Content Writing Services

Content Writing Services

SEO Content Writing Services

Communicate Your Brand Purpose and Demonstrate Your Expertise

Create top-level content that converts and attracts more organic search traffic with Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency’s SEO content writing services. Our content marketing agency handles keyword research, content strategy development, content writing and content marketing at the backend to help you reach out to untapped demographics and build up your reputation in your specific niche market.

What Is Content Writing?

Engage Your Target Audience and Foster Trust

As more companies turn to online marketing and compete on digital platforms, many businesses also struggle to gain traction for their brand and stay ahead of the curve. Showcase your industry knowledge and rise above this saturated digital marketplace through effective content writing and consistent content marketing efforts.

Content writing is the process of mapping out ideas and developing website content that meets search engine optimization (SEO) guidelines. Websites require quality SEO content to best represent their brand or services. If you want your site to showcase your positive brand image and achieve your sales goals, you must produce descriptive, original, understandable and SEO-friendly content.

But not only that: You should also enhance your content marketing efforts to capture your audience’s attention and move prospects through your sales funnel.

SEO Content Writing vs. SEO Content Marketing

SEO content writing is the initial phase of content marketing. It centers on creating and optimizing dynamic web content to convey your brand message and ensure a smooth website experience for online users.

Once you’re done developing website content, the next phase of your content plan is to promote it on the right channels. This is where SEO content marketing comes in.

SEO content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on disseminating relevant and SEO friendly content on various online platforms to drive profitable customer action.

A well-articulated digital content marketing strategy makes it easier to gauge the effectiveness of your content development strategy and identify opportunities for improvement.

Combined SEO content creation and SEO content marketing efforts work best to provide value to your audience and gain their trust.

If you only prioritize web content writing but do not distribute the content SEO material to appropriate platforms, your online content might not rank on relevant search engine results pages (SERPs) and get the attention it deserves. Likewise, feeding customers with irrelevant content for SEO could move your company off track in meeting your sales and marketing targets.

Invest in all-inclusive content marketing solutions and get content that converts.

Reputable content marketing companies provide comprehensive content services that involve keyword research, content strategy creation, SEO content writing and content marketing plan implementation. These content strategy SEO solutions are designed to help brands communicate their unique value proposition (UVP) and solve consumers’ problems.

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the trusted content writing companies committed to producing highly valuable SEO content that draws customers to your business. Capitalize on our article writing services and find out how your brand can benefit from SEO content creation.

SEO and Content

Boost Your Click-Through Rate by Appearing in Relevant Search Results

Many marketers consider SEO and content marketing to be two different strategies. On the contrary, SEO and content optimization are interconnected disciplines that share the same goal: to provide the best possible solution to online users’ information needs

Think of SEO and content marketing as two overlapping digital marketing strategies: A content creation strategy focuses on generating quality web content that provides value to search engines and online users. SEO, on the other hand, deals with content optimization and the more technical aspects of your website, such as page speed and keyword research and integration.

SEO without website content is like building a house without a framework. You cannot attract website visitors and increase the quality of your site traffic if your site does not contain useful website content. Similarly, your web content writing efforts will be wasted if you don’t have a concrete content marketing SEO plan.

To ensure digital success, SEO and content optimization must go hand in hand.

Have more questions about content SEO integration and SEO keyword search? Let our content marketing agency show you how to leverage content for SEO to drive more organic traffic and conversions for your business. Our SEO content writers discuss the advantages of developing website content to guide your learning process.

Why SEO Content Writing Services Is So Important

Convert Page Visitors Into Paying Customers

Your website content serves as an extension of your brick-and-mortar store. It speaks volumes about your business and determines the success of your digital marketing efforts. Studies show approximately 77 percent of online users read online content, and marketers who prioritize developing quality content for SEO are 13X more likely to gain a positive return on investment (ROI).

With the right content writing services, you can:

Build Brand Awareness

Your online content reinforces your brand message and communicates it across all digital channels. By capitalizing on content marketing services, you communicate your business’s unique selling points (USPs) in the most efficient way possible. With stiff competition in the online realm, a good SEO content writing service goes a long way in creating brand recognition and staying top of mind with your target audience.

Expand Your Customer Base

The key to consistent business growth is increasing your customer base – and web content writing allows you to do just that. Content writing companies improve your online reach by performing thorough SEO keyword research and publishing fresh, SEO optimized content. Effective content marketing strategies connect your brand with high-converting prospects while retaining the old ones.

Grow Your Online Authority

As a business owner, you need to publish credible web content to show prospects and customers you’re knowledgeable in various areas of your niche market. Not all marketers, however, have the time to sit down for hours-long SEO content creation. A content marketing firm performs in-depth SEO keyword analysis and market research to create authoritative content marketing SEO pieces that attract high-quality backlinks and encourage thoughtful discussions with your audience.

Gain Higher Leads and Conversion Rates

According to a HubSpot study, six out of 10 marketers believe that an SEO optimized content generates the highest-quality leads. With different content marketing SEO techniques, such as email and mobile marketing, you can turn these leads into cold, warm and hot prospects. Your online content strategy fuels your lead generation and conversion rate optimization (CRO) efforts. By investing in growth-driven SEO content services, you can improve the number of people doing business on your website.

Earn Long-Term Revenue

The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer report reveals that businesses gain consumer confidence by providing trustworthy website content. If you can identify and address the information needs of your potential customers, you don’t only inspire trust, but you also build a loyal following that contributes to your brand’s long-term sustainability. Develop a creative and reliable content strategy and acquire more traffic and revenue over time.

Get Better SEO Results

Search engines look for high-quality, unique web content that integrates keywords naturally and provides informational, emotional and entertainment value to online users. Companies that capitalize on SEO content writing services backed by research and data have higher chances of getting tremendous search visibility, online exposure and search engine rankings. Fill your website with SEO optimized content and rank higher in search results.

Era Tech’s SEO Content Creation Process

A Streamlined System That Works for You

Our content marketing agency acknowledges that SEO content creation requires close collaboration between the content marketing specialist and the client. While we know how to target search engines and the internet community, you know your customers best, so we want you to be involved as much as you wish as we write your SEO content.

Here’s an overview of our web content writing process:

1-Client Consultation

Our content strategy agency provides you with a dedicated content marketing specialist whom you can regularly contact to give instructions, check on your content marketing strategy development, ask questions and request any revisions you’d like to see on your SEO content. Fill us in on your ideal consumer and how you want them to feel when they visit your site and start reading the content. Era Tech can even develop personas of your targeted clients.

2-SEO Keyword Research and Market Analysis

Once our content marketing specialist has identified your SEO content marketing pain points and SEO content expectations, we then move on to market analysis and SEO keyword research. Our content writer works closely with SEO experts to perform thorough keyword research and SEO keyword analysis and build your SEO keyword strategy. We also conduct industry analysis, competitor benchmarking and content analysis to create a strong foundation for your digital content strategy.

3-SEO Content Strategy Development

Once our content marketing specialist has identified your SEO content marketing pain points and SEO content expectations, we then move on to market analysis and SEO keyword research. Our content writer works closely with SEO experts to perform thorough keyword research and SEO keyword analysis and build your SEO keyword strategy. We also conduct industry analysis, competitor benchmarking and content analysis to create a strong foundation for your digital content strategy.

4-In-Depth Research Process

After finalizing the content strategy plan, the next step is content marketing research. This phase is crucial to guide our content writer’s SEO content creation process and ensure we have a clear understanding of your SEO content writing needs and demands. Your dedicated website content writer performs high-level research to get familiar with the topic, consults with experts and leverages useful content references and search engine strategies to convey your brand message or any technical information effectively to your target audience.

5-Web Content Writing

Content writing is one of the most crucial stages of your digital content marketing strategy, so we maximize our time and efforts to build out your website content’s structure, fill in your bullet points and complete all sections of your SEO content. You can choose the tone and phrasing of the online content your visitors will be reading. Whether you want it to be light-hearted or formal, business-like or casual, our content writer can adapt the writing style to suit your needs.

6- SEO Content Optimization

Finally, your dedicated website content writer runs a hard edit of the web content to check for cohesion between online content sections and ensure the final piece is unique, digestible and authentic. Our content marketing agency comprises a team of experienced SEO content writers and editors who work night and day to ensure we serve you the content according to your expectations.

You can review the content as much or as little as you wish. We’re confident in our writing skills and we know we will provide you with website content that is appealing to both search engines and people. Of course, the final approval is yours to make, and if there is anything you don’t like or want to add, just let us know and it will be done!

Why You Need a Content Marketing Strategy

Develop Your Competitive Advantage and Reach Your Goals

A 2018 content marketing survey revealed that only 4 percent of business-to-business (B2B) marketers consider their online content strategy extremely successful. Meanwhile, 53 percent of the respondents find their content strategy SEO approach moderately effective.

To appeal to your ideal customers and create a robust relationship with them, you need a content marketing strategy that captures your customer persona and unique brand voice.

A well-constructed website content plan allows you to:

Create Consistent, High-Quality Content

Successful SEO content marketing doesn’t happen in a flash. You need a smart content creation strategy and data-driven SEO keyword strategy to create SEO-friendly content that converts. If you don’t have a well-laid-out content strategy plan, your content marketing efforts will fall flat. Content strategies are designed to provide your business with a clear direction in creating consistent, valuable SEO content.

Retain Page Visitors

Great web content is a vital asset in keeping page visitors on your website and compelling them to sign up for your blog updates and come back for more. With the right SEO content strategy, you can effortlessly capture your prospects’ attention and continually reinforce a positive brand impression. Content marketing agencies formulate website content strategies focused on building and strengthening relationships with online users.

Gain Better Traction

What topics should you focus on? Which types of content resonate with your target audience? What brand-related questions are your customers asking online? Having an SEO content strategy makes it easier for you to identify the topics you need to address in your website content and map out content marketing strategies for better audience targeting and brand promotion.

Cultivate Brand Loyalty

A HubSpot study revealed that nearly 40 percent of marketers consider web content creation services essential components of their overall digital marketing strategy, especially in generating brand loyalty. A growth-driven website content plan allows you to write more useful online content for potential customers, showcase your market expertise and build a community around your brand.

Save Time, Money and Resources

On average, it takes approximately 3 hours and 55 minutes for a content writer to finish a blog post. Evidently, SEO content creation takes time. By prioritizing your content marketing plan, you can ensure all your time, money and resources are strategically spent unlocking your website content’s full potential and creating relevant content marketing SEO pieces around topics that your ideal audience is interested in.

Avoid Google Penalty

Google penalizes websites that implement black hat content marketing strategies, such as keyword stuffing, copyright infringing and link spamming. To protect your website from Google penalties, you need white hat website content strategies that meet search engine standards. Content writing companies recommend keeping abreast of the latest SEO developments and new algorithm updates to ensure your rankings don’t slip and your revenues don’t fall.

Ready to create your digital content strategy? Discover the different types of online content you can include in your content strategy SEO priorities.

Popular Content Types We Offer

Adopt an Online Strategy That Speaks Directly to Your Customer

When you hear “content writing,” what do you think of? If you’re like most businesses, blog posts would probably be the first thing that comes to your mind. While blogging is among the most well-known forms of online content, there’s a lot more SEO content that you can add to your SEO content marketing arsenal.

Our content strategy agency works with local businesses, enterprises, multiple-location companies and large franchises to handle the development and execution of their content management strategy. These are some of the most popular types of online content we can help you with:

Blog Posts

Statistics show websites with active blogs generate 97 percent more backlinks than their competition. Build brand awareness and generate more brand mentions from authoritative sites with useful and relevant blog posts. Our content writing agency uses advanced keyword research tools and performs extensive niche analysis to identify high-converting content ideas and create opportunities for social sharing.

Website Content

The quality and value of your web content determine whether page visitors stay or leave. As your dedicated content agency, we ensure your website content reflects your SEO keyword strategy, captures your unique brand voice and represents your company in a positive light. Our website content writer works closely with your in-house representatives to accurately communicate your website’s purpose and convince visitors to take action.

Service Pages

Do you offer two or more services? Or do you specialize in specific areas of your niche market? Our content strategy services team comprises SEO content writers with diverse industry knowledge and subject matter expertise, so you can rely on us to create expert content no matter your industry. Whether you’re in the healthcare, finance, construction, manufacturing or food delivery industry, our content writing company has got you covered!

Location-Specific Pages

Does your company serve two or more local and/or international locations? Our content marketing company creates city and state pages, depending on your business’s marketing needs and demands. We use a geo-specific SEO keyword research strategy to show customers where you are and highlight your specific brand offerings per location. These practices allow our content agency to improve your local SEO and attract targeted leads.

Landing Pages

Share the benefits of your products and services and convert more visitors into paying customers with SEO-optimized landing pages. Era Tech’s SEO content writing service covers the creation of landing pages to support your social media paid advertising and pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns. Our content expert ensures your web content matches your ads, creates strong calls-to-action (CTAs) and uses compelling web copy to improve your conversions.

Social Media Content

Social media marketing is one of the most cost-efficient ways to drive more inbound traffic and showcase your brand authority. Some marketers, however, take online content strategy development for granted, so they lose the opportunity to connect with more fans and followers. As your partner content writing company, we take note of the correct format and monitor character counts for each platform to deliver on-brand social media content that converts.

Ad Copy

Whether you’re introducing new products or services in the market, expanding your market scope or promoting company events, our SEO content services team can help you. We write compelling ad headlines, keep your descriptive copy short and simple, offer useful insights and include powerful CTAs to engage your audience wherever they’re active online. Our content company also runs A/B tests to determine which ad copy resonates the most with your prospects.

Case Studies

Case studies are valuable tools in establishing social proof and illustrating your brand principle. Unsure of how to write in-depth case studies? Our content marketing company formulates your digital content strategy and presents recommendations on structuring your case studies. Once we’ve agreed on a specific structure, our SEO content writer collects valuable data and turns it into a unique, shareable case study that highlights your significant accomplishments.

Press Releases

Gain immediate exposure and prove your brand authenticity through public relations (PR) campaigns. We use powerful action words to capture your readers’ attention, give straight-up facts and leverage CTAs and visual content to convey your brand story and increase your sales potential. As your dedicated SEO writing services provider, we run effective PR campaigns to maximize your reach and connect your brand with people who share the same vision.

Email Marketing Content

Need help moving prospects through your sales funnel? Our SEO writing services are centered on delivering targeted messages to your preferred audience segments no matter the platform. We create your email content plan, organize your online content per campaign, leverage lead magnets and create engaging online content. Our web content writer makes your emails skimmable to convince more subscribers to take immediate action.

Product Descriptions

Rank your product pages for relevant search terms with keyword-driven product descriptions. A big part of our web content writing services is making your descriptions specific, interesting and engaging. Your dedicated SEO content writer adheres to the specific guidelines of each eCommerce marketplace to ensure you attract shoppers and convince them to buy. Whether you’re an Amazon, Target Plus or Walmart Marketplace seller, our content agency can assist you.


Launching newsletter campaigns? Let our content marketing company increase your business’s credibility and authority with well-written newsletters that drive stronger engagement. We create multiple versions of your email content and run A/B tests to determine which newsletter version will drive more clicks and conversions. More importantly, our web content writer creates solid CTAs and informative content to generate repeat traffic and sales.

Era Tech’s Content Writing Services

Provide Exceptional Value to Your Existing and Prospective Clients

SEO Keyword Research

Although keywords shouldn’t dominate your online content, they still play a significant role in your content management strategy. Our content writing company uses advanced SEO keyword search tools to determine keywords with high search volume, identify their ranking difficulty, relevance and search demand curve and perform Keyword Objection to Benefit (KOB) analysis. Most importantly, we employ strategic SEO keyword search tactics and mix head terms and long-tail keywords to improve your content creation strategy and attract targeted search traffic.

Content Development Strategy

There’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to content strategy plan implementation. However, as a marketer, you need to conduct extensive research and assess all your options to develop a smart website content plan that delivers measurable results. Our content marketing service team audits your existing website content and content marketing plan to provide you with SEO copywriting services that bring more clicks and conversions to your website. We ensure you offer the right content to the right audience at the right time and platform.

Link Building

The quality of your inbound links affects your search engine rankings. Your best approach is to capitalize on website content writing services to earn high-quality links from authoritative sites and boost your SEO. Era Tech is one of the venerable content marketing agencies that prioritize creating data-driven website content to drive success in terms of link acquisition. Our content strategy services team leverages different content types, such as case studies and interviews, and publishes industry-specific guides and blog posts to provide value to your audience and drive quality backlinks.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

SEO content creation results in about 434 percent more indexed pages. The more indexed pages you have, the higher your chances of ranking high in relevant search results and driving clicks and conversions. At Era Tech , we use suggestive headlines, create compelling content that speaks to your audience, adopt your unique brand voice, use the right keywords and tone and ensure your web content is free from plagiarism. Our content company follows the best practices in creating and executing your content strategies to ensure every section of your website content generates conversion.

Web Design and Development

Studies show online content with a relevant image and good layout receives an average of 94 percent more views than other web content. Enhance your website content’s aesthetic appeal and convey your brand message more effectively with our integrated web design and SEO copywriting services. Our web content writing team and web design experts take a collaborative approach to your web design and content development strategy to provide the best possible user experience (UX). Era Tech is also one of the few content marketing companies that offer ADA website compliance services to ensure your web content is accessible to everyone.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Nearly 70 percent of marketers capitalize on content marketing services to calibrate their SEO strategy, attract traffic and encourage visitor-to-client conversion. Take advantage of our web content services and work with an SEO content writer experienced in creating SEO friendly content. Our content writing agency understands how search engines work, and we constantly update our content writing service and technical SEO methods to match each new update that search engines roll out. Enlist our SEO content writing services and let us help you do SEO content marketing the right way.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

Improve your PPC performance and generate more qualified leads with Era Tech’s PPC content marketing service. Our PPC content writing service includes in-depth research, ad copy creation and A/B testing to boost your PPC performance and content ROI. We can also handle your landing page creation and/or content management strategy optimization at the backend to save you time and stress. With us, you get PPC content services focused on nurturing inbound leads through your conversion funnel and driving the highest possible traffic and revenue.

Google Analytics

A big part of our SEO content writing services is keeping track of your Google Analytics performance and using these content marketing insights to improve your content strategies. Our SEO content services team monitors and analyzes your traffic, navigation, organic search and conversion metrics, such as email signups, page clicks, page views and bounce rates, to gain actionable insights and quickly implement the necessary updates on your content strategy. We also provide you with monthly reports, so you stay on top of your content marketing service progress.

Video Production

More than half of internet users watch videos online every day. Take advantage of our video content strategy services and supercharge your video content marketing plan. Our web content services team creates scripts and guides for various types of video content, including interviews, webinars, presentations, product reviews, video emails and about us/culture videos. Have old videos that you want to repurpose? Our content expert can handle your video content optimization to ensure it is up-to-date and SEO optimized.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Nearly 70 percent of marketers capitalize on content marketing services to calibrate their SEO strategy, attract traffic and encourage visitor-to-client conversion. Take advantage of our web content services and work with an SEO content writer experienced in creating SEO friendly content. Our content writing agency understands how search engines work, and we constantly update our content writing service and technical SEO methods to match each new update that search engines roll out. Enlist our SEO content writing services and let us help you do SEO content marketing the right way.

Email Marketing

Unsure of how to best reach out to your customers and followers without sounding too salesy? We offer SEO copywriting services to support your email marketing campaigns. As your content writing service provider, we analyze the location, demographics and online behavior of your different audience segments to ensure we craft appropriate email marketing content before sending an email blast. Our email content marketing services team also leverages your latest email campaign performance reports to understand what’s working well and what needs improvement.

eCommerce Marketing

Do your current content marketing solutions generate profitable results for your online store or do they incur more cost than gain? Get the right website content creation services and increase your conversion rate by almost six times! Era Tech is one of the leading content marketing agencies offering affordable, quality web content services that produce significant results. We analyze your preferred platform's demands and content marketing guidelines, audit your current marketplace listing and provide data-driven recommendations to optimize your eCommerce content marketing strategy based on product, niche market and customer type.

Why Choose Era Tech for SEO Content Marketing

Overcome Industry Challenges and Improve Your Performance Metrics

Headquartered in Arlington, Texas, Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the most recognized content marketing companies. We provide content marketing solutions that help businesses convey their brand message with clarity and confidence.

Here’s what you can expect from our website content writing services:

Fast Turnaround

Studies show publishing fresh, new website content two to four times a week provides the best results in terms of traffic and conversions. Save time producing web page and blog content at an efficient pace when you sign up for our SEO writing services. We determine your preferred timeline and set your expectations during our initial consultation to ensure we are on the same page regarding your content strategy and deadlines. Expect us to go above and beyond to produce quality SEO content within your target date.

Professional SEO Content Writers

At Era Tech, we confidently offer our clients SEO content services that meet the standards that a professional, high-quality website requires. We are a professional, personable content marketing service provider and we take the time to work closely with you to best communicate your site’s purpose. Our SEO content writing team enjoys the process of content writing and its practical application on websites – and our content quality reflects that commitment and desire for excellence.

100% Unique, High-Quality Content

Content marketing is clearly a highly important part of any online strategy. That's why at Era Tech , we ensure you get content that's optimized for search engines and your website visitors. We conduct extensive research and perform thorough editing and proofreading before submitting the final output to your team to ensure your SEO content is 100 percent unique and reflective of your brand. Our content specialists use state-of-the-art plagiarism checkers to guarantee your web content is authentic.

Diverse Market Expertise

Every business requires a different level of technical expertise and content writing approach. To ensure your content creation strategy appeals to the right audience and addresses their needs, we assign a dedicated content expert that possesses the industry knowledge you require. Our content writing team boasts years of experience developing website content for various platforms and industries, including eLearning, computer repair, restoration and delivery. Schedule a consultation with our content marketing agency and let’s discuss your SEO content marketing strategy.

Intellectual Rights

We understand that brands have a distinct vision and marketing preference and varying financial capacity. As such, we don’t tie you into long-term contracts. Rest assured once you complete your payment on your SEO content, all intellectual rights automatically transfer to you. Our content company also offers white label SEO writing services where you get brandable content marketing solutions that you can present to your clients.

Niche Market Analysis

Research and analysis are two of the most crucial ingredients of effective SEO content writing. Our content writer performs a market analysis to identify trends, determine gaps in your content marketing strategies and refine them accordingly. We thoroughly research your website’s brand, services, purpose and audience to tailor content that efficiently and dynamically tells your story. Our content services team also reviews your competitors, analyzes their weaknesses and adjusts your content to benefit from our findings.

Web Design and developing services

Web Design and developing services

Web Design & Development Services

Unmatched Brilliance Of Website Design And Development

Custom Web Designs & Development for Superior Performance

Your website is the face of your online business.

It has the ability to speak directly to your target audience, providing information exactly as they need it, and giving them an experience that convinces them to become your customer. A web design that matches your company’s brand, while engaging your target audience, takes work. Websites range from small e-brochures to massive enterprise websites.

ERA TECH can help in solving the problem. We render affordable and professional custom website design that contributes to your business growth. We have the know-how required to design and develop your website, wherever it falls in this wide spectrum. Web development can range from developing the simplest static page to the most complex custom web applications. Our development services include web development, application development, content management system (CMS) development, and eCommerce development.

Our web development services ensure a healthy combination of code quality and technical excellence to ensure your website not only supports your immediate goals but continues to adapt and thrive in your market space. We specialize in creating websites that convert visitors into leads.

Web Design

Creating Digital Experiences that inspire!

Era Tech is a leading web designing company in the USA, the UK, Egypt, and GCC that has a team of professional designers combining their knowledge and expertise to create unique solutions. We pride ourselves on creating high-quality digital designs that would surely leave an impact. While accommodating to the unique elements and designs, we ensure to make your business highly appealing and attractive!

So, it’s time for your organization to have an amazing website – anything less is unacceptable. Era Tech offers an array of web design and development services that will make an IMPACT on your audience and increase engagement, ultimately leading to further ROI. Stop being embarrassed by your website and turn it into a valuable asset!

Website Development

We leverage powerful tools and the latest technologies to build websites that are exceptionally amazing. Our goal is to ensure your website is up to the mark and helps you build a long-lasting web presence that’s impactful.

eCommerce Development

Our e-commerce website development will ensure a smooth shopping experience for your customers by using smart tools. Talk to us, and we can take your store live within a few days while maintaining quality.

Content Management

The solutions are designed to offer our customers ease. Before you can enjoy your website, we will explain to you the entire system and hand over admin controls. Our website design and development promise convenience.

Custom Development

Every custom website design and development solution is tailored according to what you need and how you need it. The custom web solutions are built depending on the brand identity and specifications.

The Industries We Have Served

We serve a diverse client base and offer them result-driven and affordable web design services. We have launched web products for almost every type of industry. Our product quality is extraordinary, and we believe in robust solutions.

Business and Services

Health and Wellness


Portfolio and CV

Travel and Tourism

Food and Drink

Events and Entertainment




Beauty and Hair


Retail Stores

Sports and Fitness

Music and Bands


Our Process
This Is How We Make You Digital

As a Digital Agency, we follow a streamlined process that we have perfected over the years, thanks to our immense experience. Our creative and talented experts can formulate top-notch websites.

First Meet Up (Video Meeting)

In our first meeting, we’ll introduce you to our business, the services we offer, and how your business can benefit from working with us. Then we'll look into your project needs, your brand identity, etc. Then we collaborate!

Project Planning

We start by analyzing your business needs and understanding your expectations from us. Then we start documentation and prepare wireframes. After the first layout, we get client approval to start the development.

Development Phase

We start the development as per the pre-decided strategy; once the website design and development phases are completed, we move to the testing phase to remove unwanted errors and eventually release the website.

Post-Launch Services

We value the clients’ feedback and urge them to evaluate our performance and tell us how we can improve. Our business development manager is accessible to clients so that they can ask us for assistance if needed.

Additional Services

Logo Design Services

High-quality and unique logo puts forth a striking expression, be it on a website, business card, or letterhead. It will affect the viewer’s mind in perceiving your image. We, at Era Tech, offer creative and original logo design services for small to large business houses. We completely understand the conceptualization of the design and its impact on brand recognition. Our aim at Era Tech is to provide you with the easiest and fastest way to brand your business. After all, nothing beats doing your branding without any glitch or cost. Reach out to us and complete your business branding right away.

Logo Design Services
Website Redesign Services

Website Redesign Services

Is your current website easy to navigate and delivers complete information? Is your website is bringing conversion? Is your website content is informative and correct? Are you able to track and analyze the visitors who are visiting your website? If the answer to any of the questions is NO, then it’s time for you to redesign your website. Reach out to Era Tech that offers a lot of redesign possibilities, so you can transform your website into an effective addition to your business. We are a digital agency that works to add a “wow” effect to your existing website. Our website designer team inspects your website design and works to improve the look of your outdated website. We focus not only on producing an appealing effect on your customer, but also work to bring maximum business and sales to your business.

We update your business website by incorporating the latest technological advancements and making sure that it renders well on a wide range of mobile devices. Our website redesigning services ensures that your storefront looks sleek, modern, and up-to-date while truly maximizing the potential of your brand while growing your business’s bottom line. Redesigned websites by Era Tech bring recognition by ensuring every aspect of the website matches other sales collateral. Our website redesigning services includes bringing improvement in the graphic look, usability, and credibility of your website that help you bring maximum ROI. We offer exceptional web redesigning services at affordable rates. We are known for delivering user-friendly designs which are easy to navigate too. Making use of advanced web technologies, we make your website eye-catchy and attractive. We deliver SEO-friendly website designs that make your online presence fruitful

Graphic Design Services

In a world increasingly driven by visual content, businesses are constantly searching for the best way to stand out in a crowded field. Graphic designing is the art that creatively represents your marketing needs through innovative graphics. On one side where a site rich in content help viewers in finding their search
results, audio-video content has an influencing effect on the audience and leaves a powerful impact on their mind.

A skilled team of graphic designers at Era Tech offers the best graphic designing services that provide thoughtful and effective graphic design solutions for businesses of all sizes. With years of expertise in the field of graphic design, we can provide your company with stunning graphic designs that help strengthen your corporate image across different communication channels. On one hand, a content-rich website offers the best search results, adding audio-visual content grabs more customer attention and leaves an influencing impact on viewers’ minds. Our professional graphic designers create eye-catching designs for your site that speak words for your business.Our professionals study the competition and evaluate how you can differentiate your company by adjusting your graphic design strategies. Our graphic designers add new life and give weight to your concept with knock-out graphic illustrations. Being a one-stop solution for all your graphics requirements, we ensure that our creativity is stressed on creating custom graphics that work to your advantage.

Graphic Design Services

Wide Range of Graphic Designing Services

Era Tech has a team of talented designers and developers, who works proficiently to create eye-catching designs for your site. Some of the best services we offer are:

Logo Design:

Let your brand speak words for your business with its impactful logo design.


Enhance the digital experience of your content by creating and delivering useful information about your brand with an attractive infographics design.

Web Banners:

Catch your customer’s attention and improve your ROI with professional web banners.

Business Cards:

Express the essence of your business with customized and unique business cards.


Design an expressive and delightful menu to increase the appetite of your customers.

Responsive Web Design Services

Responsive Web Design Services

The increasing penetration of smartphones in our day-to-day lives shows that responsive web designs have become a necessity instead of a trend. Responsive web design ensures that your website can adapt to every unique device used to access it. The mobile device tends to bring bulk traffic and making it necessary for businesses to deliver the best responsive web designs that are engaging and offers a seamless user experience on their smartphones, tablets, and other high-resolution display.

Partnering with Era Tech, a responsive website design company, allows you to get web designs that look and work best on every screen and device. The call to action is simple and apparent to the users in the websites, no matter which device they accessed from.

Our professional web designer analyzes your target audience and builds a responsive design. We deliver the best and complete information about your product and services seamlessly. Our experienced team focuses on enhancing user experience and pays special attention to UX designs while creating a responsive website. Our important aspects of UX designs are readability, navigation, scrolling, call to action, etc. Thus, we design a website that gets easily adjusts to the page width, colors, graphics, layouts, fonts, texts, and designs irrespective of the device used.

With our professional team of designers, you can be assured that you will lose none of your legacy content and data while upgrading and expanding your online presence.

The Technology of Website Development

We offer the best and most responsive web design services, and we do that by leveraging high-end technology that helps businesses in every industry boost their sales and revenue. We ensure we deliver the project of your dreams. There is no limit to what we can use to make sure the final product is loved by your users

ADA Compliance Services

ADA Compliance Services

ADA Compliance Services

Facilitate Equitable Access to Your Website

More than one billion people living with disabilities worldwide are affected by the lack of assistive technologies and non-adapted means of communication. Guarantee equal opportunities to your online content for all page visitors with an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant website.

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency offers ADA compliance services with an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) tool that allows page visitors to navigate your website without any issues. We provide online users the ADA compliance tool they need to avoid ADA website compliance lawsuits, leverage ADA tax incentives and make them a life-long customer . Reach out to us today to ensure your website complies with the ADA, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Section 508 and EN 301549 standards!

ADA Compliance: Securing Equal Access to Online Content

The global awareness of disability-inclusive development has significantly increased over time. Most countries have enforced laws that protect the civil rights of disabled people, prohibiting discrimination and ensuring a barrier-free environment in all buildings and establishments. Although this is a progressive move, what is not universal is adherence to the web accessibility standards.

The web promises independent participation among online users. However, for people with disabilities to enjoy its benefits and the wealth of information it offers, website ADA compliance is essential.

Learn the foundations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and other web standards and keep your website ADA compliant.

ADA Compliance Services

The Goal of Americans with Disabilities Act and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Goal of Americans with Disabilities Act

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports approximately 15 percent of the global population living with disabilities that affect their daily life, including online shopping and web browsing. To address the need for web accessibility, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has created the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

WCAG is a technical standard that aims to explain ADA accessibility and guide web developers on how to make website ADA compliant. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines have been adopted by governments around the world and are now part of various legislation, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508 and EN 301549.

In 2017, WCAG 2.1 was introduced to address web changes and technological advancements. WCAG 2.1 builds on the previous versions of WCAG and aims to make online content more accessible to a broader range of persons with disabilities, including:

  • Deafness
  • Blindness
  • Photosensitivity
  • Hearing loss
  • Low vision
  • Learning disabilities
  • Cognitive limitations
  • Limited movement
  • Speech disabilities

ADA website compliance does not indicate a specific adherence to only ADA requirements or WCAG standards. Website ADA compliance is an all-encompassing term a gold standard of creating websites that are accessible to all users, regardless of physical or cognitive ability.

Does My Website Need to be ADA Compliant?

Yes. Website ADA compliance is not an option but a necessity. Many countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, now require WCAG compliance for all websites. In the United States, Section 44 ADA tax credit of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code was enacted to provide up to $5,000 ADA tax incentives for website accessibility and encourage more small businesses and organizations to take part in providing equal access to online resources.

But the ADA IRS tax credit is just one reason to make your website ADA compliant. Whether you’re legally obliged to make your website accessible in your service locations, aiming for the ADA tax credit 2021 benefits or your website falls under the Americans with Disabilities Act, keeping your ADA website compliant is key to ensuring business success.

My Website Need to be ADA Compliant

Ignoring ADA assistance and web accessibility guidelines puts your business at risk for an ADA website compliance lawsuit, which can potentially damage your financial capabilities, credibility and marketability. Companies and organizations that do not prioritize website ADA compliant standards must:

  • Implement mandatory website updates to ensure ADA web compliance
  • Place an accessibility policy on their website
  • Endure legal fees for failure to comply with ADA guidelines
  • Pay a possible settlement to the plaintiff
  • Ensure their web development team undergoes ADA assistance and web accessibility training
    Beyond expanding your online reach, claiming your ADA compliant tax credit and improving your business’ sustainability, WCAG compliance and ADA web compliance are your legal and moral obligations. To avoid the ramifications of ADA web compliant violations and benefit from the ADA website compliance tax credit, you need to start asking yourself, “Is my website ADA compliant?” If not, “How to make my website ADA compliant?”
  • Let us walk you through the ADA requirements, ADA tax credit 2021 qualifications and how our ADA services can benefit your company. Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is here to help you understand the ADA standards and ADA compliance tax credit criteria, learn the basics of web accessibility guidelines and navigate the intricacies of WCAG compliance. Contact us and learn more about our ADA services.

Why You Need An ADA Compliant Website

Create An All-Inclusive Online Experience

As a business owner and marketer, your web design speaks volumes about the quality of your products and the level of your customer support. Show your clients, prospects and key stakeholders your commitment to providing the best possible service by investing in an ADA compliant website.

ADA compliant websites ensure:

Adherence to the Law

The law protects disabled people against discrimination across establishments and platforms and websites are no exception to the rule. In 2017 alone, 7,633 ADA website compliance lawsuits were filed and this number grew exponentially by nearly 200 percent in 2018.

If you’re an eCommerce website or a business with a physical location, you’re at a much higher risk of being sued for failure to meet WordPress ADA compliance guidelines. Capitalizing on ADA website compliance services protects your company from serial web accessibility plaintiffs. Asking the question “how do I make my website ADA compliant?” to the right professionals who can assist you is the first step to making sure you are on the right side of the law. It saves you several thousands of dollars in hiring a defense attorney and litigating an ADA web compliant case.

Accessibility for Everyone

Millions of people with disabilities worldwide require information from online sources and have technological needs that deserve better attention and awareness. An ADA compliance website gives page visitors equal opportunities to access your online content and make informed decisions.

As we transition to a more user-centric online landscape, now’s the best time to start learning how to make my website ADA compliant and take action to improve your site functionalities. Strict adherence to web accessibility guidelines enhances your customers’ web experience and facilitates memorable brand interactions. More importantly, ADA compliant websites make online users feel valued and respected.

ADA Tax Credit Eligibility

Small businesses that prioritize web accessibility and meet the ADA tax credit 2021 qualifications can get up to $5,000 IRS ADA tax credit and/or ADA tax deduction. These two ADA tax incentives are a big help to industry leaders and marketers who want to improve their site accessibility and expand their online reach but are struggling financially. ADA compliance services website tax credit covers 50 percent of the total ADA compliance website expenditures you’ve incurred in a taxable year. With the ADA IRS tax credit, you don’t just save a significant amount of money, but you also have the opportunity to invest your savings in necessary website modifications and brand developments.

Better Conversion Potential

Disabilities present themselves in various forms, including visual impairments, motor disabilities, developmental delays and hearing disabilities. Businesses that optimize their website to cater to this segment of the population can go a long way towards helping more people fulfill their information needs. Having an ADA compliance website allows you to keep different audience segments engaged. The more individuals who can access your website, the higher your chances of improving your retention rate. More importantly, ADA website compliance gives you the opportunity to turn more page visitors into paying customers and, eventually, loyal brand advocates.

Long-term Profitability

ADA compliant websites increase your bottom line and promote customer loyalty. Even with a lower overall income, disabled people account for billions of dollars in spending power. A new report published by the American Institutes of Research (AIR) found that inclusive marketing practices and ADA compliance services help businesses tap into the purchasing power of approximately 20 million U.S. working-age adults with disabilities.

Disabled U.S. adults have a total disposable income of about $490 billion. The longer you wait to create an inclusive online experience, the more conversion opportunities and revenue streams you could lose to your competitors.

Competitive Advantage

Many businesses commit the mistake of overlooking persons with disabilities in the marketplace. What most companies fail to realize, however, is that disabled people make up a huge economic group that represents about 10 percent of total online spending.

ADA website compliance is your key to staying ahead of the competition. Improve access to your products and services and safeguard your brand from ADA website compliance lawsuits by learning how to make a website ADA compliant. Gain your competitive edge with Era Tech’s ADA services.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Best Practices

Many SEO elements, such as image alt tags, captions, video transcription, sitemaps, text size and color contrast, overlap with ADA standards. By complying with web standards, you improve your SEO efforts and leave a positive impression of your brand with your online users and search engines.

A key element of WCAG compliant websites is being accessible to screen readers. Screen readers are an assistive technology that crawls web pages to render text and image content as speech or braille output. This allows people who are blind, visually impaired or have learning disabilities to access the information on your website. ADA web compliance enables search engines and screen readers to crawl your online content and deliver information to people with disabilities without a glitch.

Positive Online Reputation

A Click Away Pound study revealed that only 11 percent of people with disabilities would ask for help from friends or family members when they encounter an access barrier. This means the majority of disabled people who are shopping or browsing online will click away and seek out an ADA compliance website when they cannot access your web content.

The internet facilitates quick word-of-mouth marketing so it only takes a single online review or recommendation to influence other people’s perception of your brand. Having an ADA web compliant platform is an effective way to expand your online reach and attract more customers to your website. Additionally, maintaining an ADA website compliant protects your online reputation, making you the go-to business of your target audience and their connections.

How Your Business Can Get ADA Website Compliance
Tax Credit and ADA Tax Deduction

Avoid Litigations and Offset the Cost of Your Site Updates

You’ve probably heard of the Section 44 ADA tax credit of the IRS Code, but what exactly is IRS ADA tax credit and which businesses are eligible for this tax incentive?

The ADA compliance tax credit was enacted in 1990 to assist small businesses in removing the barriers that prevent individuals with disabilities from accessing websites. The ADA compliant tax credit covers half of the eligible expenditures or the costs spent on improving website accessibility. This means, depending on your total expenses, you can get up to $5,000 ADA tax credit and/or tax deduction when you prioritize ADA website compliance.

Business Can Get ADA Website Compliance

Section 44 ADA tax credit applies to small businesses with no more than 30 full-time employees and have earned a maximum total revenue of $1 million in the taxable year. But depending on your qualification, you may get either ADA compliance tax credit or ADA tax deduction, or a combination of both ADA tax incentives.

To claim your ADA IRS tax credit, you need to fill out the ADA tax credit form 8826 and complete the requirements for the other tax credits you’re applying for. Be sure to consult with your tax preparer to find out if you qualify for the ADA compliant tax credit and get professional assistance in answering the ADA tax credit form 8826.

Have more questions about the Section 44 ADA tax credit? Check out this blog for a more in-depth discussion of the ADA compliance website tax credit and the general instructions on how to use the ADA tax credit form 8826.

Ready to Make Your Website WCAG Compliant?

If you’re still on the fence, asking, “Does my website need to be ADA compliant?” The answer lies in your business’ core values and your custom web design’s functionalities. Does your website cater to all online users? Does it facilitate a seamless web experience for people with disabilities? Does it follow the ADA compliant website guidelines?

In today’s cut-throat digital landscape, ADA web compliance is imperative to accommodate your target audience’s needs and future-proof your brand. Additionally, if your goal is to earn ADA tax credit and/or ADA tax deduction and protect your customers’ rights at the same time, learning about the ADA compliance website tax credit guidelines is a good place to start.

Ready to Make Your Website WCAG Compliant

ADA assistance is a vital part of digital marketing. If you value your customers and page visitors, you would not think twice about educating your staff on how to make a website ADA compliant and implementing the ADA compliant website guidelines.

Take the first step towards making your website more accessible and profitable. Partner with Era Tech and let us teach you how to make your website ADA compliant for IRS ADA tax credit eligibility.

Era Tech’s team of ADA experts know that once your website is compliant, maintenance is needed to keep it that way. You can rest assured that at no additional cost, your dedicated ADA compliance specialist will implement changes and ensure your website is always aligned with ADA regulations. Unlike many web design and development agencies, as a part of our package we offer you ongoing tech support at no charge to you. This means your ADA specialist is always an email or phone call away. We’re in it for the long run!

ADA Compliance Tool

Provide A Personalized Browsing Experience

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the recognized ADA compliance companies that offer comprehensive ADA compliant services. We utilize our advanced ADA compliance software to fix ADA errors on your website, ensure WordPress ADA compliance and meet ADA IRS tax credit requirements.

Our ADA compliance tool features:

Seizure Safe Profile

Page content that flashes, flickers or blinks, such as videos and animations, can trigger photosensitive epilepsy. Era Tech’s ADA compliance software eliminates flashes and reduces color from your website to make it a safe platform for epileptic and seizure-prone users.

Visually Impaired Profile

Our ADA website compliant specialists enhance your site visuals to make it accessible to the visually impaired and comply with the ADA compliant tax credit requirements. We ensure your online content is suitable for screen readers, make hyperlinks stand out for the color blind, associate text with links and use coding standards to ensure headings are properly nested.

Cognitive Disability Profile

This profile boasts assistive features that help page visitors with cognitive disabilities, such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), dyslexia and autism, focus on the essential page elements and complete their desired action. We utilize a search engine linked to Wiktionary and Wikipedia to make your content more understandable and provide ways to help users navigate your website with ease.

ADHD-friendly Profile

Our ADA compliance software significantly eliminates distractions on your website to help people with neurodevelopmental disorders browse, read and concentrate on the important content. The ADHD-friendly profile features a reading mask that provides users sufficient time to access and interact with your page content.

Blind Users Support

Era Tech's AI tool analyzes your website components to provide screen readers with meaningful data, in adherence to the ADA compliance website tax credit guidelines. Our website ADA compliant software adjusts your website to make it compatible with any screen reader, such as JAWS, VoiceOver, NVDA and TalkBack.

Keyboard Navigation

Many people rely on the keyboard to interact with the web. At Era Tech, we boost your website’s keyboard accessibility to ensure all functionalities available by mouse are also available by keyboard.

Content Adjustments

Using the ADA compliant widget, page visitors have the option to make other adjustments to your site content to suit their needs and disabilities. Online users can change the text alignments, adjust the font size and line height, magnify texts, highlight titles and links and even modify the letter spacing and font style.

Color Adjustments

Another option for online users is the color adjustment settings. Page visitors can optimize the contrast and saturation of your page elements. They can also modify the text, title and background colors for an optimum online experience.

Era Tech’s ADA Compliance Tool Advantage

Remediate ADA Errors and Strengthen Your Digital Foundation

Numerous institutions and esteemed brands, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, Netflix, Kylie Cosmetics, Domino’s and Amazon, have been sued for failure to meet the ADA accessibility requirements. Don’t wait for demand letters before you get an ADA compliance website. Invest in the right ADA compliance checker to safeguard your business from ADA compliant lawsuits.

Don’t have the time, resources and capabilities to perform an ADA compliant website test? Partner with a reputable web design company that knows how to make a website ADA compliant. Whether you need a website redesign or a brand new site build, in both instances we can assure you, your site will be screen-reader friendly from the get-go. Once we’ve integrated our ADA compliance tool, we can maintain your site’s full ADA compliance through ongoing software or plugin updates. If there are any concerns, one of our dedicated ADA specialists and our tech support team will assist you at no extra cost.

ADA Compliance Tool Advantage

At Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency, creating a more operable and navigable website has always been at the core of our business strategy. When the question arose “how to make website ADA compliant?” our team of experts quickly skilled up so we could assure our customers of a seamless and superior website build. This is why we have built our ADA website compliance services and the integration of our ADA tool into all of our web design packages. Leverage our WordPress ADA compliance tool and reap the following benefits:

95 Percent Success Rate

Era Tech's ADA compliance tool boasts the highest success rate in the industry. It performs thorough ADA compliant website tests and remediates all ADA errors that it detects. More importantly, our ADA compliance software provides nearly 95 percent of the needed WCAG compliance.

Automatic Scans

Our ADA web compliance tool scans your website every 24 hours for any new site updates and possible errors. Once it detects a system glitch, the AI tool automatically repairs the issue to ensure your page visitors have a seamless online experience. Our team also performs manual reviews every month to fix issues that our tool might have missed.

Customizable Widget

Adjust your user interface (UI) and design elements, enable screen reader and keyboard navigation and customize the widget settings to match your brand. Era Tech’s ADA compliance specialists combine all three features into our widget to ensure your website is WCAG compliant.

Multi-Language Support

Our ADA compliance software supports multiple language settings, including Dutch, Spanish and French. This feature allows a wider range of people with disabilities across locations to access your web pages and acquire the information they need.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance

Wondering how to make my website ADA compliant while ensuring data privacy? AT Era Tech, we don’t collect user data, so you can rest assured your GDPR compliance won’t be affected by the AI tool installation. With us, you can protect your customers’ data and avoid costly fines while complying with ADA guidelines.

Secure Software Program

The ADA compliance software serves as an overlay to your website. This means it will only be activated when the design adjustments are enabled via the interface. More importantly, changes will only apply for the user’s specific session. Rest easy knowing the ADA compliance tool won’t impact your web design, UI and site performance.

Interface-Powered UI & Design Adjustments

We understand that each user has unique needs and preferences. Our ADA compliance tool allows page visitors to adjust a range of UI and design features, such as content and display, color settings, live dictionary and orientation, to suit their needs. These design adjustments aim to eliminate any access barrier on your website.

Accessibility Statement

Upon completing the foreground (accessibility interface) and background application (AI, machine learning process) of the ADA compliant software, we add an accessibility statement to your website. This serves as proof of WCAG compliance and your continued commitment to implementing the ADA compliant website guidelines.

Why Choose Era Tech For Your ADA Website Compliance Services?

Increase Your Target Audience and Get More Customers

Era Tech Internet Marketing Agency is one of the few ADA compliance companies that provide full-service web solutions that meet the ADA accessibility requirements. Our ADA compliance specialists went through intensive training, performed thorough research and spent months brainstorming to develop an AI tool that serves as an ADA compliance website checker and performs all the necessary functions for WCAG compliance.

Before launching our ADA services, we’ve tested and implemented the ADA website compliance checker on our website to ensure it serves its purpose and complies with the ADA guidelines. Learning how to make a website ADA compliant is just the beginning. We continuously improve our web solutions and AI tool to help more businesses and organizations complete the ADA requirements and pass the ADA compliance website test.

Here is our process:

  1. We review your website to determine its current ADA compliance status
  2. Present an in-depth report of the ADA compliance website checker results
  3. Discuss your options to keep your website ADA compliant
  4. Set up the ADA compliance tool on your website
  5. Provide a WCAG compliance report and assign a dedicated ADA compliance specialist to assist you

Schedule a consultation with one of our ADA compliance checker specialists to find out how to make your website ADA compliant.

What Makes Era Tech Better at ADA Website Compliance?

Comprehensive ADA Services That Guarantee 95 Percent Success Rate

AI Tool Installation and Configuration

Our ADA compliance specialists add a unique script code on your website and run multiple configuration tests to ensure no system glitch. Once completed, we examine the rest of your website and identify any possible issues with the ADA compliance website checker installation. After the AI tool installation and configuration, expect your website to be ADA compliant in 48 hours

Initial Summary Report

Is my website ADA compliant? We perform an in-depth website review and create a Summary Report to show your website’s current status. Once we’ve implemented the ADA website compliance checker and completed the remediation, we provide you with a Final Summary Report that indicates your website is now in compliance with the ADA standards, WCAG 2.1, Section 508 and EN 301549.

Daily Background Compliance Scans

Era Tech’s AI-powered tool performs daily ADA compliant website tests to ensure your website remains WCAG compliant. Our ADA compliance software scans your website for new updates and errors that might have popped up during the last 24 hours. Our team automatically remediates these issues with a 95 percent success rate.

Automation and Manual ADA Compliance

Other ADA compliance companies offer only Manual ADA or Automated ADA testing. Performing only one of these two ADA compliant website tests can result in false positives and negatives. At Era Tech, we run a combination of Automation and Manual ADA compliance tests to ensure full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, WCAG 2.1 and web accessibility guidelines at NO ADDITIONAL COST.

Monthly Auditing and Compliance Reports

We provide you with monthly ADA compliance checker reports to get you up to speed with your website’s WCAG compliance status. Besides the daily scans performed by our ADA website compliance checker, our team also conducts a manual review to fix any potential errors and ensure your website maintains ADA web compliance.

Compliance Shield

Our ADA compliance specialists place a compliance shield on your website to inform page visitors and potential lawyers that you are striving to make your website ADA compliant. A compliance shield is a vital component of your ADA compliant website checklist. It serves as a trust signal and eliminates the risk of acquiring ADA website compliance lawsuits.


At Era Tech, our clients always come first. To ensure your website remains WCAG compliant and provides the best possible online experience to all page visitors, our ADA compliance specialists repair any site issue that our AI tool detects. This extra effort allows us to safeguard your brand against lawsuits and keep it ADA compliant.

Dedicated ADA Compliance Specialists

We believe that clear communication and client commitment are the key aspects of continued ADA website compliance and online success. Once you sign up for our ADA services, we assign a team of dedicated ADA compliance specialists to assist you throughout the process. This arrangement simplifies the communication process should you have any questions or concerns.

Phone and Email Support

Have questions like, “Does my website need to be ADA compliant?” “How to make website ADA compliant?” Our ADA compliance specialists are available via phone or email from Monday to Friday between 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM CST to answer your urgent concerns. No need to wait for days to get a response -- just give us a call to talk to your dedicated ADA compliant specialist.

Custom ADA Web Compliant Project

Looking to revamp your existing web design? Our ADA compliance company provides integrated web design and ADA services to strengthen your online presence and protect your business. Our ADA compliance specialists will work closely with you to ensure ADA web compliance at the time of launch.

A La Carte Services

We offer manual remediation for certain elements, such as PDFs, videos and documents, to ensure everything that is not included in the codebase is ADA compliant. Our a la carte services include audio transcriptions and video closed captions with 24-hour delivery, video integrations and configuration and document accessibility.

Diverse Pricing Packages

We understand that every company has different preferences and financial capabilities. Boost your website’s profitability and ensure ADA web compliance with Era Tech’s cost-effective ADA services. We offer four pricing packages that allow you to enjoy the same benefits and features on your terms.

ADA Compliant Website Checklist 

Let Us Do A FREE Audit Today

You might be asking, “Is my website ADA compliant?” “How to make my website ADA compliant?” Our ADA compliance specialists created the ultimate ADA compliant website checklist to facilitate your site audit.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines indicate that WCAG compliant websites should be:


Accessible website content is presented in an easily perceptible manner. This means ADA compliant websites must cater to various types of assistive technology and provide text and audio alternatives to allow visually-impaired individuals to browse and read through your online content.


Your site navigation is one of the critical aspects of ADA web compliance. Ensure your website offers keyboard accessibility to enable motor-impaired individuals to easily jump to specific site elements and access content in just a click of a button.


ADA compliant websites cater to people with various learning capabilities and disabilities. This means your content must be readable and comprehensible to all page visitors regardless of their cognitive ability. Offer input assistance, such as dictionary options, avoid unannounced popup windows and provide clear labels for forms and application controls.


Your page content must be robust enough to ensure a variety of user agents can crawl and interpret your online content. An ADA compliant website can adapt to technological advancements and remains accessible to all users regardless of web updates.

Is your website ADA compliant? Improve your website accessibility and ensure all your page visitors have a quality experience. Call us now to get a free quote on your website.
