engagement.

Paid social advertising, on the other hand, focuses on fine-tuning social media advertisement for better reach and higher ROI. Advertising on social media channels puts your brand in front of people who are looking for what you offer right now.

Advertising on Social Media

Social media marketing and paid social advertising, however, are not mutually exclusive. This means you can – and should – launch marketing campaigns while simultaneously advertising using social media to generate the best possible outcome.

Want to reach your intended audience with ease? Capitalize on social networks advertising and align your strategies with the behavior patterns of your ideal customers to promote your business in the most cost-effective way.

Drive Greater Results With Paid Social Media

As more people use social media to connect with businesses, the amount of competition also increases. Let our social advertising agency refine your social media ad strategy and serve social media advertising that hooks the attention of your target leads throughout your marketing funnel.

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the most established social media advertising companies, providing conversion-centric social media ad services. We help you gain complete control over your social media ad budget and audience targeting approach to maximize the impact of your paid social media campaigns.

Get in touch with our social media advertising company and discover the best social media platforms for business niches with unmet needs!

Why Your Business Needs To Use
Social Media Advertising

Maximize Your Visibility and Save Time, Effort and Money

The social media landscape is constantly evolving. Every year, new social networks advertising channels rise to prominence, and consumers’ buying behavior and expectations dramatically change. Relying on organic social media campaigns alone won’t cut it.

Paid social media advertising is one of the best ways to monetize the best social media platforms for a variety of business niches and ramp up your customer acquisition, conversion and retention rates. According to a Marketing Experiments study, using the correct targeting approach can boost your conversion rates by up to 300 percent, and paid social media advertising can help you with that.

Here are more reasons you should pay attention to your paid social media campaigns:

Increase Follower Growth Rate

Paid social advertising lets you hone in on specific audiences and reach new market segments – fast. By social media advertising, Era Tech has helped a gaming company reach a total of 290,137 people and acquire 1,600 new Facebook followers, 1,000 new Instagram followers and 155 new Twitter followers in four months!

Boost Organic Posts

Working on a limited budget? Begin advertising using social media to amplify your organic posts’ online reach. Different types of social media advertising channels provide flexible ways to turn your top-performing content into social media ads and reach people who are highly interested in what you’re offering.

Ramp Up Website Conversions

Advertising through social media doubles your conversion rates while cutting marketing costs by a third. Within six months of launching a fitness center's paid social media advertising campaign, we generated $143,319.92 website purchases conversion value at an average cost per click (CPC) of just $8.03.

Drive More Clicks and Views

Online users are more active on various types of social media advertising channels because they offer a fun and easy way to interact with their favorite brands. In fact, advertising on Facebook helped a leading advisory firm generate 41,074 clicks, while its Twitter advertising campaign drove 625,932 impressions in only 10 months of activity.

Attract Qualified Leads

Depending on your marketing intent, social ads landing pages can be optimized to drive targeted leads and remarket to those that failed to convert on-site. A cohesive social networking ads strategy allows you to personalize your offer and split campaigns by age level, occupation or gender, capturing qualified leads and pulling them into your sales funnel.

Gain Actionable Insights

Which social networks ads delivered the highest impressions? Was your social media ads landing page effective? Advertising through social media gives you access to market insights and metrics, such as clicks, visits and comments, to measure your social media advertising effectiveness and guide future campaigns.

Offer a Clear Value Proposition

How can your brand fix a customer’s specific problem? Laser-focused social media advertising for businesses allows you to showcase the unique selling points (USPs) of your priority products or services and leverage compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) to motivate consumers to take real steps towards your desired action

Generate Direct Sales

Whether you’re introducing new collections to past customers or deploying seasonal offers to motivate targeted consumers to purchase, launching time-sensitive offers is made easier and more profitable through social advertising. Paid social media campaigns are a convenient, low-cost option to influence consumers’ buying decisions and generate more sales.

Allocate Your Spending Wisely

Among the biggest advantages of social media advertising is that you can track data in real-time and set a realistic social networking ads budget for your campaign. An eCommerce store reached out to Era Tech to handle its Facebook ads management and with about $8,000 in ad spend, we produced 170K in revenue within a 28-day attribution window.

Social Media Platforms Your Business
Should Consider Using for Advertising

Ensure the Most Efficient Use of Your Resources

Era Tech Global social media statistics reveal that, on average, online users visit more than six different social media platforms per month and spend approximately 2.5 hours using social media every day. With a myriad of social media platforms for business available today, coupled with your potential customers’ limited social media use, it’s important to choose the right channel to display your social media advertisements.

Several marketers make the mistake of riding the trends without consulting with social media advertising companies or doing research. As a result, they invest in social media and advertising channels that are inappropriate for their specific niche and do not deliver profitable results.

At Era Tech, we help you determine the best social media platforms for business types in your industry to ensure the amount of new business garnered is over and above the resources poured into your social networking ads.

Social Media Platforms for Business Niches With Different Needs:

Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising or Facebook ads management leverages various social ad formats, such as image ads, video ads, poll ads and carousel ads, to generate interest in your brand offerings and move prospects along your conversion funnel. Facebook advertising companies recommend Facebook ad management to businesses looking to micro-target their exact audiences and acquire immediate results. Facebook social networks ads are typically approved within 24 hours, making it easier for you to get sales within a couple of days!

  • What Our Facebook Ads Agency Can Do for You:

Our Facebook advertising company schedules a kickoff meeting with your team to discuss your Facebook ad campaign goals and guide your Facebook advertising strategy development. Once we’ve settled your Facebook advertising needs and demands, we launch a tailored Facebook ad campaign based on your specific targeting requirements. Our Facebook ad management specialists also set up Facebook Pixel (analytics tool) on your website to easily track visitor activity upon seeing your Facebook ads.

Instagram Advertising

With approximately 1.07 billion active users worldwide, Instagram advertising comes very close to advertising on Facebook in attracting followers and increasing brand engagements. Instagram advertising offers incredible opportunities for businesses of all types and sizes to boost their audience growth through sponsored content and creative ad formats. Social media advertising agencies integrate your Instagram advertising campaign with Facebook Ads Manager to gain access to a plethora of targeting options and optimization selections that streamline ad management.

  • What Our Instagram Advertising Agency Can Do for You:

When advertising on Instagram, we utilize Instagram Insights to determine your content performance and profile activity and launch an Instagram advertising campaign that strengthens your brand value. Our social advertising agency determines your ad objective (i.e., brand awareness, app installs, store traffic, etc.), chooses your ad placement, defines your ad budget and schedule and selects the most appropriate Instagram ad format to achieve your goals.

Twitter Advertising

Are you considering advertising on Twitter to increase your site views and generate direct conversions? Many businesses, especially those in the eCommerce marketing industry, take advantage of a Twitter ad campaign to drive brand awareness and promote specific products for immediate sales. Social media advertising companies that support advertising on Twitter experiment with different Twitter ad campaign types, such as promoted tweets, promoted accounts, promoted trends and promoted moments, to obtain strong business results.

  • What Our Twitter Advertising Agency Can Do for You:

Our Twitter ad campaign managers set up your Twitter ads account, identify your Twitter advertising objective (i.e., reach, website clicks, app re-engagements, etc.), set up your ad group and bidding strategy. Our experts will narrow down your audience targeting setting, choose your ad placement and create concise, engaging copy to ensure a smooth Twitter ad campaign implementation.

LinkedIn Advertising

Advertising on LinkedIn is recommended for business-to-business (B2B) marketers looking to maximize social media advertising effectiveness in driving lead generation. If your target market is C-suite professionals and industry experts, LinkedIn advertising is the solution for you. From an expansive audience and precise market data to multiple ad formats, such as Sponsored content, text ads, Sponsored InMail and dynamic ads, advertising on LinkedIn provides a degree of targeting accuracy that even the best social media platforms for business can’t match.

  • What Our LinkedIn Ads Agency Can Do for You:

Our social media advertising agency is committed to establishing your industry expertise and achieving your LinkedIn advertising goals. To help you reach your ideal clients and move them further along the conversion funnel, we narrow your targeting through industry-specific variables, such as company name, industry or job function, craft compelling ad copy and include a clear CTA.

TikTok Advertising

TikTok has quickly blossomed into one of the most popular channels for social media advertising for businesses since its official launch in 2016. Today, numerous social media advertising agencies use TikTok advertising to build brand awareness, drive consumer advocacy and create brand authenticity. Unlike Facebook advertising management and many other types of social media advertising strategy, TikTok advertising makes it easy to create great campaigns through versatile ad formats like in-feed ads, branded hashtag challenge and brand takeover ads.

  • What Our TikTok Ads Agency Can Do for You:

Our social media advertising company provides TikTok advertising services on a case-by-case basis. We analyze your existing social media and advertising strategies and perform in-depth market research to find out where TikTok advertising fits in your marketing tactic. Our social media advertising services team also offers expert consultations to help you choose the best TikTok ad option for your brand.

Pinterest Advertising

Does advertising on Pinterest make the most sense for your brand? Begin advertising on Pinterest and harness your full-funnel marketing potential! With a growing population of 400 million monthly active users, Pinterest serves as one of the most cost-effective social media and advertising channels to display your social networks ads and increase your goal completions. Like advertising on Facebook, Pinterest advertising also follows a pay-for-placement (P4P) system. This means you pay to promote your Pinterest ads on your chosen product Pins.

  • What Our Pinterest Ads Agency Can Do for You:

To maximize your Pinterest advertising cost, we implement data-driven Pinterest advertising strategies centered on driving more traffic and sales to your website. Our social media advertising agency optimizes your ad images, uses rich Pins and refines your ad schedule to increase your conversions. We recommend advertising on Pinterest to complement your Amazon marketing efforts.

Reddit Advertising

Boasting more than 100 thousand interest-based communities, Reddit proves to be one of the most cost-effective platforms to position your brand offerings in front of targeted audience segments and influence their purchase decisions. Compared to Google and other channels, advertising on Reddit offers a much easier way to reach your ideal audience based on their unique interests and content subscriptions. Reddit advertising companies can also take advantage of the platform’s ad creation features, including enhanced system performance, bid recommendations and advanced editing functionality to boost their Reddit advertising campaign performance.

  • What Our Reddit Ads Agency Can Do for You

Advertising on Reddit has its own set of rules and it is important to understand these to avoid getting reprimanded or banned by community members. Our Reddit ads company determines your target audience’s demographics, analyzes their online behavior and identifies all the possible communities to join and target based on your niche. If you don’t have a Reddit account yet, our Reddit advertising team can handle that for you. We also determine your minimum ad spend per day and manage your ads creation to ensure hassle-free advertising on Reddit.

Era tech’s Social Media Advertising Services

Get Expert Support to Achieve Your Company’s Growth Goals

Social Media Follower Growth

Build a robust social media presence and attract high-converting social media followers! Our social and Facebook advertising company representatives capitalize on data-driven social media marketing and advertising solutions, including Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook ad management services, to help you gain customer traction and increase your social media followers across platforms. We optimize your social profile, post engaging content, create a strategic posting schedule and launch targeted social media advertisements to achieve your growth goals.

Social Media Marketing

Running ads on social media is a surefire way to acquire new customers and repeat business – but our social and Facebook ads agency doesn’t just stop there. Besides social advertising and Facebook ad management services, we also offer social media marketing solutions to support your conversion rate optimization (CRO) efforts. Our social media marketing experts conduct in-depth social media audits to develop your marketing and launch sustainable campaigns.

Social Media Management

Era Tech is more than just a social and Facebook advertising company: We serve as your social media managers. From building an effective social and Instagram advertising campaign and monitoring social media advertisement results to overseeing multiple social media accounts, our social media management firm can handle it all for you. We help you decide on the right social media platforms and marketing strategy for your business to bring in the most results and ensure your online growth.

Social Media Brand Management

Our social media advertising agency combines social media management and different types of social media advertising – such as Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and Facebook advertising services – to showcase your unique brand voice and ensure all customer touchpoints are covered. Our goal is to make your brand more inclusive and consistent across platforms. We can also connect you with our web design specialists to make your website ADA compliant and ensure all site elements align with your social branding

Social Media SEO

The benefits of social media and Facebook advertising services go beyond improving your social media presence. The right social media advertising and marketing strategy could bolster your brand exposure and drive qualified leads and traffic to your website. Our social advertising and Facebook ad agency representatives work closely with you to determine your best-performing website content, share it on your social media pages and boost its reach through laser-focused social media promotions and Facebook advertising services.

Website Design and Development

Build trust with potential clients by implementing consistent page branding on your social media pages. Our social and Facebook ad agency representatives collaborate with our web design experts to ensure your social share buttons are properly embedded on your website. We can also incorporate Facebook reviews, add social login features and embed YouTube videos on your site. Need impressive and interactive designs for your business pages and ads on social media? Contact our Facebook advertising agency and let’s talk about how we can help you.

Video Production

Incorporate video ads on your social and Facebook advertising strategy and get incredible engagement rates! Is your team lacking the skills and resources to create appealing video ads that fit the requirements of different social media advertising platforms for business? Our social media advertising and Facebook ad management services experts are here to help. We design video ads for mobile and sound-off viewing and keep your ads no longer than 15 seconds to encourage viewers to take action within the first three seconds.

Social Media Content Writing

Entrust your social media content writing to our social and Facebook advertising agency and let us help you cement your position as the go-to brand of customers. We conduct extensive market research, industry analysis and audience targeting strategy assessment to gain actionable insights and guide our content creation process. Our paid social media advertising experts also perform A/B testing before launching your social ads to ensure we develop well-optimized ad copies and landing page content that compel users to take immediate action

Social Media Reputation Management

Do your Facebook advertising strategy and social media marketing tactics involve reputation management? Stay on top of conversations about your brand and don’t let any negative content tarnish your treasured reputation. Our social and Facebook advertising agency representatives work with reputation managers to track your social media reviews, streamline your review response publishing process and leverage positive reviews on your paid social ads.

Why Choose Era tech for Your Social Media Advertising

Increase Your Leads, Signups and Sales

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the leading social media marketing and Facebook advertising companies in the United States. Throughout the years, we’ve helped hundreds of industry leaders bring outstanding business results through targeted ads on social media.

Put the power of social media advertising to work for your business by teaming up with Era Tech! Here’s what you can expect when you choose our social and Facebook ads agency:

Profitable Advertising Goals

Our social and Facebook ad agency representatives schedule an initial consultation with your team to discuss your current social advertising goals, strategies and expectations. Based on our discussion, we formulate smart, realistic advertising objectives aligned with your financial capacity and marketing requirements.

Campaign Tracking and Reporting

The biggest challenge of social media advertising is tracking performance and ensuring a high return on advertising spend (ROAS). We work diligently to accommodate all necessary tracking systems that can be implemented and optimize your social media accounts regularly to achieve the best possible results.

Transparent Data Analysis

From your initial campaign audit to your monthly campaign performance, we provide you with detailed reports to ensure you know where your investment goes. We give you access to our client portal so you can gauge your social media advertising effectiveness and track your performance anytime you need.

Expert Consultations

Do you have an in-house social media team to manage your paid social media advertising campaigns but they still need expert training? Our social media managers are here to point your social media team in the right direction. We provide consulting and training to set your team on the right track.

Diverse Advertising Strategy

We keep track of the latest industry trends and social media algorithm updates to ensure your paid social media advertising strategy delivers profitable results. More importantly, we continuously explore new advertising opportunities for your business to keep your leads and conversions flowing.

Dedicated Social Media Advertising Strategist

Era Tech comprises a team of social media advertising experts knowledgeable in running social ad campaigns on various platforms. We assign a dedicated account representative to manage your campaign and whom you can directly contact to address immediate questions or concerns you may have

Digital Marketing for Ecommerce Brands

Digital Marketing for Ecommerce Brands


test Product

Original price was: $ 100.00.Current price is: $ 10.00.

Total Marketing spending below $20,000/mth.

test Product

Original price was: $ 100.00.Current price is: $ 10.00.

Total Marketing Spending below $35,000/mth.

test Product

Original price was: $ 100.00.Current price is: $ 10.00.

Total Marketing spending below $80,000/mth.

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Shopping
  • Product Feed Optimization
  • Delivery Time
  • }
  • }
  • }

test Product

Original price was: $ 100.00.Current price is: $ 10.00.

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Shopping
  • Product Feed Optimization

test Product

Original price was: $ 100.00.Current price is: $ 10.00.

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Shopping
  • Product Feed Optimization

test Product

Original price was: $ 100.00.Current price is: $ 10.00.

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Shopping
  • Product Feed Optimization

Digital Marketing Strategy Development

Digital Marketing Strategy Development

Digital Marketing Strategy Development

Build a Clear Roadmap to Online Growth

You Know What You Want,
But You’re Not Sure How to Get There

We Ensure You Don’t Take the Wrong Turn En Route to Success Store 

A recent report revealed that nearly 50 percent of businesses don’t have a clearly defined online marketing strategy to steer their digital marketing efforts. This means many market leaders are investing their time, money, and resources in paid digital marketing services without a well-planned approach for goal setting and achievement, task prioritization, marketing direction and budget and resource allocation.

Digital Marketing Strategy Development

Where are you now? Where do you want to be? What is the best approach to achieve your business goals? Where does your digital marketing budget go? Our digital strategy company addresses these questions to help you generate lucrative online marketing ideas and get you to your desired destination.

Let us assist you in building a robust digital marketing strategy framework for your brand. Get your digital marketing campaign moving with Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency’s marketing strategy services.

Why You Need to Start With Strategy

Uncover Market Opportunities and Increase Your Revenue

Marketing your brand without an internet marketing strategy or using an inappropriate online marketing plan is a surefire way to lose money, waste time and get nowhere.

In today’s digital world, growing a business comes with many challenges and opportunities that demand different web marketing strategies and solutions. A digital marketing strategy that has worked for a specific audience segment may not be the best approach for another. Likewise, internet marketing strategies that yielded positive results a year ago may not generate the same results today.

All too often, outdated and unfocused online marketing strategies turn profitable businesses into an also-ran. Does your brand have a clear-cut digital marketing strategy? Don’t miss out on opportunities to boost your digital performance. Now’s the time to invest in marketing strategy services and take your digital success to the next level.

A Concrete Digital Marketing Strategy Allows You To:

  • Determine marketing gaps
  • Expand your reach
  • Improve audience targeting
  • Save time, money and resources
  • Generate better, faster revenue
  • Increase traffic, leads and conversions
  • Discover more opportunities to build brand awareness
  • Take appropriate actions
  • Measure campaign performance and brand success
  • Build a brand reputation
  • Scale business
  • Compete with industry giants
  • Accomplish business goals
  • Manage your financial resources

Without A Well-Defined Online Marketing Strategy, You Fail To:

  • Define clear goals
  • Identify and fix digital marketing mistakes
  • Grow your sales pipeline
  • Leverage available marketing channels
  • Outperform your competitors
  • Allocate and spend your digital marketing budget wisely
  • Build your customer base
  • Establish brand confidence
  • Deliver sales leads
  • Increase traffic flows and conversions
  • Grow your industry expertise
  • Provide an excellent customer service
  • Engage with prospects across platforms
  • Take advantage of marketing trends and sales opportunities

Jumping straight into execution without a well-structured internet marketing strategy is one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make in running your business.

Eliminate the frustration and confusion in optimizing your web processes and overall performance. Partner with our marketing strategy company and take advantage of our custom digital strategy services.

You Will Run Into Obstacles Along the Way,
But We Guide You to a Clear Path

Define Your Long-term Goals and Achieve Them

Digital marketing strategy development is the process of creating roadmaps and action plans that guide business owners and marketers in achieving their brand objectives. To secure a competitive position in the online marketplace, every industry leader must have a definitive internet marketing plan to carry on operations and hit business goals.

Many marketers, however, get right into search engine marketing (SEM) without a concrete marketing strategy plan. This is a bad move, as the adage goes: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Without a digital marketing plan, your search engine optimization (SEO) and other digital marketing efforts will struggle to get off the ground, and you won’t see the return on investment (ROI) you’re hoping for

Accelerate Your Online Growth With an Effective Internet Marketing Strategy

 Online Growth

Digital marketing ideas won’t deliver profitable results if they are unstructured and without basis. To create and execute effective web marketing strategies, you must collect valuable business data and transform your overall marketing approach.

Don’t have the knowledge, resources and skills to create a digital marketing strategy framework? Our marketing strategy agency provides digital strategy services that address your goals and marketing concerns. We recommend focused

online marketing strategies that boost brand performance and turn marketing gaps into sales opportunities.

Discover how our digital strategy company can help you better understand your web optimization needs, technical processes and organic traffic growth. Get in touch with a marketing strategy consultant and let us create an online marketing plan that suits your brand and drives real results.

Era Tech’s Strategy Approach

Visualize a Clear Marketing Direction

Era Tech’s internet marketing consultant services are designed to help you get from your existing market position (point A) to a competitive industry standing (point B).

Where does your business stand in the sales-marketing spectrum? What’s your current marketing approach? Does it get you to your desired destination? Our digital marketing strategy consultants conduct research and analysis to understand your market challenges and craft data-driven recommendations to accomplish your goals.

A good marketing strategy starts with a clearly defined objective. Goal setting allows you to measure success, gain a deeper understanding of the consequences of your decisions and reassess your priorities.

Our internet marketing strategy company helps you determine your primary objectives to set your marketing efforts in the right direction.

Have you rolled out your web marketing campaigns but are still not seeing results? We can help you identify strategic marketing plans to ensure your efforts generate profitable outcomes.

Does your business have a limited digital marketing budget? At Era Tech, we help you set realistic goals and create an online marketing strategy that fits your financial capacity and marketing capabilities.

Get in touch with our digital strategy company and let’s talk about how to best achieve your marketing objectives, depending on your unique situation.Get in touch with our digital strategy company and let’s talk about how to best achieve your marketing objectives, depending on your unique situation.

Our Marketing Strategy Agency
Considers Your Unique Industry

Choose a Reliable Firm That Maps Out Every Step

Given the plethora of marketing strategy agencies that offer website audit services, online marketing, and social media strategy solutions, it can be challenging to find the right agency that fits your business. In some cases, you might fall into the trap of an internet marketing and content strategy agency that over-promises but under-delivers.

Need a second opinion on your enterprise marketing strategy? Searching for another social media strategy agency to handle your digital marketing planning? Looking to grow or pitch for investors?

Six top considerations when choosing a digital strategy partner:

Web Audit Practices

A reputable marketing strategy company runs a complete digital marketing audit, provides transparent site audit results and clarifies website issues and technical processes. Additionally, a reliable digital strategy firm uses advanced SEO audit tools to ensure all campaign details and recommendations are accurate. At Era Tech, we explain technical jargon and drill down your website audit report so you have a clear understanding of where your money goes and what’s happening in your campaign.

eCommerce Marketing Strategy

Many marketers have entered the eCommerce marketplace, but only a few truly understand its demands, limitations and potential. If you’re building your eCommerce strategy or still solidifying your social media marketing plan for your online store, it’s imperative that you choose a digital marketing strategy agency with years of experience in eCommerce optimization. Our marketing strategy company has more than 15 years of experience in various areas of eCommerce marketing strategy development, including eCommerce PPC, eCommerce SEO and eCommerce web design.

Online Marketplace Advertising Plan

Are you a third-party retailer on Amazon, Target Plus or Walmart Marketplace? To improve your profitability and ensure your Amazon marketing strategy adheres to marketplace standards, be sure to consult with a digital strategy firm that is well-versed in the demands and restrictions of various online marketplace platforms. More importantly, partner with a digital marketing agency with proven expertise and experience in developing and executing Amazon PPC strategy, Amazon branding strategy and online marketplace advertising plans.

Marketing Flexibility

Do you cater to other businesses, investors, decision-makers or consumers? A trustworthy digital strategy consultant formulates a social media marketing business plan and digital marketing techniques that adapt to client demands and changing market conditions. Whether you need help developing a B2B social media strategy, B2C social media strategy or other digital marketing strategies, our internet marketing strategy consultants can assist you.

Advertising Strategy

Promoting your products and services online requires cutting-edge organic and paid search strategies to rise above the din and attract customer attention. However, only a few marketing strategy agencies can effectively produce and implement both Google AdWords strategy and organic digital marketing techniques. Era Tech comprises a team of industry specialists knowledgeable in various online advertising solutions, including Facebook ads strategy, social media content strategy and SEM strategy creation.

SEO Website Strategy

A dependable internet strategy consultant examines all aspects of your web design and SEO performance to determine all factors that affect your website accessibility and hinder your online growth. Beware of a digital strategy agency that delves right into search optimization without discussing your responsive web design issues. At Era Tech, our SEO website strategy recommendations also tackle the important tasks of fixing website problems and preventing them.

If you’re not seeing returns with your current online marketing and social media strategy agency, it’s high time that you rethink your decisions and partner with a reputable digital strategy company that understands your needs and delivers your expectations.

Let us show you how to develop a unified social media marketing strategy and web marketing plan that convert leads into sales.

What’s Included in Your Marketing Strategy? 

Get a Comprehensive Package of Resources

Once you partner with us, we provide you with a complete marketing strategy plan that maps out a clear path to your goal, executive summary and video for your team to review

Section 1: Scorecard Results and Recommendation

  • Custom “Marketing Scorecard” with detailed explanation
  • Top business goals and supporting 2nd-tier goals

Section 2: Solutions and Plan

  • Recommended solutions
  • The plan on how to accomplish the solutions
  • What phases we recommend, in which order

Section 3: Worksheet and Investment

  • A clear worksheet on your recommended marketing strategy and how performance in each channel contributes to achieving your goal
  • One-page snapshot
  • Investment to accomplish the plan

A Digital Strategy Firm That Delivers

Strengthen Your Brand and Gain a Competitive Edge

Need help with your corporate marketing strategy? Whether you own a startup, enterprise or multiple-location business, a Era Tech digital strategy consultant can develop the right internet marketing strategies for your specific needs and demands.

To give you a clear picture of how our internet marketing consultant services can improve your existing metrics and overall market standing, here’s an overview of what we’ve accomplished over the last year for a multi-location property restoration company:

6 Key Areas of Focus for Digital Marketing Strategy Development

To ensure we outline a digital marketing plan tailored to your brand, we ask you to accomplish a self-assessment questionnaire based on six core areas:


Brand and Business

Evaluates the level of your digital presence, including competitive position, online reputation and customer relationship management (CRM)


Content and Engagement

Assesses your brand engagement, social media marketing strategy, email marketing strategy and content strategy SEO performance, etc.


Internal Team or Partners

Determines your capacity to generate online marketing ideas and perform necessary web optimization processes.


Technology and Software Integration

Evaluates the level of your digital presence, including competitive position, online reputation and customer relationship management (CRM)


Lead Sources

Determines your key traffic sources and the availability of essential marketing channels


Success Measurement

Evaluates the level of your digital presence, including competitive position, online reputation and customer relationship management (CRM)

Era Tech’s Growth Formula Delivers
the Most Effective Results

Drive Gains at Both Ends of Your Sales Funnel

At Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency, we are committed to relationships and results. As your digital marketing partner, we show you how a well-thought-out marketing strategy plan can improve your bottom line and boost your entrepreneurial confidence.

Our digital strategy agency developed a growth formula to ensure our combined digital marketing ideas do not just attract leads but also turn customers into brand advocates:


The first and most significant part of the growth formula is the marketing strategy development.

Why do we start with strategy? At Era Tech, we believe that a strong business relationship begins with knowing our clients’ goals and identifying marketing gaps and existing digital performance. To support your digital transformation, goal achievement and online growth, creating a digital marketing plan tailored to your unique needs and capacity is necessary.

At Era Tech, we determine your goal from the get-go and identify your target audience to create all-inclusive web marketing strategies that capture every stage of your sales funnel and address your marketing challenges:


Attracting your ideal client segments is the initial goal of the development of a digital marketing strategy.

Our internet marketing strategy consultants layout your customer journey map and determine the necessary channels and approaches to lure prospects towards your brand.

This part includes:
  • SEO audit service
  • Social media marketing
  • SEO content marketing
  • Pay-per-click advertising


Once you capture your target audience's interest, the next step is to re-engage your followers and convert site visitors into leads.

Our digital marketing strategy agency enumerates the online marketing components and step-by-step processes you need to prioritize to improve your lead conversion rate.

This part includes:
  • Landing pages
  • Calls-to-action (CTAs)
  • Customer-centric
    content marketing


The closing stage is where qualified leads are transformed into paying customers.

To close your sales-qualified leads (SQLs), we devise an internet marketing plan, which includes actionable insights and digital marketing techniques that highlight your unique value proposition (UVP) and move prospects to the bottom of your sales funnel.

This part includes:
  • Lead nurturing
  • Email marketing
  • Social media monitoring
  • Marketing automation


Digital marketing revolves around providing outstanding brand solutions and continuously engaging your customers.

To help you retain loyal clients and turn them into brand advocates, we create long-term online marketing strategies focused on providing personalized customer experiences.

This part includes:
  • SEO
  • Social media monitoring
  • Reputation management
  • Email marketing

The goal is to increase your month-over-month (MoM) growth rates and launch successful internet marketing strategies that build communities of brand advocates and promoters. As a digital strategy firm, we make this possible by taking a careful approach to online marketing strategy planning.

We Help You Decide Which Approach Is Right for You

We Zero In on the Digital Marketing Services That Fit Your Business

Which marketing approach is best for your company? At Era Tech, we provide a unified digital marketing strategy plan that addresses your primary goal. These are some of the components that may be included in your online marketing strategy, depending on your marketing needs, budget and capacity:

Website Audit Services

Site audit is a critical part of SEO marketing strategies and other digital strategy services. Our digital strategy company performs an in-depth web audit to determine your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). This involves market gap analysis, website SEO analysis, site security audit, competitor website audit and penalty and recovery site audit. Our website audit experts also look into other aspects, including duplicate content, negative SEO practices and backlink profile. These website audit services are designed to identify issues and fixes that can significantly move the needle towards your desired business outcomes.

SEO Strategy

Build better customer relationships and establish your thought-leadership brand with Era Tech’s complete SEO strategy and SEO audit services. Our SEO audit agency runs an extensive SEO site audit to determine the on-page and off-page SEO strategies you need to prioritize. We also measure and track your SEO and content strategy success. Using the SEO website audit results, our SEO audit experts formulate an SEO strategy that lays out how to increase your search volume, leads, traffic and conversions over time. Our SEO audit agency follows Google standards and SEO marketing strategy development best practices for greater searchability and visibility

SEO Keyword Strategy

Connect your brand with your target audience and amplify your market reach with an effective SEO keyword strategy. Our SEO website audit and strategy experts leverage advanced SEO audit and keyword research tools to determine top-performing, brand-related keywords, categorize search phrases based on user intent and cut down your keyword list. We understand that keyword research impacts not only your SEO content strategy but also other aspects of your web optimization efforts. As such, we ensure our SEO keyword strategy is backed by research and credible SEO site audit results.

SEO Content Strategy

Era Tech’s SEO website strategy team determines your target audience, their pain points and needs, subject matter expertise and reading preferences before outlining a content strategy SEO plan. Our SEO content strategy professionals also audit SEO site content and leverage data from your website SEO analysis to find unique content angles, provide suitable SEO and content strategy and develop a list of potential blog topics. From creating compelling content and scheduling blog posts to developing page authority and performing a content SEO audit, our SEO and content strategy agency can get the job done for you.

PPC Strategy

Whether you need support with your Google AdWords strategy, Facebook ads strategy or PPC audit, our pad search strategy agency is here for you. Over the years, we’ve assisted hundreds of businesses in structuring their PPC strategy, and our efforts to create an effective Google AdWords strategy resulted in increased brand awareness, leads and repeat sales. We’ve also had many clients who entrusted us with their monthly PPC audit, paid search strategy development and Facebook ads strategy implementation. Call us now and let us help you define your PPC strategy goals and budget, analyze the competition and create an AdWords strategy that supports immediate online sales.

SEM Strategy

Need help with your PPC audit and SEO marketing strategies? Our PPC and SEO audit agency develops an SEM strategy that fits your digital marketing budget and improves your marketing effectiveness. We provide SEO audit service, perform keyword research analysis, audit SEO and PPC campaign metrics and evaluate your existing SEM strategy. These practices allow us to create an integrated PPC and SEO marketing strategy that increases your brand recognition, narrows your audience targeting and delivers measurable growth. Schedule a consultation with an internet strategy consultant to learn more about our SEM strategy services.

Amazon Marketing Strategy

Build and implement a functional Amazon marketing strategy and dominate the Amazon marketplace. A Era Tech internet strategy consultant creates your Amazon branding strategy and Amazon advertising strategy so you can focus on your core business. We develop an Amazon PPC strategy that taps into your target audience segments and caters to customer interest and behavior. Our Amazon advertising strategy firm also presents data-driven Amazon branding strategy recommendations to improve your storefront, optimize product pages and drive sales, regardless of seasonality.

Social Media Strategy Services

Leverage the right platforms and position your brand in front of a broader audience scope with Era Tech’s business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) social media marketing business plan. Our social media strategy agency evaluates your existing social media marketing plan, performs competitor benchmarking, determines your buyer persona and identifies social media channels relevant to your brand. Our social media strategy planning experts also establish social media marketing strategy guidelines to ensure your cross-channel campaigns do not exceed your social media strategy budget.

Link Building Strategy

Does your current SEO link strategy boost your site authority and web traffic? At Era Tech, we perform a comprehensive SEO website audit, determine white-hat link building strategies and audit SEO keyword research strategy to ensure our link building strategy recommendations adhere to Google standards and generate high-authority backlinks. We also analyze your competitors’ link building strategies to generate winning online marketing ideas that open greater revenue opportunities. Contact our SEO link strategy agency and let’s discuss your link building strategy options.

Reputation Management Strategy

Tried several reputation management strategies but still stuck with a negative brand image? Rebuild your business confidence and regain consumer trust with reputation management strategies that repair and protect your branding. Our reputation management strategy company sets your goals, defines boundaries and limitations, tracks brand mentions across online channels and evaluates your existing digital presence to establish company-wide guidelines on dealing with your online reputation. We also leverage our reputation management software to streamline the implementation and monitoring of your reputation management strategies.

eCommerce Marketing Plan

Take advantage of our eCommerce marketing strategy services and gain access to a wide range of eCommerce strategy solutions, including Shopify marketing strategy, Walmart Marketplace strategy, Target Plus Marketplace strategy and Amazon PPC strategy. As your dedicated eCommerce strategy team, we conduct an initial SEO site audit, review your product pages and determine market expansion and sales growth opportunities. Our eCommerce marketing strategy experts also explore other options, such as email marketing strategy, paid search strategy and social media content strategy to promote your products and reach new customers.

Franchise Marketing Strategy

Need a unified enterprise SEO strategy and franchise marketing plan for your multiple-location business? Our enterprise marketing strategy agency determines your brand identity and creates franchise marketing strategy guidelines to ensure brand consistency across your service locations. To create an effective corporate marketing plan that boosts audience engagement, we also leverage SEO audit services, source location-specific keywords and provide blog topic recommendations. Whether you need help with enterprise marketing strategy development or enterprise SEO strategy implementation, our digital strategy agency has got you covered.

Era Tech’s Marketing Strategy Process

A Healthy Money Tree Needs Nurturing From the Roots to the Branches

As your dedicated marketing strategy consultant, we treat our partnership as if we are nurturing a money tree. Our digital marketing strategy agency prioritizes your needs and preferences in creating a data-driven digital marketing strategy to produce more fruit in the long run.

To strengthen your money tree, our internet marketing plan comprises three critical stages:


Information Gathering, Assessments and Interviews
Our marketing strategy agency performs website SEO analysis and in-depth campaign evaluation to determine your key traffic sources and other technical SEO factors affecting the health and stability of your business’s digital presence, including:

  • Site speed
  • Server settings
  • Google Business Profile or Google My Business (GMB) listings
  • 404 error pages
  • Backlink profile and spam score
  • Trust signals

This phase is essential to identify the proper metrics related to your top-level goals and KPIs, verify if tracking tools are set up properly and ensure all ad accounts are linked into Google reporting.

Root Fixes
Runk Growth


Analysis and Recommendations
The second phase of the online marketing plan involves analyzing the key metrics from Phase 1 and determining the best approach to optimize your:

  • Site architecture
  • Content strategy SEO
  • Calls-to-action (CTAs)
  • SEO keyword strategy
  • Social profiles
  • Landing pages
  • Email marketing performance

The goal is to develop digital marketing strategies that address your buyer persona, provide the best possible user experience (UX), boost your organic traffic growth and produce the highest ROI.


Presentation of the Strategy
Finally, to improve the shape and quality of the fruit, the third phase of the internet marketing strategy focuses on maximizing results from your:

  • SEO strategies
  • AdWords strategy
  • Organic social media strategy planning
  • Reputation management strategy
  • SEO link strategy

We leverage the data from the previous phases to design and present a holistic digital marketing business plan that drives success.

Branch Care

In today’s digital world, many business leaders are still puzzled on how to optimize their online presence and which digital marketing strategy best suits their brand. At Era Tech, we make it easier for you to measure which strategy works and refine your approach.

Let us help you grow a healthy money tree. Contact us today to discuss each component of your marketing strategy plan.

Why Choose Era Tech for Your
Digital Marketing Business Plan

Leverage Our Industry Expertise and Knowledge

The development of a digital marketing strategy is a crucial process. It requires rigorous qualitative and quantitative research and analysis to determine the appropriate approach to reach your goals and get your brand where you want to be.

Let us help you identify the necessary steps to achieve business success. Here’s what you can expect when you partner with our digital strategy agency:

Multidisciplinary Team

Our digital strategy firm comprises a team of digital marketing consultants with vast experience and expertise in various areas of strategy development, including B2B social media strategy, AdWords strategy, Amazon advertising strategy, Shopify marketing strategy and SEO audit service. We invest in training and seminars to ensure we stay on top of industry developments and generate innovative digital marketing ideas and SEO strategies.

No Commitment Necessary

With our digital marketing strategy agency, you don’t have to commit to our digital strategy services. You have the option to take our social media marketing plan and corporate marketing strategy and implement them yourself, work with another marketing strategy company or come back to us and allow our digital strategy consultant to execute the online marketing and social media marketing plan.

Established Reputation

At Era Tech, we don’t simply run a digital marketing audit and leave you wondering what to do next. Our internet strategy consultant performs a thorough web audit, analyzes the audit results, identifies issues, provides growth projections and formulates strategic action plans to guide your digital marketing process. Over the years, we’ve helped numerous agencies with their eCommerce marketing plan, link building strategies, social media strategy services and other marketing strategies – we can do the same for you.

Unified Plan Across Delivery Teams

From your B2B social media strategy and Shopify marketing strategy to your corporate marketing plan, all these digital marketing strategies should be centered on your primary goal(s) to create a unified marketing strategy plan. Our digital strategy consultant determines your brand objectives and works closely with each delivery team to ensure all social media strategy planning and internet marketing strategy development align with your branding and are focused on hitting your goals.

Custom Marketing Strategy Packages

Our marketing and content strategy agency offers custom marketing strategy development packages based on your digital marketing budget, business objectives, total annual revenue and number of service locations. Get in touch with our marketing strategy consultant to find out more about the package inclusions and pricing options of our online marketing and social media strategy services.

Holistic Strategy Approach

We believe that a well-structured digital marketing plan is what sets a Era Tech company apart from the competition. As such, we ensure all areas of your brand marketing are addressed. Depending on the results of your site audit and your marketing needs, your marketing mix may include social media content strategy, eCommerce marketing plan or SEO audit services. We also offer small and medium-sized business (SMB) and enterprise SEO strategy and a corporate marketing plan to capture all market segments.

eCommerce Marketing

eCommerce Marketing

eCommerce Marketing

Convert Shoppers into Paying Customers and Achieve Profitable, Long-Term Growth

From startups to large corporations, eCommerce marketing offers flexible solutions for both business owners and customers. Turn your traditional brick-and-mortar store into a 24/7 innovative online business with Era Tech’s eCommerce marketing services..

Increasing eCommerce Marketing Challenges Temper Growth Opportunities

eCommerce online marketing is growing at an unprecedented rate. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning technologies, online sellers deal with increased demand for improved customer experience.

Consumers want immediate personal service. Not only do they expect a seamless post-purchase experience, but they also want a personalized brand encounter throughout their online buying journey. As such, eCommerce digital marketing strategies built around large subsets of data must shift toward more specific audience segments.

According to research from Boston Consulting Group (BCG), personalized online campaigns can lift sales by as much as 10 percent. However, only 15 percent of companies utilize eCommerce content marketing to its fullest extent. By optimizing your product pages and leveraging behavioral data, you can create a personalized user experience on your eCommerce site.

Another challenge that online sellers face is the lack of understanding of how search algorithms work. eCommerce companies depend on search engines for traffic. Without a solid eCommerce marketing strategy in place, your online store will be buried at the bottom of the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Rank high on search results and deliver a more enjoyable customer experience with the help of Era Tech agency!

Create a Winning eCommerce Marketing Campaign and Turn First-Time Buyers into Repeat Customers

Online sellers who fail to promote and animate their products on their eCommerce site generate a low conversion rate. Double down on your user experience and create a customer-centric eCommerce marketing strategy.
Era Tech agency is a venerable eCommerce marketing agency in the United States. We provide eCommerce website marketing solutions aimed at helping businesses supercharge their online campaigns and entice more customers. Partner with us and let us help you bring in more revenue to your online store.

eCommerce Marketing for Businesses

Zoom Past the Competition through eCommerce Online Marketing

Attracting the right customers, nurturing your ideal prospects and generating targeted traffic — these are just some of the challenges that business owners face in eCommerce marketing. As an established eCommerce marketing agency, we understand the complexity and demands of the online business landscape. That is why we provide eCommerce solutions tailored to your needs and requirements.

Era Tech implements cross-channel digital marketing strategies to help our business partners achieve their marketing goals. Using proven optimization methods, we’ve helped our eCommerce clients achieve the following results:

  • Search Campaigns: +449%
  • Google Shopping Conversions: +72%
  • Click-Through Rates (CTRs): +138%
  • Average Position: +76%
  • Website Traffic: +70%
  • Year-over-Year (YoY) Transactions: +81%
  • Organic Revenue: +130%

Since 2000, we’ve helped hundreds of businesses grow their revenue through targeted marketing services. “Unlike some other agencies, Era Tech specialists have always been actively engaged and there is never radio silence from them.” said Erica C, an eCommerce business executive. “Era Tech agency has been a very important part of our success. They’re going to be a very important part of your team and definitely a long-term partner. I highly recommend Era Tech.” From building your brand affinity to maximizing your sales, Era Tech agency can help you. Entrust your marketing for eCommerce campaign with us and achieve a real return on investment (ROI).

eCommerce Marketing Services

Increase Customer Loyalty and Improve Your Conversion Rate 

  • eCommerce SEO 

Enhance your search visibility and build your thought leadership brand. Era Tech’s eCommerce search engine optimization (SEO) solutions aim to help your brand punch above its weight and surpass the competition. Our SEO services include keyword research, local SEO, technical optimization, email marketing automation and Google Analytics review 

ECommerce SEO
ECommerce Content Marketing
  • eCommerce Content Marketing 

Improve your brand engagement and rank better on search results. Era Tech agency strategies focus on building brand awareness and promoting your products more effectively. We create blog posts, product descriptions, social media content and downloadable product guides. 

  • eCommerce PPC Management 

Connect your online store with the right customers at the right time using the right platform. Era Tech agency performs advertising analyses to help you acquire qualified traffic from high-intent buyers. We offer landing page conversion, paid advertising, eCommerce remarketing and ad A/B split testing 

eCommerce Web Design
  • eCommerce Web Design 

Era Tech agency website marketing specialists highlight your unique value proposition, simplify navigations and eliminate unnecessary form fields on your site. We find the right balance between text and visuals. In this way, we ensure your eCommerce website provides the best possible user experience. 

  • Shopify SEO 

At Era Tech agency, we take a 360-degree approach to Shopify search optimization. Our SEO specialists conduct Shopify SEO audits, keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization and backlink analyses. Doing so allows us to implement data-driven SEO strategies and capture your target leads and sales. 

Shopify SEO
Shopify Web Design
  • Shopify Web Design 

Leverage Shopify’s full cloud-based eCommerce platform and customizable themes to showcase your brand’s unique selling proposition (USP). During our initial consultation, Era Tech agency web designers determine your goals, unique branding and marketing objectives. These practices enable us to lay out unique, clear design ideas for your online store. 

  • Social Media Marketing 

ReadyEra Tech managers work closely with our digital marketing specialists to deliver results-driven eCommerce marketing services. We implement both organic and paid social media marketing strategies to boost your competitive edge. Era Tech team optimizes your social media posts, provides review responses, interacts with your followers and shares valuable content. 

Amazon Marketing
  • Amazon Marketing 

Create a profitable Amazon marketing strategy with the help of Era Tech agency. We optimize your Amazon product pages, implement targeted eCommerce content marketing strategies and promote your products through Amazon Marketing Services (AMS). Let us help you improve your marketing strategies and build consumer trust. 

  • Walmart Marketplace Integration 

Protect your brand presence and launch new products on Walmart Marketplace. We customize your Partner Profile, build your product catalog and capitalize on sponsored products and native banner ads. In this way, we maximize your ad spend and increase your conversions. 

Walmart Marketplace Integration

Why eCommerce Marketing is Essential for Your Business

Build Brand Awareness and Drive Qualified Traffic to Your Online Store 

eCommerce is here to stay. Leverage online platforms to your advantage and beat the competition by delivering omnichannel customer experience. Era Tech agency creates a dynamic and customer-focused eCommerce website marketing strategy to ensure your success.
Through eCommerce digital marketing, you can:

Centralize Your Business Operations

Research eCommerce online marketing allows you to create an organized system of siloed channels. Utilize data tracking tools to monitor your leads and brand interactions, get access to multi-channel product listings, reach customers from across online platforms and optimize your management operations.

Strengthen Your Online Foundation

Position your brand in front of interested buyers and generate repeat customers. eCommerce marketing covers a variety of web solutions, including SEO, social media brand management and conversion rate optimization (CRO). When executed properly, these solutions can boost your online reputation and increase your reach.

Reduce Abandoned Carts and Drive More Sales

According to the Baymard Institute, an estimated 69.23 percent of shopping carts are abandoned during the checkout process. Through integrated email marketing and eCommerce optimization services, you can convince online shoppers to make a return visit and complete their original purchase.

Increase Your Customer Base

Reach out to a broader audience scope and expand your business. eCommerce marketing offers numerous opportunities to connect with millions of prospects across the globe and build your site leads. More importantly, your eCommerce site allows you to scale your business without having to change your location or move to larger premises.

Boost Your Business Efficiency

With the help of a trusted marketing for eCommerce company, you can successfully scale your business, increase your product ranges and eliminate redundant tasks. eCommerce digital marketing allows you to implement data-driven strategies that align with your marketing goals.

Eliminate Wasteful Spending

eCommerce online marketing is a cost-effective solution in achieving your business objectives. Get detailed insights, monitor your budget and optimize your spending for your eCommerce marketing strategy. With at least 10 percent of your annual revenue allotted for online marketing, you can gain targeted results while keeping your budget in check.

Email Marketing Services

Email Marketing Services

Email Marketing Services

Reach Your Target Audience Directly With the Right Content

Approximately 3.9 billion people worldwide use email every day for communication, and no other platform comes close to having this number of daily active users. Are you leveraging the potential of email marketing in your business strategy?

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect your brand with the right customers at the right moment and increase your sales. Enlist Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency’s goal-driven email marketing services and let us set up an email campaign that fits your business objectives perfectly.

What Is Email Marketing?

Build a Loyal Community Around Your Brand

What is email marketing? Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy used by thousands of businesses worldwide to create brand recognition, drive sales and build client relationships.

When it comes to generating and converting leads, there isn’t a more powerful digital marketing tactic than email marketing.

Studies show that despite the growth and prominence of mobile messengers and chat applications, nearly 61 percent of consumers prefer facilitated brand interactions via email – and this preference extends across genders and age groups.

The widespread usage and increasing global relevance of email make email marketing more critical than ever before.

Email Marketing Services

Email marketing companies leverage different email service providers (ESPs) to send out automated, personalized marketing emails that contain brand promotions and announcements. Anything from weekly email newsletters and promo alerts to customer survey forms and event invitations can be considered a form of email marketing.

Globally, a whopping 87 percent of business-to-business (B2B) marketers and 79 percent of business-to-consumer (B2C) advertisers use email as a content distribution channel. Are you taking full advantage of email marketing services to grow and promote your business? How does your email marketing campaign fare in this competitive digital landscape?

Begin your email marketing planning today and discover the most effective email marketing strategy to move your email contacts down your sales funnel

Let Era Tech Manage Your Email Marketing Optimization

Email Marketing Optimization

Failure to understand what is email marketing and how to maximize email campaigns for B2B and B2C transactions can result in uncoordinated promotion strategies, low customer volume and significant business decline.

Don’t let this be the case for your brand. Capitalize on conversion-focused email marketing services from the best email marketing companies and get smart with your digital marketing spending and online promotions.

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency offers a diverse range of email marketing services designed to fit your brand needs, financial capabilities and ideal market segments. Schedule a consultation with our email marketing agency and let’s discuss the importance of services in achieving your goals.

Why Email Marketing Is Important

Provide More Value to Your Customers and Deliver Big Results

The importance of email marketing in digital brand success cannot be emphasized enough. Online email marketing is one of the best marketing methods for earning business leads and delivering a high return on investment (ROI).

According to research, approximately 61 percent of email subscribers would like to receive promotional marketing emails every week and about 83 percent of customers spend more on a brand from which they’ve received web email marketing communications. Marketers also reported receiving an impressive 3,800 percent ROI or $38 for every dollar invested in an email marketing campaign.

Evidently, online email marketing presents an incredible opportunity to reach targeted customers and generate revenue growth. If you haven’t started your email marketing planning, now’s the time to consult with an email marketing specialist and sketch out how to move your business forward.

The Importance of Email Marketing

Many marketers wonder why email marketing is important when social media platforms are so widely available and social media visitors have grown exponentially over time. But here’s the thing: People still go to their emails to find special deals from the brands they are interested in. In fact, 44 percent of users check their emails for brand promotions, whereas only four percent go to social media platforms for ad campaign details.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. With the plethora of opportunities that web email marketing offers, you are closer to driving more conversions for your business.

Not yet convinced about why email marketing is important for brand growth? Here are more reasons investing in an email marketing campaign service is essential:

Build Customer Loyalty

Strong client relationships require regular brand interactions – and routine web email marketing communications with the customer make it possible for any company to generate brand loyalty while driving sales. Additionally, the cost of engaging with and marketing to an existing client using the best email campaigns is six to 12 times less expensive than other marketing channels, such as paid advertising or social media marketing. Targeted email marketing campaigns not only drive more business but also save you money.

Expand Your Business Reach

Email campaigns are proven to have better reach and potential for engagement than traditional marketing methods. Statistics show 72 percent of email users check their inboxes more than six times a day and about 92 percent of internet users have a minimum of one email account. Experienced email marketing specialists can help you reach your target audiences on any device while staying non-invasive and compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act.

Connect With Different Audiences

Hyper-personalized communication is one of the many benefits of using B2C and B2B email marketing to reach your audience. While traditional marketing methods focus on delivering a broad message to a large audience scope, marketing emails allow you to offer unique discounts and codes, personalized messages and data-driven campaigns based on criteria such as birthdays, regions and customer lifetime value (CLV). Instead of putting your effort into one campaign, you’re able to reach out to different audience segments with a personal touch.

Save Time and Effort

Email marketing for small business, franchises and multi-location firms is significantly less labor-intensive than traditional marketing. There is no postage to consider or labeling required for each campaign distributed. Targeted email marketing allow you to communicate and engage with your ideal market segments (whether it’s a few hundred or a hundred thousand) in a matter of minutes. If you don’t have the time to learn the ropes of email campaign optimization, the best email marketing companies can assist you.

Test Email Campaigns and Drive Strong Results

Online email marketing offers various ways to test and see if you’re hitting the nail on the head with your marketing efforts. You can perform A/B and multivariate testing to examine almost every component of your email campaign, from the subject line and time sent to the content within the email campaign itself. This offers valuable insights as to where you might need to revise your email marketing strategy to drive the most engagement with your email campaigns.

Track Your Analytics

Data and analytics provided by email marketing software give valuable insight into the performance of your targeted email marketing efforts and deployed campaigns. The most often reported engagement metrics are open rates, click rates and click-through rates (CTRs), bounces and conversions. Depending on your marketing goals, an experienced email marketing specialist can decode the numbers and translate them to valuable applications to better reach your audiences.

According to Statista, roughly 306.4 billion emails are sent and received every day. How do you ensure you’ve got the best email campaigns that capture customers’ interest?

Create direct links with your prospects and clients and foster customer loyalty with help from our email marketing agency. We provide email marketing services for small business, Fortune 500 companies and multi-location agencies. Discover how our email campaign services fit in your marketing efforts.

Email Marketing Services for Small Business

Establish Your Reputation and Improve Your Response Rates

Deciding where to invest your money isn’t a decision you should take lightly. You must ensure every penny allocated to your marketing efforts delivers an ROI or you risk losing your money and the opportunity to close more sales.

Email marketing for small business is a cost-effective way to promote your brand to specific market segments and grow your revenue. A McKinsey study revealed that email is almost 40 times more effective than Twitter and Facebook combined in attracting new customers. What’s more, according to 80 percent of industry professionals, the best email campaigns drive customer acquisition and retention.

With data-driven email marketing services for small business, you can:

  • Reach customers in real-time
  • Build credibility
  • Track your campaign results
  • Gain better brand recognition
  • Launch targeted messaging
  • Communicate in-depth information
  • Optimize your time and budget
  • Connect with more customers
  • Increase website traffic
  • Develop your unique brand

How effective is email marketing for small businesses? You’re about to find out.

Take your small business marketing to the next level with Era Tech ’s email marketing services for small business. Our email marketing agency offers drip marketing automation services to help you further cement your unique brand identity in your customers’ minds.

But first, discover 1) what is drip marketing and 2) how our marketing automation services can accelerate your business growth.

What Is Drip Marketing?

Boost Your Brand Engagement and Capture More Leads

On average, nearly 51 percent of companies use drip marketing automation to fuel their marketing efforts and deliver more favorable campaign results.

Drip marketing (also known as automated email marketing or drip campaigns) is an email campaign optimization technique that uses drip marketing software to send out a series of automated emails based on specific timeframes and user actions.

Automated email marketing campaigns provide ongoing value to subscribers by slowly “dripping” useful information, such as brand updates or product teasers, over time. The goal of email marketing automation is to move customers towards a final conversion point.

Drip Marketing

How does drip marketing software function?

Email marketing companies use drip marketing software to facilitate your email marketing automation. Email marketing software:

  • Facilitates precise email segmentation
  • Includes basic analytics, such as click rates
  • Provides better control on email copy and sending frequency
  • Boasts A/B testing capabilities
  • Links drip marketing campaigns with other tools
  • Enables email personalization
What are the different types of drip marketing campaign?

There are three major types of drip marketing for each stage of your email marketing funnel:

How effective is email marketing automation?

Marketing automation services are designed to ensure prospects and customers are motivated to continue doing business with your brand. Drip email marketing allows you to:


  • Nurture and convert prospects into qualified leads
  • Increase customer retention
  • Automate monotonous B2C and B2B email marketing
  • Open doors for upselling and cross-selling
  • Generate better email marketing return on investment
  • Boost customer engagement and loyalty
  • Deliver a relevant brand message
  • Capture abandoned carts

Need help with email marketing automation?

Drip email marketing is all about relevance and timing. By carefully analyzing several intent signals, including user interest, information need and other behavioral metrics, our email marketing automation agency is able to create a highly segmented drip marketing campaign that drives high open rates and click rates.

Partner with our email marketing automation agency and get a top email marketing service that diversifies your drip email marketing efforts.

Era Tech’s Email Marketing Campaign Services

Build Brand Awareness and Drive Qualified Traffic to Your Online Store 

As one of the most trusted email marketing companies in the industry, we ensure all our email campaign services fit our clients’ needs and marketing budget. Depending on your email marketing goals, we provide different targeted email marketing services.

Email Marketing Performance Audit and Strategy

As trends emerge and go, your email marketing strategy must adapt. Our email marketing company performs B2C and B2B email marketing audits to determine factors that influence your marketing success and pinpoint issues that disrupt your email marketing strategy. Our email services cover:

Campaign and Template Review

Our email marketing experts review your email templates and email campaigns from the past 12 months to get a clear picture of your email marketing performance and engagement. We look into your email design, subject line and calls-to-action (CTAs) to identify problems and inefficiencies.

Technical Review

To ensure your email newsletters and other marketing emails hit the right inboxes, our email marketing specialist reviews all technical issues with your current setup. These include your spam complaints, deliverability issues and potential domain and IP blacklisting.

Data Review

Studies show 25-33 percent of email addresses become outdated every year. To ensure you’re working with updated email lists, we set a benchmark for email metrics, review your top- and lowest-performing campaigns and analyze unsubscribes and subscriber demographics.

Program Review

This includes a review of your existing email automation, audience segmentation, email list health (growth/shrinkage) and a comprehensive email marketing strategy review. The goal is to determine the best possible way to improve your marketing results.


After completing our audit, our email marketing specialists compile and present recommendations for code and design, content and CTA. We also provide proposals on the frequency of emails sent, send day and times, automation and potential for A/B testing.

Custom Template Design and Development

Don’t have the in-house resources needed to create email marketing newsletter and drip campaign templates? As your dedicated email marketing services provider, we design, develop and deploy updated email templates that match your branding and desired user experience (UX). Our email campaign services include:

Superior Template Design

At Era Tech, we believe that a great email is more than just an attractive message that hits your inbox. Our email marketing firm designs email marketing newsletter and drip campaign templates built with clean code and responsive to all email clients and screen sizes.

Installation on the ESP of Your Choice

Do you need help getting your template installed on your preferred ESP? We’ve got you covered! Our email marketing expert takes your completed design and transfers it over to your chosen ESP, so all you need to do is start sending emails.

Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing

Our email company runs each of our email newsletters and marketing email designs through multiple industry-leading tools to ensure they are well-coded, responsive and work exactly as intended. Build more emails faster with help from our email marketing firm.

Training on Custom Templates

As one of the best email marketing companies, we don’t just deliver a well-designed template. Our email marketing expert also teaches your team to use it! Each delivered template comes with a video training recording that walks you through the design and email process.

Compatibility With Top Email Clients

We work closely with your team to ensure our templates capture your unique branding, preferences and brand message. We guarantee our email templates work with 30+ email clients, devices and operating systems (OS).

Email Marketing Management

Need help with your monthly email services? Our email company collaborates with your in-house team to develop an effective email marketing strategy that drives long-term profitability. Our email marketing campaign service includes:

Review of Marketing Goals and Targeting

How effective is email marketing in achieving your brand objectives? As a top email marketing service provider, we work with you to gain a strong understanding of your email marketing goals. We review your target audience, look for missed opportunities from campaigns sent up to this point and develop a strategy to obtain your unique goals.

Brand Guidelines and Asset Coordination

Consistency is key to acquire email marketing return on investment. That is why we adhere to your brand guidelines. We also know that content needs change from time to time, so our account managers organize all the items we need to drive brand success and develop a marketing calendar. This way, you know which campaigns will be deployed next.

Campaign Design and Deployment

Our email marketing campaign service covers everything from start to finish, so you don’t have to worry about a single thing. Need custom email newsletter service? Our email marketing newsletter team designs and develops each email to your specifications. With our email marketing agency, you can rest assured we are always focused on attaining your goals.

Ongoing List Maintenance

Reliable email marketing companies do not just focus on engaging your audience; they also ensure you’re targeting the right people and segmenting unengaged contacts. As an email marketing services provider, our goal is to consistently increase engagement with our ongoing list maintenance. We ensure the right message is sent to the right contact every time.

Campaign Tracking and Reporting

Our email marketing optimization team provides detailed monthly reports on your email marketing campaigns. These reports break down each campaign sent over the previous month, highlighting engagement metrics such as open rate, click rate, conversions and more! We also schedule regular consultations with your team to discuss the report.

Ongoing Management and Optimization

Sometimes, additional work is needed to ensure the best health of your ESP. This can include additional segmentation, list cleaning, revising the marketing strategy based on engagement and many other factors. Our email marketing team works hard to ensure your account is optimized and operates at peak performance.

Email Marketing Automation Management

Email marketing for eCommerce, Shopify and other business types is so much more than launching monthly email newsletters services and email marketing campaigns. To take your email marketing optimization to the next level, email automation is vital! Our email marketing automation agency offers:

Drip Campaign Sequences

Keeping your audience engaged requires ongoing communication. Our email marketing solution involves identifying which drip-sequences are the best fit for your business. We also create multi-step campaigns to keep your contacts engaged and increase conversions.

Welcome Series

Each time a new customer or lead submits information to your business, they are expressing interest! Give them what they’re looking for with a custom-built welcome series. Our email marketing expert builds a multi-step sequence that educates your contacts and encourages conversion.

Customer Win-Back

Sometimes, customers and prospects tend to get distracted and start looking into the competition. Reclaim unengaged contacts and add them back to your list of active subscribers with our email services team’s win-back reengagement automated campaigns.

Web Activity Campaigns

We use insights from your website activities to build highly-targeted campaigns and display content specific for each visitor. This is an advanced way of making recommendations based on products viewed, actions taken or specific clicks on certain webpages.

ESP Review and Migration

Does your current ESP fit your needs or do you need to switch platforms to something with more capabilities? Are you experiencing issues with reporting, data or integrations? As your email marketing provider, we help you evaluate your options to acquire the highest possible email marketing return on investment. Our email marketing services include:

Demo and Presentation

Wondering which ESP suits your business? Once we’ve determined the best potential fits for your business, we act as the liaison between the ESP’s customer service team and your company. Our email marketing automation agency sets up interactive, educational demos, so you can gain a solid understanding of each option.

Data Migration and Setup

Ready to move forward with a specific ESP? We are here to assist you and make the transition smooth. Here’s what you can expect from us:

Initial Audit

Some email marketing companies make the mistake of disregarding campaign audits, and this results in an ineffective email marketing solution. At Engazly, we complete a thorough initial audit to better understand the challenges you’re facing with your current ESP. This could include the lack of specific reports, missing integrations or the need for specific automation.

ESP Research

We work with some of the industry-leading ESPs and review each platform to make the best recommendation for your specific needs. Email marketing platforms range from basic, entry-level software to robust ESPs. Our email marketing agency examines each platform to provide you with a few options that match what you are looking for.

eCommerce Email Marketing Services

Looking for the best email marketing for Shopify? Or how about the wealth of other eCommerce platforms? Our eCommerce email marketing team is expertly trained to use various ESPs to facilitate Shopify email marketing and other eCommerce email marketing campaigns. Step-up your eCommerce business with our eCommerce email marketing services and robust automation:

ESP Migration

Do you have an established ESP, but it’s not ideal for your eCommerce email marketing campaign? Our team migrates your existing campaigns, templates and segmented contacts to your preferred ESP in a timely manner to get you back up and running in no time! We support most big-name eCommerce platforms, including BigCommerce, Shopify and WooCommerce.

Email Strategy

Our email marketing eCommerce team determines the best strategy to reach your target audience. We provide recommendations on automated campaigns, content strategy, discount recommendations and a plan for ongoing email newsletters services. Contact us to learn more about the best email marketing for Shopify and other platforms.

Template Design

Engazly's email marketing eCommerce team comprises expert designers and developers that build templates from scratch. We know the ins and outs of Shopify email marketing and eCommerce marketing best practices. We also create templates that engage your audience and drive up conversions.

Email Automation Strategy

Our Shopify email marketing and eCommerce experts create a plan to harness predictive tools in building workflows and automated campaigns that encourage and trigger future purchases. From abandoned cart and shopping sequences to welcome series and VIP reengagement automation, we’ve got you covered!

Email Marketing Management

Searching for a team to create eye-catching, engaging email marketing eCommerce campaigns that keep your audience updated with current offerings and promotions? We plan, design and test Shopify email marketing and other eCommerce campaigns to increase conversions and drive revenue.

Email Newsletters Services

Keep your customers and prospects in the loop about your brand promotions, product updates and other marketing campaigns with Engazly’s email newsletter service. As a top email marketing service provider, we provide a cost-effective email newsletter service that covers all the technical processes for you. Our email newsletter service includes:

Tailored Email Campaigns

Unlike other email companies, we set up and manage targeted email marketing campaigns aligned with your marketing goals. Looking for a simple plan for newsletter deployment? We’ve got it covered! Our team creates RSS-to-email feeds that send audience updates from your blog. We also build complex automation with conditional follow-up emails based on where your recipients are in your email marketing funnel.

Professional Templates

Studies show people prefer emails with professional and clean design rather than just plain text communications. Our email marketing specialists design and develop an email template that matches your unique brand and fits your specific needs. We ensure all our email templates are responsive on all types of devices and render correctly on various screen sizes.

Product and Service Promotions

A big part of our email newsletter service is ensuring our clients receive a profit-oriented email marketing solution. We work meticulously to personalize the content of each email newsletter and appeal to your ideal market. Your subscribers will receive email campaigns that tell them exactly what they want to hear and offer them precisely what they want to buy.

Email Newsletter List Management

We work closely with you to ensure your email newsletter list is growing steadily. Our email marketing experts optimize your site to encourage email newsletter signups and keep your sending reputation in good standing with all mailbox providers. On top of that, you benefit from our rich industry experience and ensure your emails earn as many shares and as few unsubscribes as can be reasonably achieved.

ُEmail Blast Service

Send targeted, relevant messages to your subscribers with Engazly’s email blast service. To facilitate the best email marketing for Shopify, eCommerce and other businesses, we leverage advanced email blast software and ensure your email blasts adhere to the CAN-SPAM Act. Our email blast service includes:

Email List Management

Sending email blasts can land you in the spam folder if you do not follow the best practices. Don’t let this be the case for your company. Our team segments your audience lists to ensure we deliver the right email to the right contacts. We categorize your messages to recipients based on factors such as age, user action and gender.

Template Design

To launch an effective email marketing campaign, you need clever and engaging subject lines and reader-friendly email designs. Engazly comprises a team of experienced web design and content writing specialists committed to creating email blast templates that grab the recipients’ attention and convince them to take action.


Our job doesn’t stop after creating your email blast template designs. We also provide actionable recommendations to improve your email marketing for eCommerce and other niches. Our team leverages cutting-edge email blast software to provide marketing proposals that improve your email marketing strategy's efficiency.

Campaign Tracking and Analytics

Some email companies launch email marketing campaigns and fail to track the results. At Engazly, we always aim to provide you with the best email marketing service. Our email marketing consultants use email blast software to A/B test your email newsletter designs, identify issues and track your campaign performance.

Why Choose Era Tech for Your Email Marketing Campaign

Stay Top of Mind With Prospects and Clients

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the top-rated email marketing companies that offer the best email marketing service at affordable rates. But don’t just take our word for it. Discover what our clients have to say about our email marketing services.

Here are some additional benefits you get from partnering with our email marketing agency:

Full-Service Email Marketing Campaign

Need help with Shopify email marketing, drip marketing, email blast or email marketing automation? Our email marketing agency is one of the few email companies that offer a comprehensive suite of email services. Whether you only need an email blast service or a combination of email marketing solutions, our email marketing specialists have got you covered.

Multivariate and A/B Campaign Testing

At Era Tech, we don’t just create and launch email newsletter designs and marketing email templates. To ensure your email marketing campaign delivers big results, we test every aspect of your email campaign, from the subject line and send schedules to the email content. Doing so allows us to determine the best possible approach to your web email marketing campaign.

Tailored List Segmentation

We understand that the best email marketing service differs depending on the clients’ needs, demands and target audience. That is why we perform in-depth research and leverage advanced email marketing software to segment your audience list and ensure your emails get to the right recipients at the right moment.

Integrated Digital Marketing Services

Marketers can see a considerable ROI in email marketing. However, if you want to enjoy a higher ROI, improved efficiency, accessibility and an increase in customer loyalty, you need a combination of online marketing tactics tailored to your brand. Besides email marketing services, our email company also offers other digital marketing services, including search engine optimization (SEO), link building and online reputation management (ORM).

Detailed Email Marketing Reports

We set up email campaigns tailored to your unique needs, manage them and give you detailed, custom monthly reports on their efficiency, including open rates, traffic referred to your website and sales/leads driven. You can track your email campaign's results by checking your Google Analytics dashboard or monthly reports anytime you desire. We can also integrate email campaigns with your Google Analytics to provide deeper insight into how the recipients interact with your website.

Experienced Email Marketing Specialists

Era Tech's email marketing team boasts years of experience in using many email platforms. We continuously search and examine emerging email marketing software, digital platforms and email marketing strategy to provide you with the best email marketing service. Let us walk you through all the ways our online marketing efforts can help you grow and promote your brand.

Link Building

Link Building

Link Building Services

Build a Robust Link Strategy and Boost Your Search Rankings

You launched your website and rolled out your on-page optimization, now it’s time to take your off-page search engine optimization (SEO) to another level. Establish your online authority and improve your digital presence with Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency’s link building services.

SEO link building is an integral part of your digital marketing efforts. Link building is the process of promoting your website content to secure backlinks from high-authority referring domains. Links are important signals that tell search engines your website is a credible source of information. They also help online users navigate between pages on the internet to fulfill their information needs.

Building links is one of the many SEO tactics, besides local SEO and technical SEO, developed to increase your ranking signals, acquire more referral traffic and gain brand control. SEO link building allows you to create an propel new relationships with authority sites, diversify your traffic sources and boost your revenue streams.

Websites with high-quality backlinks from relevant referring domains earn higher rankings on search engines. More importantly, incoming links from sites with high domain authority (DA) deliver more value to your web pages.

Link Building Services

Why Domain Authority Matters in Link Building

Domain Authority Matters in Link Building

Domain authority is a ranking score that predicts a website’s ability to rank in search engines based on its overall quality. It runs on a scale of 1-100, with 100 being the highest. Websites with high DA rank faster and higher in search results.

This means if your referring domains have high DA, they will pass on more valuable link juice to your website. Referring domains with relatively low DA, on the other hand, may not be worthy of your time.
Besides a website’s domain authority, you also have to assess other metrics, such as page relevance, local search rankings and click-through rates (CTRs), to maximize a referring domain’s ranking capabilities and strengthen your SEO link building efforts.

Don’t have the capacity to execute your link building strategy? Partner with a trusted link building company.

At Era Tech, we understand that managing your day-to-day operations and improving your link building strategy can be challenging and time-consuming. That is why we offer white hat link building solutions to increase your votes of confidence from authority websites.

Enlist Our Link Building Services and Strengthen Your SEO

Web standards and search engine guidelines are established to provide a useful and safe environment for both customers and businesses. Some people try to outsmart search engines by employing black hat link building techniques.

Shady link building tactics are highly discouraged in SEO. Black hat link building may offer quick marketing wins, but these could eventually lead to long-term loss.

Many marketers choose to employ black hat SEO link building tactics to streamline their link acquisition processes. Although this practice yields immediate results, resorting to unfair link building services could get your website penalized and, worse, banned from search results. Don’t let this be the case.

Integrate white hat link building solutions with your digital marketing structure to bring in quality traffic, boost your site’s indexability and build better brand recognition.

Strengthen Your SEO
Internet Marketing Agency

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is a reputable link building company, committed to developing white hat link building strategies tailored to your specific industry requirements. Besides formulating custom link building tactics, we also create an internal SEO link building wireframe to maximize your website’s backlink strategy.

Are you looking for a white label link building partner to manage your client demands? Our link building agency also offers white label link building solutions designed to bring your clients more traffic and grow your business profitability.

We use our link building team to boost Era Tech as well, with our website having recently surpassed 100,000 backlinks. So, in other words, we back up what we’re saying with real results. Contact us today to find out more about how our link building service can help you.

SEO Link Building Services

Gain Online Visibility and Unlock Your Ranking Potential

Keyword Analysis/Strategy

Targeted keywords are used as anchor texts in link building. Our link-building experts perform extensive keyword research and develop a data-driven keyword optimization strategy to avoid over-optimization and obtain quality backlinks.Keyword mapping allows us to create comprehensive, relevant and useful content that ranks high in search results and attracts high-quality referring domains.

Competitor Analysis

We perform a thorough analysis of your competitors’ backlink profiles to identify link building opportunities for your website. Our link building agency categorizes each unique domain based on industry relevance and link obtainability. After the segmentation, we utilize the data to develop your SEO link building strategy.

Backlink Audits

A healthy backlink profile is critical to driving quality leads and traffic to your target web pages. Our team runs in-depth backlink audits to determine potentially dangerous backlinks that are likely to get your website penalized by Google. We get a complete list of your referring domains, assess your backlink profiles, identify weak and valuable links, prepare the audit and file for webmasters to disavow and suggest what links to take down.

Outreach Service

Manage your large database of referring domains, nurture them and keep the communication going. Our link building company establishes robust relationships with webmasters, bloggers, publishers, journalists and industry leaders to boost your backlink strategy. We determine your target markets, identify credible websites with the same target audience and evaluate the SEO performance of publishing websites.

Guest Posts

Our link building agency comprises a team of content specialists, dedicated to creating unique, engaging and information-rich content. We submit guest posts on websites where your potential audience hangs out to deliver your brand message to a broader audience scope. Additionally, we promote your guest posts on your social media pages to generate more traffic to your content.

Niche Edits

Part of our link building package is requesting linked placements on existing blog posts to gain space in an already indexed article. We reach out to authority websites and offer to add an authoritative, contextual backlink to their existing content. Our link building company employs white hat niche edits, so you can rest assured all your inbound links are legitimately earned.

Brand Mentions

Convert your brand mentions into links and earn hundreds or thousands of new backlinks. Our SEO link building experts run thorough research to determine your unlinked brand mentions, connect with the content’s author and explain the additional value of linking to your target page. This practice is one of the best ways to acquire high-quality backlinks and build long-term relationships.

Broken Link Recovery

Broken link building is the method of replacing links to 404 pages with a working link to your target web page. Leverage link reclamation and drive high-quality backlinks to your website. We identify relevant websites with broken backlinks, develop or repurpose content that matches the linked sources and reach out to the publication to pitch your replacement content.

Sponsorship Campaign

Local sponsorships are unique channels to reach your local audience and get noticed more easily. At Era Tech, we employ the best link-building service to connect your brand with grassroots campaigns and reach your local target audience. We leverage native ads to build your image, get more mentions, increase your brand visibility and broaden your audience reach.

Digital Press Release (PR)

Amplify your brand message with the best link building service. Our SEO link building agency creates informational and highly linkable assets to promote your brand across digital platforms. We develop your key message, create your content roadmap and collaborate with influencers, digital media and authority publishers to get your content in front of the right audience.

White Label Blogger Outreach

Uncover link building opportunities with top-notch SEO content. Our white label link building package includes blogger outreach, which focuses on securing relevant, sustainable backlinks that improve your clients’ search engine rankings. Besides promoting your clients’ content on authority sites, we also provide brandable white label link building reports.

The Best Link-Building Service For Your Business

Get More Referring Domains and Establish Brand Credibility

Today, more consumers take advantage of the convenience of online shopping. Online stores allow customers to shop 24/7, avoid checkout lines, access international brands and find everything in one place. Online sellers also offer discounted prices, free shipping offers and a wide array of product options and price comparisons that attract more customers.

Globally, there are approximately 2.05 billion digital buyers. Experts predict this number to grow to 2.14 billion by 2021. As worldwide internet use continues to expand, many eCommerce stores face stiff competition and strict industry regulations.

At Era Tech, we utilize advanced link building tools and strategies to assess your backlink profiles and determine effective ways to acquire more high-value referring domains. Our SEO link building include referring domains report assessment, content analysis, competitor benchmarking, content marketing and custom link building package development. We work closely with our SEO team to develop white hat link building strategies aligned with your brand objectives. Trust us to give our 101 percent commitment to the success of your backlink strategy.

White Label Link Building Solutions

Custom Campaigns That Yield Positive Results

White Label Link Building Solutions

We understand that running a digital marketing agency can be labor-intensive. SEO involves several tasks, including technical SEO audit, keyword research, content development, meta data analysis and conversion rate optimization (CRO), which can take a toll on your time, resources and efforts. Aside from these tasks, you also have to build client relationships and drive more sales.

Outsource your SEO link building services to Thrive and secure high-authority backlinks at scale.

Our white label link building partnership allows you to leverage our years of expertise to streamline your operations and get credible link placements for your clients.

Simply upload your order with your anchor text and your target URL, choose your desired DA and see your links go live.
With Era Tech’s white label link building service, you get:

  • No contracts
  • Full transparency
  • No minimum purchase
  • Consistent turnaround times
  • High-authority link building tactics
  • Comprehensive link building reports

Focus your efforts on acquiring more business and creating robust relationships with your clients while our link building company handles the technical work.

White Label Link Building Solutions

Build a Sustainable Organic Growth Pattern and Achieve Your Goals

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is your digital marketing partner. We offer a full-suite of link building services designed to help you outrank your competitors and maximize your backlink opportunities. Here’s what you can expect from our link building service:


We review your website to determine your top-performing pages, identify content gaps, find and fix broken links and map out your link building strategy. Website analysis also allows us to determine your page visitors’ demographics and interests, guiding us in creating targeted content. We leverage analytics to develop link building solutions that drive high-value referrals.


Black hat link building techniques can tank your website via Google penalties and hamper your ranking potential. At Era Tech, we employ white hat link building strategies and establish clear metrics to maximize your link placement opportunities. Our link building agency regularly evaluates the quality of your referring domains to secure backlinks from high-authority sites.


From your keyword strategy and content marketing tactics to content promotion and backlink strategies, we ensure all aspects of your link building package are centered on smart goals. Our link building specialists set your objectives, develop your assets, research your link targets and launch link building campaigns. We map your campaigns to maximize the best link building opportunities and strategies.


Our link building experts ensure all our SEO link building packages meet your quality standards. We collaborate with our digital marketing experts and brainstorm with your project managers to develop link building tactics that drive online growth. Schedule a call with our link building company and let’s get your campaign started.


Era Tech’s SEO link building specialists boast years of expertise and experience in creating white hat link building solutions. Our team has a firm grasp of search engine guidelines in building brand awareness and promoting content across different online platforms. Partner with us and get search engine-approved link building methods.


We analyze your target audience, brand messaging and backlink profile to ensure your off-page SEO strategy matches your goals. Our link building agency offers a six-month contract for our link building service, so you have more time to assess the results of our link building efforts. We also provide in-depth campaign reports with the total number of published links, ranking improvements and backlink summary.

Local SEO

Local SEO

Local Search Engine Optimization

Grow Your Online Visibility Within Your Target Locations

Approximately 93 percent of U.S. consumers search for local businesses online and about 88 percent of SEO local mobile searches result in a store visit or phone call within 24 hours. Ramp up your local search engine optimization efforts and connect your brand with high-intent customers in your area.

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency offers conversion-driven local SEO services to ensure your business ranks high in SEO local search queries and achieves revenue growth.

Local Search Engine Optimization

What Is Local SEO?

Dominate Your Niche With Strong Digital Branding

Millions of customers are looking for local businesses every day and approximately 84 percent of prospects require digital capabilities to facilitate brand transactions. Without a robust local business SEO presence, you are missing out on valuable leads, traffic and sales opportunities.

What is local search optimization?

Local SEO is the process of improving the local search visibility of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), brick-and-mortar stores and multiple-location businesses within a geographic area.

Unlike traditional SEO, which focuses on boosting a brand’s searchability on a national or global scale, local search engine optimization targets “near me” and geo-specific search queries. The goal of Google local SEO is to boost your brand exposure beyond your storefront and make your business more accessible to prospects in the local online community.

What Is Local SEO

What are local SEO ranking factors?

Google looks at various local SEO ranking factors to determine your search rankings. These include:

  • Google Business Profile or Google My Business (GMB) listing
  • Name, address and phone number (NAP) consistency in local business citations
  • Domain authority
  • Quality of local search citations
  • Click-through rate (CTR) from search results
  • Keywords
  • User experience (UX)
  • Review quality, velocity and diversity
  • Link signals

How to do local SEO?

Local SEO leverages various local digital marketing tactics to rank up your local SEO ranking, including:

  • Local business SEO keyword targeting
  • Google Business Profile or Google My Business optimization
  • Local search citations
  • Online reputation management
  • Link building
  • On-page SEO
  • SEO local landing page optimization
  • Google local SEO content marketing

To compete within your service locations, understanding what is local search optimization and how to do local SEO is critical. Begin your local search optimization now and position your brand in front of your ideal audience segments.

Need expert help to unravel what is local SEO and how to boost your local SEO ranking? The best local SEO company can answer all your local SEO marketing questions and guide you with your local SEO optimization efforts.

Capitalize on the Best Local Business SEO and Boost Your Revenue

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is a top local SEO company based in Arlington, Texas, that provides comprehensive local search engine optimization services to businesses worldwide. We understand that local SEO is essential to brand success. That is why we are here to assist you with your local digital marketing and local search optimization endeavors.

As your dedicated local SEO company, we don’t just execute local SEO services and provide local business SEO reports. Our local SEO experts also explain to your team 1) what is local SEO and 2) how to do local SEO effectively. To ensure we are on the same page, we create a local SEO checklist that outlines each local SEO strategy included in your packages.

No matter if you have a single location serving a local community or multiple locations across the state or country, our local search engine optimization company can help your business achieve higher rankings in your local SEO search results.

Partner with our local SEO agency and leverage our proven local SEO strategies and tactics to rise above your competition.

Capitalize on the Best Local Business

Why Local SEO Is Vital for Your Business?

Create a Lasting Impression Across Search Engines and Your Prospects

In today’s competitive digital landscape, investing in the best local SEO services could mean the difference between a Era Tech business and a failing establishment. Where do local digital marketing and local SEO services fall in your campaign priorities?

Why Local SEO Is Vital for Your Business

A MarketingSherpa study determined which type of search had the biggest impact on brands’ marketing objectives and found that almost 54 percent of respondents consider local search to have the most positive impact on their digital marketing efforts.

Evidently, digital dominance has made it vital for businesses of all sizes to concentrate their efforts on local SEO optimization. Local SEO for small business and multi-location firms is a critical strategy for acquiring qualified leads and converting them into sales. If you don’t have a local SEO strategy in place, you could be doing more harm to your business than you initially realize.

Still on the fence about investing in local search engine optimization services? You shouldn’t be. These are the benefits of local SEO:

  • RStronger local community outreach
  • RStrongerOptimized Google My Business listing local community outreach
  • RHigh-authority local business citations
  • RMulti-channel local digital marketing campaigns
  • RHigher local SEO ranking
  • RMore targeted website traffic
  • RMore phone calls and site inquiries from prospective clients
  • RIncreased sales revenue
  • RRepeat business from loyal customers
  • RCredible online reputation
  • REnhanced Google Maps visibility
  • RReduced advertising costs
  • RIncreased trustworthiness and market authority

Ready to chat about how our local SEO services can grow your business? Reach out to one of our local SEO experts and let’s talk about which local SEO packages fit your online needs.

Why Google My Business Is a Big Part of Local SEO?

Expand Your Market Reach and Gain Consumer Trust

Google My Business, now called Google Business Profile, is a free marketing tool powered by Google that allows marketers to manage how their brand information is presented on Google Search and Google Maps. Your Google My Business page shows valuable business details – such as your company’s NAP, hours of operation, website link and customer reviews – to assist potential customers with their online search.

Why should you prioritize Google My Business SEO?

 Google My Business optimization is a crucial aspect of local SEO marketing. Your Google My Business page serves as one of the local SEO ranking factors, which dictate your online success. By claiming your Google My Business listing, you allow search engines to verify your brand’s existence and authenticity.

Here are more reasons you need to include Google My Business optimization in your local SEO marketing efforts:

Why Google My Business Is a Big Part of Local SEO
  • RProvide accurate business information
  • RBoost your online credibility
  • RGain customer trust
  • RGet targeted exposure
  • RManage your reputation
  • RDrive qualified leads and traffic
  • RBuild brand recognition
  • RDrive customer engagement
  • RTap into potential revenue
  • RIncrease your chances of getting in the Google Local 3 Pack
  • RPost important news and updates

Google My Business SEO is one of the surefire ways to help your brand earn credibility and clicks to your website. Take advantage of our Google My Business optimization service and entice more users to visit your online store and physical location.

Discover how our Google My Business agency can streamline your GMB SEO and overall local SEO optimization.

Era Tech’s Local SEO Services 

Rank High in Search Results and Increase Your Conversions

Local SEO Audit

Our local SEO agency performs a thorough local SEO audit to determine your current local SEO ranking, gain actionable insights and build your local SEO checklist. We check your NAP visibility, identify your geographical location and service areas and examine your Google My Business listing. To complete your local SEO strategy, our local SEO experts also conduct Google My Business page audit, review analysis, landing page audit, local citations analysis, competitor benchmarking and organic link and penalty analysis.

Keyword Research & Strategy

Amplify your local reach and attract targeted audience segments with strategic local SEO marketing services. We perform extensive keyword research and analysis to identify geo-specific, industry-related keywords and organize them by search intent. Once our local SEO experts have mapped out your search terms, we create a local SEO guide to help you develop locally-themed website content. Our local SEO consultant also provides you with a keyword ranking report, which you can check any time to monitor your rankings.

Google My Business SEO

Manage your Google My Business locations and ensure your brand information is complete and up-to-date with help from our Google My Business experts. Our Google My Business services include GMB SEO and Bing and Yahoo Local optimization. We ensure that these business profiles carry over the same brand identity and are optimized for your target location or service area. Our Google My Business experts also audit your business information across the web to give you the best possible, error-free local presence.

eCommerce SEO

Studies show approximately 50 percent of consumers perform a mobile search before making shopping decisions. Get the best local SEO services and connect your brand with modern consumers within your local community. Our local digital marketing agency claims and optimizes your business profile across Google My Business locations, leverages geo-targeted content and keywords, builds your local business citations and manages your online reviews.

On-Page Optimization

Is your website optimized for your target location? Era Tech’s local search engine optimization services cover on-page optimization to ensure your site ranks high in your service area. We optimize your homepage and metadata with geo-specific keywords, create service, city and industry pages, set up social media signals and implement local SEO best practices throughout your website. Our local SEO company also applies local business schema to your web pages to make it easier for search engines to understand your brand offerings and target locations.

Franchise SEO

Does your business serve multiple locations across the city or state? Ensure brand consistency and success across your service locations with Era Tech’s local SEO marketing services. We list your different Google My Business locations in top industry directories, optimize your local citations, use location-based keywords and promote local franchise reviews on your website and social media profiles. Our local SEO marketing company strikes a balance between your local landing pages and corporate website to increase your site visits and conversions.

Link Building

Invest in affordable local SEO services and expand your digital footprint. As one of the best local SEO companies, we ensure search engines find an accurate representation of your business across the web. Our SEO service company creates hyperlocal SEO landing pages, builds your local SEO citations, leverages keywords with high domain relevancy and launches email outreach campaigns. We follow GMB SEO and local link building best practices to attract links that deliver the most value to your business.

Business Citation Management

Local SEO citations serve as a reference of your business name and address on another website. At Era Tech, our Google My Business experts leverage high-quality third-party sites to build local citations for your business. We add your brand to second-tier local business directories, such as Angie’s List, FourSquare, MojoPages and Yelp. Our local SEO company also researches niche directories based on your industry and submits your business information to gain maximum control of your online representation.

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Online reviews can provide positive proof about your company and help increase customer trust. Studies show 88 percent of consumers consult online reviews before they purchase local services. Protect your brand image and turn customer reviews into marketing opportunities with help from our local digital marketing agency. Our local SEO marketing company implements an effective online review acquisition strategy and provides recommendations on the best software for customer review marketing to help you get online reviews from your best customers.

Content Writing

Create and publish engaging local SEO content and capture your target audience’s interest. Our local SEO firm comprises a team of experienced content specialists and industry experts who work closely together to create a useful local SEO guide for your content marketing. Our local SEO services include keyword research and optimization, guest blogging and local site content optimization. We create enticing, relevant titles and produce quality content to drive more traffic to your website.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Let our local digital marketing company manage your local business SEO services and gain better local rankings. Whether you need help with creating service and city pages, improving your website’s mobile-friendliness or completing your local SEO checklist, our local search engine optimization company can help you. We employ a targeted local search engine optimization service to drive more high-quality sales calls to your locations and improve your conversion rate month-over-month (MoM).

Nextdoor Local Business Advertising

Create and publish engaging local SEO content and capture your target audience’s interest. Our local SEO firm comprises a team of experienced content specialists and industry experts who work closely together to create a useful local SEO guide for your content marketing. Our local SEO services include keyword research and optimization, guest blogging and local site content optimization. We create enticing, relevant titles and produce quality content to drive more traffic to your website.

How Local SEO Services Drive Lead Generation? 

Make Your Brand Name More Recognizable

Several elements go into creating and executing a successful marketing plan, including lead generation and local search service. Lead generation serves as the lifeblood of your business. Without a steady stream of qualified leads, your business will struggle to make sales and expand. Local SEO, on the other hand, acts as a funnel that drives prospects into your websites.

Local business SEO services, such as local citations service and Google My Business optimization service, complement your lead generation efforts by increasing your brand awareness and driving organic traffic to your website. The more people in your community can see your website, the higher your chances of acquiring clicks and converting them into potential clients.

How Local SEO Services Drive Lead Generation

Using local SEO services to acquire leads also opens opportunities for:

  • Building your local search citations
  • Gathering online reviews
  • Participating in appropriate social networks
  • Creating expert content
  • Troubleshooting any visibility problems
  • Penetrating a strategic local market
  • Ranking for business-related keywords
  • Converting page visitors into leads and sales

A Junto survey revealed that 57 percent of business-to-business (B2B) marketers consider local digital marketing services among the most effective ways to generate leads. If done right, a local search engine optimization service can drive a 14.6 percent conversion rate. Propel your online success with growth-driven local SEO solutions.

Local SEO Tips for Lead Generation

Don’t know which local search engine optimization service to employ in boosting your lead generation efforts? Fine-tune your Google local SEO efforts with these local SEO tips from the best local SEO companies:

  • Perform a regular local SEO audit
  • Build out city pages
  • Dominate “near me” searches
  • Create content clusters
  • Optimize your site for mobile
  • Create an SEO strategy
  • Know your audience
  • Identify geo-specific keywords for content
  • optimization
  • Monitor your local SEO ranking
  • Keep your sitemap up to date
  • Fix internal and external broken links
  • Build a backlink strategy
  • Partner with a trusted Google My Business agency

If all else fails, choosing a top local SEO company to manage your local digital marketing services is a smart move to reach your local audience and gain new leads.

Create a robust online presence and maximize the opportunities to attract and close leads with Era Tech ’s local digital marketing services. Schedule a consultation with our local SEO firm to find out how our affordable local SEO services can improve your lead generation strategies.

Why Era Tech’s Local SEO Services Are Better Than the Rest? 

Succeed in a Saturated Online Marketplace

Mastering how to do local SEO requires years of experience and training to produce profitable results. At Era Tech, we understand that juggling business operations while boosting local SEO citations and working on other local SEO marketing tactics could take a toll on your productivity and sanity. That is why our local SEO company is here to take the extra tasks off your shoulders.

Here’s what you can expect from our online local SEO company:

Affordable Local SEO Services

According to statistics, 42 percent of consumers use search engines as their primary tool to find local business information. Make sure your site is immediately found with our affordable local SEO solutions. Era Tech’s local SEO pricing varies depending on your company’s marketing needs, annual revenue and financial capacity. Our local SEO consultant analyzes your existing online presence to create local SEO packages that deliver a high return on investment (ROI).

Google Analytics Reports

Our local digital marketing company uses Google Analytics to track your local SEO performance, identify visibility issues and provide data-driven local SEO tips to bolster your campaign results. We monitor and measure your local organic search metrics, such as website traffic, click-through rates (CTR), bounce rate, page views and average session duration. Once we’ve tracked all metrics, our local SEO specialist organizes the Google Analytics results to provide you with a clear overview of your campaign performance.

Video Summary

When working with Era Tech on your local SEO campaign, you get regular detailed reports and records you can check anytime to track your local search engine optimization effectiveness. Your dedicated local SEO specialist reviews your monthly local SEO improvements and objectives. Our local digital marketing agency also provides you with a task report detailing what we've worked on. This way, you stay on top of any updates and changes on your local search service.

Expert Consultations

Our local SEO firm schedules regular consultations with your in-house representatives to talk about your monthly campaign results and brainstorm any additional local citations service, Google My Business optimization service or local SEO solutions we need to implement. Your local SEO specialist is available by phone or email at any time in case you have anything to discuss. The more contact we have with you, the better we’ll be able to achieve your objectives.

Local Digital Marketing Services

An experienced online local SEO company understands that local SEO for small business is just one of the many aspects of reaching your target customers. To market and advertise effectively, you need to take a holistic approach to local digital marketing. At Era Tech, we provide comprehensive local digital marketing services to boost your market potential. Whether you need Google My Business services, local citations service, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or social media marketing solutions, our local digital marketing company has got you covered!

Local SEO Guide

Understanding what is local search optimization can be difficult, especially if you don’t have a basic knowledge of SEO and online marketing. As a local SEO service provider, we ensure all our clients understand the details of their local SEO campaigns. Our local SEO consultant creates a thorough local SEO guide and publishes blogs and case studies regularly to familiarize yourself with the different local digital marketing concepts.

How To Choose the Best Local SEO Company? 

Entrust Your Digital Success to the Experts

Are you having a hard time evaluating the local SEO agencies in your area? Finding the right online local SEO company to manage your Google My Business services and other local digital marketing processes takes significant time and careful thinking and planning.

These are the top considerations to help you narrow down your list of the best local SEO companies:

Local SEO Packages

Reliable local SEO agencies offer a diverse range of local SEO solutions that fit your needs, preferences, limitations and capabilities. Choose a local SEO service provider that analyzes your current market standing and outlines a clear roadmap to achieve your local SEO goals. Besides our local SEO services, we also offer a digital marketing strategy development service to help you better understand where your business is and where it should be.

Local SEO Pricing

A common mistake among marketers is choosing an SEO service company that offers affordable local SEO without examining the package inclusions and ongoing local SEO pricing. Don’t make the same mistake. Partner with a local SEO agency that offers transparent local SEO pricing and provides price projections as your campaign progresses.

3. Industry Experience

To enjoy the benefits of local SEO, your chosen local SEO service provider must understand your industry requirements, market standards and competition. Reliable local SEO agencies boast years of experience and expertise in dealing with local SEO campaigns for different brands across industries. Our local SEO company works with thousands of businesses with various specialties. Discover what our clients have to say about our service.

Local Search Optimization Processes

Working with a Google My Business agency or SEO service company for the first time can wreak havoc on your success if the local digital marketing processes are not carefully laid out. To achieve the best results, be sure to partner with a local search engine optimization company that prioritizes local SEO services based on the degree of importance. Our local SEO firm performs extensive research to determine your local SEO priorities and address your campaign challenges.

Track Record of Success

One of the most important considerations in choosing a local SEO marketing company is its digital presence and track record. Entrust your local SEO campaign to a local SEO agency that not only offers affordable local SEO packages but also maintains a reputation for client success. A top local SEO company ranks high within its service areas and receives verified positive reviews from satisfied client

Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

How Era Tech can help?

Era Tech is a Trusted Mobile App Development Agency
Turn your ideas into outstanding digital products.

Sticking to your business objectives, tech veterans at Era Tech foster enterprise growth through advanced mobile technology. Whether building a single-page interface or the most complex portal, our user-centric mobile app development approach gets you an incredible software application that conveys your messages unambiguously.

Want to create a web or mobile application, but you’re not sure where to start? Don’t worry, Era Tech is your digital’s partner. We specialize in building end-to-end solutions, with our experts ready to help you in every step of the way, from product ideation all the way to maintenance and support. Front-end or back-end, native app or cross-platform—we help you specify your needs and code your ideas by turning them into successful, market-ready jewels.

Era Tech is a Trusted Mobile App Development Agency

From iOS and Android apps to complex Web applications, we design and build digital products with leading technology. Era Tech develops mobile Phone applications for your business needs, we create mobile applications that keep your business growing and make your users satisfied.

Our Strategic App Development Approach will place you at the forefront of your service niche In this mobile-enabled world, a mobile app development company can play a crucial role for your business, whether you need a custom Android or native iOS application, Era Tech can offer cutting-edge app development services for start-ups & businesses that use the full power of new mobile technology. What creates our application engineering truly special, though, is we don’t just provide you with an off-the-peg solution.

Instead, we profoundly dive into the mobile apps development you are eager to have, with our years of practice in the field to generate a comprehensive app strategy in which your application is the main element. By focusing on the target audience and their expertise with application development, we record the mobile instants and the mobile experience you require to provide. We take into account time to market, deployment environment, scalability, and mobile platform, while making sure analytics are in place to follow the app’s performance formerly it’s in use. Era Tech has established itself as one of the leading mobile app development companies with a team of 100+ associates ensuring perfectly designed and productively crafted solutions with the finest possible return on your venture in mobile technology.

Our Capabilities are driven by three key Concepts


Mobile First Matters

It is vital, though, that you place mobile at the head of your offering, creating mobile moments at every main phase of your customer’s journey. This is how you motivate commitment and reinforce customer constancy in the mobile age.


Build and Test

Our team is practiced with the most cutting-edge mobile technology, development stages, and working procedures. Our mobile app developers merge these key components to make outstanding mobility solutions of the highest possible standards.

Measure and Optimize

No matter how much we like the app, the only actual dimension of its superiority comes from the customers: how are they reacting to the mobile experience you’ve formed for them? We can determine your app’s performance once it is made accessible, suggesting how to twist and optimize the product along the method.

A Trusted Partner

Era Tech has carved a niche for itself by offering high-quality and end-to-end mobile app development services to clients from various business verticals. With our innovative and technology-driven approach, we create mobile apps that mitigate risk factors and offer exceptional user experience.

With over 10+ years of experience and more than 1000+ project accomplishments, we take great pride in offering out-of-the-box custom app development services to our clients. With utmost transparency and professionalism, we have earned the trust and respect of our esteemed clientele.

Era Tech has carved a niche for itself by offering high-quality

100% Transparency

You will be in the loop throughout the app development process. Our mobile app developer will ensure that your valuable inputs and directions are taken into account to build an impeccable and superior app.


100% Confidentiality

You can rest assured of confidentiality. We have resources and technologies that facilitate us to keep your data and other vital information safe and secure.

Deployment in a Stipulated Time-Period

We understand your urgency to make your app live to get a competitive edge. We are a top mobile app development company that delivers and deploys a fully-functional app within the decided time period.

A Happy & Content Client List

Since our inception, we have served more than 500 clients across 25 different countries that are happy and content with our valuable and comprehensive mobile app development solutions.

Our areas of excellence and expertise in custom mobile app development

iPhone app

Constellation of star iOS developers ensuring uncompromised app performance

Android App

Technology with a tinge of art from Android developers makes your app a class apart

iPad App

Rich knowledge in developing iPad apps makes us a prominent and dependent force

Cross Platform App Development

Create apps that renders the same look, feel & functionalities across devices and platforms, with rich UX

Augmented Reality App

Our expert app developer renders articulate AR apps that help you stay well ahead of your peers

Wearable Device App

Our seasoned wearables experts are creative yet smart at ensuring the best performance

Virtual Reality App

Pool of Amazing VR app developers to provide impeccable app development service

iBeacon App

It primarily comprises of advertisements or little data packets, to broadcast at frequent intervals

Entrepreneurs Definitive Guide on App Development

The process of mobile app development may seem overwhelming for entrepreneurs but with talented app developers and expert technology consultants by your side to show the path, the process becomes hassle-free. So, to help, we have enlisted the crucial aspects of app idea validation, app development cost estimation, mobile app development guide, UI/UX app design, and more for the entrepreneurs to build a perspective on the mobile app development landscape. 

Why are we the best among the app development companies?

Know our specialties in application development


We believe in quality and constantly provide in building infrastructure which enables us to serve a client’s requirements; state-of-the-art project association systems, the latest hardware, professional skills and more

Experienced Team

With over 10 years of experience, our team of dedicated app developers have built Native and Hybrid mobile apps for enterprise, Startups, and agencies. Our experienced team delivers cutting-edge and the most efficient solutions


We develop user-friendly mobile apps with high scalability that attract more users towards your app and eventually, more downloads. Our team believe in building more user-oriented apps as per markets trends


We can combine accessible backend systems by creating service layers on top of it, or can build SOA-based middle tiers to leverage different backend systems or heterogeneous databases

Worldwide Approach

We think worldwide but acts locally. We convene you to decide what your requirements are. This worldwide/local approach has proven to be the most resourceful and successful for everyone involved

Project Delivery

With our developmental team - we communicate and help with one another to make a client relaxed and sure in our services. These ethnicities make easy fast implementation and deliver results

Frequently Asked Questions about Mobile App Development

I already have a mobile website. Do I need a mobile app now?

Solely depending on the business objective, those who want to reach a wide range of visitors opt for a mobile-friendly website (responsive). Nevertheless, if you primarily focus on delivering the best user experience which, in turn, brings more leads and promising business growth, a mobile app is the choice.

How Era Tech converts my ‘idea’ into a stunning mobile app?

Our business and technology consultants offer their expertise to work on feasibility. All you need is to explain your idea or business objectives to our experts. Our experts will then delve deeper into it and come up with a proper strategy for your app idea and then suggest the advantageous platform and POC (proof of concept) for your mobile app. Once finalized, we then implement the plan and convert your thoughts or idea into a perfect mobile app.

Which industry verticals do you cater app development services to?

From the healthcare industry to retail, and finance to entertainment, Era Tech has served almost all the industries under the sun. Our business and technology consultants can help you design, develop, and maintain customized mobile apps and websites. Whether a single-page app or a complex eCommerce portal, we can help you build the best solution to ease your business processes.

How do I know that my mobile app would be a standard and quality product?

Proof of Concept (POC), Mobile prototype, and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) are the ways to ensure that the product is going to be result-oriented. Our consultants focus on mobile app prototyping that validates strategic designing for the mobile app. Moreover, such a prototype would reflect the original app and help in studying the user experience.

How do you define your best practices in developing the perfect mobile app solutions?

The mobile app development cycle is not linear, as changes in the requirements are unavoidable. It is for this reason, the agile development method is practiced at Era Tech which enables the app developer adopt changes and render flexibility to the product. Our unique app development method allows the testers to review the progress and ensure that the project is in line with the business objectives. Long story short, agile development makes your mobile app better and scalable while it is getting built.

How much does it cost to develop an application?

There is no one figure that can be estimated to develop mobile application on Android or iOS platform. The costs, as in any other products development, depend on the complexity of the app. For instance, a single page mobile app would cost you way cheaper than a full-fledged multi-tier eCommerce portal. Our business and technology consultants are here to help you with the cost of the app. You can discuss the business objectives and requirements with our app development experts to have an idea about the budget. Moreover, do check our different hiring models.

How to hire professional mobile app developers?

Era Tech is a client-centric mobile app development company and, therefore, we have designed our ‘hiring models’ in a way that they are affordable to all – from individuals to mid-sized companies to MNCs.

The three basic hiring models for our app development services include:

o Dedicated Team based hiring

Works as a monthly rolling contract, the entire team works on your app development project dedicatedly. You would be paying for only measurable work or tasks.

o Fix Priced based hiring

It’s a onetime fixed cost for your app development project. Our business and technology consultants will work to look into the app development project to come up with a fixed cost and timeline.

o Hourly based hiring

You are charged hourly. Here, the mobile app development project with no defined objective or the tasks that are ongoing or require frequent changes are covered. You’ll pay as you use the experts hourly.

How do I track my mobile app development project?

When the project is kick started, we give you a timeline for each milestone. You will be provided with all the updates for each milestone during the mobile app development project lifecycle. Also, you can, in between, ask for the progress as well. We will be happy to provide you with needed information.

How is the app maintenance taken care of post-production?

While most app development companies have gloomy plans for the maintenance of the applications they develop, Era Tech walks an extra mile to assure you that the project does not get finished once the app is launched. An app is like a plant that requires care and nourishment. Our after-sales/maintenance service contract tackles every hitch that may affect your business growth. We help you maintain the application for a specific period as mentioned in the contract so that it remains up and running

Why should I select Era Tech as a mobile app development company?

Era Tech has been serving businesses with its bespoke IT solutions since 2011. With over 500 clientele bases internationally, we believe that business should be beyond any monetary gains. Hence, we aim to have a long-term relationship with each of our esteemed clients. That said, you can bank on us as we not just listen to your requirements, but also put our earnest efforts to get you tailored IT solutions.

Your Most Trusted Development & Digital Marketing Partner 

 Convert More Prospects into Customers and Drive More Sales 

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Gain Customer Trust and Propel Your Brand Success

Is your online reputation hurting your business? A Zignal Labs report revealed that a company’s online reputation is responsible for at least half its market value. Take charge of your reputation online and build a positive brand image with Era Tech agency’s reputation management services.

What Is Online Reputation Management?

Make a Great First Impression With Your Target Audience

Your online reputation serves as a trust signal that determines if prospects will do business with you. According to a study by the University of Technology Sydney, most consumers are willing to pay more for a product or service from a company with a stellar reputation online. What does your brand reputation look like?

Whether you own or manage a small business, Fortune 500 company or multi-location firm, you need to maintain a positive online reputation to establish your thought-leadership brand and gain better online recognition. Online reputation management allows you to do just that.

Reputation management is the practice of safeguarding the online reputation of an individual, company or organization to shape public perception. Internet reputation management ensures online users and search engines find the right materials when they search for your brand online.

Online Reputation Management

Online reputation management involves:

  • Review generation
  • Reputation monitoring
  • Review marketing
  • Online reputation repair
  • Survey campaign management
  • Social media follower growth service
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) reputation management

Ignore your reputation online and you risk falling victim to rumors and misinformation. On the other hand, gain reputation control and you create a wealth of positive, quality materials that reflect your personal brand.

Is Your Business Represented Fairly Online?

Statistics show nine out of 10 consumers read online reviews before making a purchase and nearly 62 percent will not buy from a company that censors business reviews. Furthermore, brands that receive only one or two stars on review platforms such as Yelp or Google risk losing 86 percent of their prospects

Don’t let a single negative comment or fake customer review ruin your reputation online. Capitalize on goal-driven reputation management services and learn how to get more reviews on Google and other platforms.

Era Tech agency is one of the best reputation management companies, offering custom reputation management services tailored to your unique branding and goals. Connect with Era Tech agency and let us show you how to get more reviews and streamline your brand reputation management.

Represented Fairly

Why Your Business Needs Online Reputation Management

Stay on Top of Your Brand Mentions and Search Results 

Brand reputation management is critical to digital success. The internet is the first-place people turn to when searching for information about a person, company, product or service – and a big portion of their online research involves browsing online reviews.

To ensure your business is accurately represented online, reputation monitoring and review management are crucial. Reputation management online allows you to:

  • Appeal to High-Intent Prospects

ReadyEra Tech managers work closely with our digital marketing specialists to deliver results-driven eCommerce marketing services. We implement both organic and paid social media marketing strategies to boost your competitive edge. Era Tech team optimizes your social media posts, provides review responses, interacts with your followers and shares valuable content. 

  • Generate Positive Business Reviews

According to statistics, 92 percent of online users don’t trust a brand without online reviews. What’s more, 23 percent said they have difficulty making a purchase decision when there are no product reviews. A reputation manager ensures your business has a steady flow of verified online reviews to guide your customers’ buying process. A reputation management firm also uses advanced reputation management software to build your review generation strategy and get honest online reviews from satisfied customers.

  • Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and Loyalty

Selling to existing clients is 6-7 times cheaper compared to generating new customers. However, one of the biggest challenges that companies face today is keeping existing customers happy over the long-term. Brand reputation management offers a unique way to promote brand transparency and build trust with your clients. Reputation management agencies leverage both positive and negative online reviews to showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction and build stronger client relationships.

  • Attract High-Performing Employees

Your team plays a crucial role in keeping your business alive and thriving. As such, you must ensure employee satisfaction is one of your top priorities. Internet reputation management allows you to measure employee engagement and experience and gather actionable insights to further improve your staff retention and acquisition strategies. Statistics show 69 percent of applicants would reject a job offer from a company with a negative reputation online. To attract the right candidates and grow your team, you need to invest in a reputation management service focused on your holistic growth.

  • Improve Your Bottom Line

No matter if you own an eCommerce store, multi-location company or a brick-and-mortar business, you need web reputation management to protect your brand image and drum up new business. A Spiegel Research Center study found that online reviews increase conversions by 270 percent. Moreover, business reviews ramp up conversion rates of higher-priced products by up to 380 percent. With search engine reputation management, you can build better relationships with your prospects and maximize the multitude interaction channels to convert them into paying customers.

  • Boost Your SEO Efforts

SEO reputation management is an excellent way to create awareness about your brand, amplify customer voices online and boost your search rankings. According to Moz, online reviews make up 15 percent of Google Local Pack ranking factors. By learning how to get more reviews on Google and other review sites, you generate more user-generated content (UGC), which drives qualified traffic and conversions to your landing pages. The best reputation management companies integrate these UGCs to your Google My Business (GMB) profile and other marketing campaigns to showcase your brand’s trustworthiness and improve your click-through rates (CTRs) and Google rankings.

The Consequences of a Poor Reputation Online

Still not convinced about search engine reputation management being essential to business success?

All it takes is one dissatisfied customer to negatively impact your brand’s online reputation. Orders, bookings, and subscriptions run the risk of being canceled if negative online reviews plague your online profiles. These can ripple through all your marketing efforts, affecting more than just your sales.

Additionally, a poor reputation management strategy can lead to:

  • Low search engine rankings
  • Diminished trust
  • Loss of revenue
  • Increased marketing expenses
  • Decreased profitability
  • Damaged brand reputation
  • Reduced customer and employee retention rate
 Reputation Online

Your business’s online reputation is important, so make sure you are working with a reputation management company that is committed to making a difference. Contact Era Tech agency today to learn about how to get more reviews and improve your SEO reputation management strategy.

Reputation Management

An Online Reputation Management Company That Delivers Results

Drive More Prospects Toward Your Business

At Era Tech agency, we are dedicated and committed to helping businesses build brand awareness and credibility through encouraging positive reviews and restoring their brand names.

Throughout the years, we’ve continuously developed and improved Era Tech agency services to provide our clients with the best online reputation management that fits their marketing needs and meets industry guidelines.

Partner with Era Tech agency and discover how Era Tech agency can simplify your online reputation monitoring and online review management in significant ways.

What Does Your Online Reputation Look Like?

Win Back Unhappy Customers and Boost Your Client Retention Rate

Many businesses treat digital marketing as a set-and-forget way of building an online reputation. However, online marketing entails more than launching local SEO and social media marketing campaigns.

Even if you have a robust digital marketing strategy in place, you still run the risk of increasing your customer churn by 15 percent if you don’t engage actively with your customers. Moreover, no matter how many followers you have on social media, unless you respond to customer reviews, your followers will only see you as a business page looking to earn profits.

What does your online reputation say about your company? Does your reputation management strategy bring profit or do more harm than good to your business?

Online reviews are inevitable components of digital marketing. People want to know they’re reading real reviews written by real customers. As such, your reputation manager must regularly monitor the quality and quantity of your online reviews.

Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management Services

Extend Beyond Generating Positive Customer Reviews

If you own, operate or manage a business, then you’ve likely received a negative review from a dissatisfied customer. Even the most reputable businesses have experienced disgruntled customers from time to time.

Although it might be easy for successful businesses to shrug this off, they are often surprised to discover just how damaging the negative review of even one customer can be to their online reputation. If you have received a negative review online, whether it was legitimate or a scam, this can be frustrating, worrisome and you may even feel violated and/or powerless.

By using online reputation management software and investing in the right online reputation management service, you can improve your average ratings across review sites. Here are some ways Era Tech agency can help with online reputation management and get more 5-star Google reviews for your business

Globally, there are approximately 2.05 billion digital buyers. Experts predict this number to grow to 2.14 billion by 2021. As worldwide internet use continues to expand, many eCommerce stores face stiff competition and strict industry regulations.

Online Reputation Repair

Are you one of the people asking, “How do I get something removed from Google Search?” or “How to repair my damaged reputation online?” Era Tech agency expert repairs and mitigates damage from negative reviews by looking into where they came from and providing reputation marketing solutions to fix them. We implement online reputation management SEO strategies, send requests to Google and other review sites to take down fake, offensive content related to your brand and boost your overall digital reputation management efforts to rebuild and strengthen your brand image.

Reputation Management Software

Does your current online reputation monitoring system take too much of your time and effort? Era Tech agency firm has got you covered! We use state-of-the-art reputation management software to facilitate your reputation management online and streamline your review marketing efforts. Era Tech review software supports localized SMS and email campaigns at any scale, regular online reputation monitoring and social media reputation management across multiple locations.

White Label Reputation Management

Stuck with your web reputation management? Don’t have the time to oversee your clients’ business reputation management campaigns? Era Tech agency offers white label reputation management solutions to improve your daily operations and help you focus on your core business. Once you sign up for Era Tech agency, you get access to white label reputation management software and brandable reputation management online reports you can use during client presentations.

Review Response

Studies show companies that provide a review response to at least 25 percent of their business reviews earn an additional 35 percent revenue. Give an appropriate and prompt review response to your customer reviews and turn negative online feedback into marketing opportunities. Era Tech agency company analyzes your customer sentiment and crafts a well-thought and sincere review response. We also adopt your unique brand voice to ensure your best intentions come across well.

Review Generation

Every additional one-star Yelp rating and customer review can increase your revenue by as high as nine percent. Where does online review management fall in your task priorities? Era Tech agency team builds and implements an automated process and system to drive new, positive reviews for your business month-over-month (MoM). We do not believe in paid reviews, so you can trust that Era Tech systems are honest and truthful. More importantly, Era Tech agency review software allows you to perform regular, real-time online review management, so you are well aware of the quality and quantity of reviews that come in.

Review Monitoring

Need assistance with your online reputation monitoring? Era Tech agency firm sets up a program to monitor and alert you about new reviews, whether positive or negative, so you always know where your online reputation stands. We leverage Era Tech software to speed up your online review monitoring process and integrate with 100+ major review sites to bring all your online reviews in one place.

SEO Reputation Management

Search engine reputation management is a delicate process. You need to familiarize yourself with various online reputation management SEO elements to drive campaign success. Online reputation marketing also involves promoting positive and desirable content and controlling the content and information accessible to the online community to gain reputation control and position yourself as a market leader. We understand that these online reputation management SEO methods can be tedious. That is why Era Tech agency manager takes care of everything – from on-site optimization and GMB optimization to web reputation management.

Survey Campaign Management

Keep a pulse on your target audience and existing customers using Era Tech agency software. Era Tech monitoring team creates various types of customer satisfaction surveys to gather market insights and provide you with actionable insights to improve client engagement. You can also use Era Tech software to deploy your customer experience surveys and launch other drip marketing automation campaigns.

Social Media Follower Growth

With approximately 3.78 billion social media users worldwide, social media reputation management becomes a vital component of any reputation management service. At Era Tech, we leverage your positive online reviews for reputation marketing to build your social media confidence. Era Tech experts also create social media follow us templates and provide online reputation management tools that you can use to launch unlimited email and SMS campaigns. Reach out to Era Tech agency expert and let’s talk about your social media follower growth strategy.

Online Product Reviews Management

Propel your eCommerce business forward with Era Tech online product reviews management service. We use smart online review management software to facilitate a more efficient review monitoring process across your product listings. Whether you need help tracking reviews for Amazon, Best Buy, Overstock, Walmart, Target Plus or other eCommerce marketplaces, Era Tech agency can assist you. We can also manage your eCommerce website’s review acquisition to streamline your processes and establish social proof on your product pages.

Business Listings Management

Outsource your manual citation management tasks to Era Tech agency and save time, effort and money. Era Tech management experts perform regular business listings audits to ensure all your brand information across local citations is SEO-optimized and up to date. We keep your online presence consistent across the web while adding more customer reviews and star ratings to your local listings. Schedule a consultation with us to know more about Era Tech agency business listings management service.

Email Marketing

Reach out to your best customers at the right moment with automated SMS marketing and email marketing services. We create personalized email and SMS review request templates to help you gain more customer reviews. Besides review generation, Era Tech email and SMS marketing services also support survey campaign management. Let us help you keep a pulse on your customer experience and launch targeted online reputation management campaigns through email marketing!

Why Choose Era Tech for Online Reputation Management

Get Professional Solutions That Drive Business Growth

Era Tech agency is one of the leading online review management companies that boast years of expertise and experience in digital reputation management.

Whether you need help with online review monitoring, reputation control, review management or other aspects of brand reputation management, Era Tech business reputation management firm can assist you.

Here’s what you can expect from Era Tech agency online reputation management service:

Diverse Industry Expertise

Are you in the healthcare, finance, car dealership or construction industry? No matter your niche expertise, we can help you. Era Tech is one of the few reputation management agencies in the country that provide online reputation services for thousands of businesses from across industries. Besides reputation marketing services, Era Tech agency is also well-versed in various digital marketing practices, including link building, search engine marketing (SEM) and eCommerce optimization.

Smart Reputation Management Strategy

To repair a poor online reputation and maintain a positive brand image, you need data-driven online reputation management services geared towards achieving your full market potential. Era Tech performs extensive reputation analysis to determine the current state of your online image and outline the best online reputation management strategies that meet your reputation goals. Contact us now and let’s discuss how to get more reviews and boost your online reputation management SEO efforts.

Online Reputation Management FAQs

Is It Possible To Remove Negative Brand-Related Content from Search Results

Yes. However, this only works in select cases, such as fake customer reviews, false and misleading press releases or inaccurate blog posts.

Do Online Reputation Managers Write The Reviews For Your Company?

No. A professional ORM company, like Rize, won’t write new online reviews for their client as this is unethical. Also, this practice directly violates our platform’s rules regarding fake reviews. At Rize, we follow a streamlined and automated process that asks your customers to leave a review. The ORM software acts as a third party that does all the legwork for the request and collection of your business reviews.

Can Reputation Management Place The Same Review On Multiple Platforms?

Rize Reviews follows best practices and never recommends placing the same reviews on multiple platforms. This sends a message to Google that the reviews may not be genuine, which can lead to penalizations. Review solicitation best practices indicate that the best strategy is to present your customers with multiple listing site options from which they can select the one they are most comfortable using.

How Do I Get Something Removed From Google Search?

Online review management companies implement several ways to remove negative content from search results. You may either contact the source or file a formal complaint with the search engine or webmaster to edit or remove damaging content.

How to Get More Reviews on Google and Other Platforms?

Review management companies use different methods to get more online reviews. The best way, however, is to leverage online review management software and capitalize on quality review management service.

Do All Review Management Companies Offer Comprehensive Orm Solutions?

No. Some reputation management agencies focus only on review generation and review monitoring. This means you need to find another reputation management company to handle your survey campaign management and social media follower growth campaign. Era Tech agency and Rize Reviews are among the few online review management companies that offer complete digital reputation management solutions tailored to clients’ needs and demands.

Do I Need White Label Reputation Management Software To Manage My Clients’ Campaigns?

Definitely. White label reputation management software is designed to streamline your reputation management processes and provide accurate information about your clients’ campaigns. Without online reputation management tools, it can be difficult to track hundreds of review sites and generate credible campaign reports.

What Are The Top Considerations In Choosing The Best Online Reputation Management Company?

The right online reputation management company works closely with you to determine the best reputation management strategy for your business. Look for a reputation management firm that provides access to online review management software, offers free review widget and presents reputation management packages that suit your financial capacity.

Does The Quality Of Review Software Differ Per Company?

Yes. Review management companies use different reputation management software with distinct features and functionalities. Era Tech agency with review software that allows flexible targeting, facilitates drip marketing automation across 100+ review sites and supports CRM and POS integrations. Era Tech agency reputation management software boasts all these functionalities.

How Can I Make Use Of Orm If My Business Doesn’t Collect Customer Data?

Even if your business doesn’t currently collect your customers’ information, a professional ORM company will easily sort that out for you. Your reputation management team will create a live landing page on your website where your customers can log in onsite to leave their review. This link can also be directly shared with your customers if you want to ask them for a review of your service and you include the link in your email signature.
