Increasing Online Visibility for a Dental Clinic

Increasing Online Visibility for a Dental Clinic


A dental clinic approached our agency with the goal of increasing their online visibility and attracting more patients to their practice. Despite being a reputable clinic with a loyal patient base, they were struggling to stand out in the crowded dental market. 



We conducted a thorough analysis of the clinic’s current online presence and identified areas for improvement. We revamped their website with an updated design and optimized content, implemented local SEO tactics to boost their visibility in the search results, and created targeted pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns to reach potential patients in their local area. 


After just three months of working with our agency, the dental clinic saw a significant increase in website traffic and a boost in patient inquiries. Their website now ranks on the first page of Google search results for relevant keywords, and their PPC campaigns have generated a 20% increase in appointment bookings. 

Expanding Local Presence for “Cultural Gem” Heritage Hotel

Expanding Local Presence for “Cultural Gem” Heritage Hotel


Cultural Gem” Heritage Hotel struggled to attract local residents and engage them in hotel events and offerings.



Limited local engagement resulted in missed opportunities for event bookings, dining revenue, and establishing the hotel as a community hub. 

Era Tech's Solution:

  • Local SEO Strategy: Era Tech implemented a robust local SEO strategy to ensure the hotel’s online presence was optimized for local searches and appeared in relevant local directories. 

Potential Outcomes:

  • 15% Increase in Local Event Bookings: Through enhanced local engagement, “Cultural Gem” could experience a 15% rise in event bookings from local residents. 
  • Established Community Presence: Increased local engagement would position the hotel as a cultural and social hub within the community. 

Why Era Tech's Services?

  • Era Tech’s local SEO expertise, community engagement strategies, and geotargeted advertising techniques enable “Cultural Gem” to connect with and attract local residents effectively. 
Targeting Niche Audiences for “Historic Charm” Boutique Inn

Targeting Niche Audiences for “Historic Charm” Boutique Inn


Historic Charm” Boutique Inn struggled to attract specific niche audiences, such as history enthusiasts and cultural travelers.



Failing to connect with niche audiences resulted in missed revenue opportunities and limited differentiation from competitors. 

Era Tech's Solution:

  • Niche Audience Research: Era Tech conducted in-depth research to understand the preferences, interests, and online behaviors of history enthusiasts and cultural travelers. 
  • Tailored Content Creation: We crafted engaging blog posts, articles, and social media content that highlighted the inn’s historical significance, local cultural experiences, and curated tours. 

Potential Outcomes:

  • 25% Decrease in Booking Abandonment: A mobile-optimized website and app could potentially result in a 25% reduction in booking abandonment rates. 
  • Increased Mobile Bookings: The improved mobile experience would attract more tech-savvy travelers, leading to an increase in mobile bookings. 

Why Era Tech's Services?

  • Era Tech’s meticulous niche audience research, tailored content, and precise targeting strategies make us the ideal partner to connect “Historic Charm” with specific audiences and drive revenue growth. 
Overcoming Brand Perception Challenges for “Elegance Heights” Luxury Hotel

Overcoming Brand Perception Challenges for “Elegance Heights” Luxury Hotel


Elegance Heights” Luxury Hotel faced negative online reviews and a tarnished brand perception due to guest dissatisfaction. 



A poor mobile bookingNegative reviews and a poor brand image hindered the hotel’s ability to attract new guests and retain loyal patrons.  process led to a high booking abandonment rate and a missed opportunity to attract tech-savvy travelers. 

Era Tech's Solution:

  • Online Reputation Management: Era Tech implemented a proactive reputation management strategy, responding promptly to guest reviews and addressing concerns. We also encouraged satisfied guests to share positive reviews. 
  • Influencer Collaborations: By partnering with respected travel and lifestyle influencers, Era Tech aimed to showcase the hotel’s exquisite features, top-notch service, and luxurious ambiance. 

Potential Outcomes:

  • 20% Increase in Positive Reviews: With strategic reputation management, “Elegance Heights” could experience a 20% boost in positive online reviews. 
  • Heightened Brand Image: A revitalized brand perception could attract a discerning clientele seeking luxury experiences. 

Why Era Tech's Services?

  • Era Tech’s approach integrates reputation management, influencer partnerships, and captivating content creation to redefine “Elegance Heights'” online image and drive positive sentiment. 
Boosting Occupancy Rates for “Sunrise Sands” Beach Resort

Boosting Occupancy Rates for “Sunrise Sands” Beach Resort


Sunrise Sands” Beach Resort was grappling with consistently low occupancy rates, resulting in underutilized facilities and revenue loss.



Low occupancy rates led to decreased revenue, reduced guest satisfaction, and difficulty in covering operational costs. 

Era Tech's Solution:

  • Comprehensive SEO Strategy: Era Tech conducted a thorough keyword analysis to identify high-intent search terms related to beach getaways. By optimizing the resort’s website and creating location-specific landing pages, we aimed to improve organic search rankings and attract more potential guests. 
  • Strategic Paid Advertising: We designed targeted PPC campaigns to capture the attention of travelers actively searching for beach vacations. Our ad placements across search engines and social media platforms would direct potential guests to the resort’s website. 
  • Engaging Social Media Campaigns: Era Tech created captivating social media content showcasing the resort’s stunning beachfront, activities, and amenities. Interactive posts and user-generated content campaigns would foster engagement and inspire bookings. 

Potential Outcomes:

  • 20% Increase in Occupancy: Through enhanced online visibility and engagement, “Sunrise Sands” could potentially witness a 20% rise in occupancy rates. 
  • Improved Revenue: Higher occupancy rates would lead to increased revenue, allowing the resort to invest in further amenities and guest experiences. 

Why Era Tech's Services?

  • Era Tech’s tailored strategies focus on addressing “Sunrise Sands'” specific challenges. Our expertise in SEO, paid advertising, and social media management uniquely positions us to drive tangible results and maximize occupancy rates.
Client: Jack Brown, software industry 

Client: Jack Brown, software industry 


ack Brown’s software company was struggling to increase sales and improve their return on investment (ROI) from digital marketing efforts. Despite having a great product, they were not getting enough traction in the market and losing out to competitors. 


Jack Brown reached out to Era Tech Agency for their expertise in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and conversion rate optimization (CRO). The Era Tech team conducted a thorough analysis of their current digital marketing strategy, identified gaps in the existing campaigns, and came up with a comprehensive plan to improve their ROI. 

Era Tech’s PPC experts optimized Jack Brown’s advertising campaigns for better targeting and ad relevancy, resulting in increased click-through rates and conversions. They also performed extensive keyword research and ad copy optimization to ensure maximum return on ad spend (ROAS). 


In addition, Era Tech’s CRO specialists analyzed Jack Brown’s website user journey and identified bottlenecks in the conversion process. They worked on improving the user experience by optimizing landing pages, reducing page load time, and simplifying the checkout process. These efforts helped increase the conversion rate and maximize the ROI. 


Thanks to Era Tech’s expertise in PPC advertising and CRO, Jack Brown’s software company saw a significant increase in website traffic, engagement, and sales. They saw a 75% increase in website traffic and a 40% increase in sales within the first six months of partnering with Era Tech. The ROI of their digital marketing campaigns improved by 60%, leading to a substantial increase in profitability.

Jack Brown was thrilled with the results and said, “Working with Era Tech Agency has been a game changer for our software company. Their PPC advertising and conversion rate optimization strategies have helped us improve our ROI and increase sales. We’ve seen a significant increase in website traffic and engagement as a result. Thank you, Era Tech Agency!” 


Client: Mark Davis, Financial Services industry 

Client: Mark Davis, Financial Services industry 


The financial services industry is highly competitive, with many companies vying for the attention of potential clients. Mark Davis’s financial services company needed to establish itself as a leader in the industry and increase website traffic to generate more leads. 


Mark Davis’s company partnered with Era Tech Agency to develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. The team at Era Tech Agency first conducted an audit of the company’s website to identify areas for improvement. They then developed an SEO strategy to optimize the website’s content for search engines, making it easier for potential clients to find the company online. Additionally, Era Tech Agency developed a content marketing strategy that included creating blog posts, infographics, and other resources to establish the company as an industry leader and engage with potential clients. 



Thanks to the partnership with Era Tech Agency, Mark Davis’s financial services company has seen significant results. Website traffic has increased by 50%, and the company has established itself as a thought leader in the industry through its content marketing efforts. The increased visibility has resulted in a steady stream of new leads, and the company has seen a 30% increase in conversions since partnering with Era Tech Agency. Overall, the company is thrilled with the results and continues to work with Era Tech Agency to improve its digital marketing efforts. 

Tom Smith, Real Estate industry.

Tom Smith, Real Estate industry.


Tom Smith’s real estate business was struggling to generate leads and reach their target audience through their existing digital marketing efforts. They had invested in PPC advertising in the past, but the ROI was not optimal. They needed to find a way to improve their online presence and increase sales. 



Era Tech Agency conducted a comprehensive analysis of Tom Smith’s real estate business and developed a customized digital marketing strategy. The agency focused on improving their PPC advertising campaigns and conversion rate optimization tactics. Era Tech Agency identified the most effective keywords and ad targeting options to ensure their PPC ads reached the right audience. They also optimized the landing pages to improve the user experience and increase conversions. To improve the organic search rankings, Era Tech Agency also provided on-page and off-page SEO services. 


Thanks to Era Tech Agency’s digital marketing efforts, Tom Smith’s real estate business saw a significant increase in leads and sales. The optimized PPC campaigns and landing pages led to a 40% increase in website traffic and a 25% increase in conversion rates. The organic search rankings also improved, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic from search engines. Tom Smith’s real estate business was able to generate more leads and close more sales as a result of Era Tech Agency’s efforts. They were thrilled with the results and highly recommend Era Tech Agency to other businesses looking to improve their digital marketing efforts. 

Client: Rachel Lee, a manufacturing business owner. 

Client: Rachel Lee, a manufacturing business owner. 


Rachel’s manufacturing business was facing tough competition from other businesses in the industry. Despite providing high-quality products, they were struggling to establish themselves as industry leaders and attract new customers. They needed a way to increase their online visibility and attract more leads to their website. 


Rachel reached out to Era Tech Agency, who conducted a thorough analysis of her business and created a customized digital marketing strategy. The agency focused on improving the website’s SEO, developing a content marketing plan, and creating targeted advertising campaigns. They also implemented social media marketing and email marketing strategies to engage with the audience and improve brand recognition. 


Thanks to Era Tech Agency’s efforts, Rachel’s manufacturing business has seen a significant increase in website traffic and leads. The business is now considered an industry leader, and their products are in high demand. The SEO improvements and content marketing strategies have led to increased brand recognition and engagement, with many customers leaving positive feedback on the website and social media platforms. The targeted advertising campaigns have also helped to attract new customers and generate more sales. Overall, Era Tech Agency’s digital marketing strategies have helped Rachel’s manufacturing business achieve its goals and become a successful industry leader. 

Client: Michael Chen, Startup. 

Client: Michael Chen, Startup. 


Michael Chen’s startup was struggling to establish a strong online presence and reach their target audience effectively. They were looking for a digital marketing partner to help them increase website traffic and generate more leads.


Michael Chen decided to work with Era Tech Agency, a digital marketing agency with expertise in PPC advertising. The agency performed an audit of the client’s existing digital marketing efforts and identified areas for improvement. 

Based on the audit findings, Era Tech Agency developed a comprehensive PPC advertising strategy for Michael Chen’s startup. The strategy included: 

Keyword Research: The agency conducted extensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords for the client’s business. This allowed the client to target the right audience and increase their chances of converting leads into customers. 

Ad Copywriting: The agency created compelling ad copy that resonated with the target audience, highlighting the client’s unique selling propositions and benefits.

Landing Page Optimization: The agency optimized the client’s landing pages to improve user experience and increase conversion rates. This included improving page load speeds, creating a clear call-to-action, and ensuring mobile responsiveness. 

A/B Testing: The agency performed A/B testing on different ad elements such as headlines, ad copy, and landing pages to identify the most effective strategies and optimize future campaigns.


Thanks to the digital marketing efforts of Era Tech Agency, Michael Chen’s startup was able to establish a strong online presence, reach their target audience more effectively, and increase website traffic and leads. The results included: 

40% increase in website traffic 

30% increase in leads 

20% decrease in cost per lead 

These results were achieved within the first six months of working with Era Tech Agency, and the client continues to see growth and success. Michael Chen is grateful for the guidance and support of Era Tech Agency and highly recommends their services to other startups looking to establish a strong online presence and generate more leads through PPC advertising. 

Client: Sarah Johnson, Legal industry. 

Client: Sarah Johnson, Legal industry. 


Sarah Johnson’s law firm was struggling to generate enough website traffic and leads. Despite offering quality legal services, the firm was having difficulty attracting new clients online. 


Sarah Johnson decided to work with Era Tech Agency, a digital marketing agency with expertise in the legal industry. The agency performed an audit of the client’s existing website and digital marketing efforts, and identified areas for improvement. 


Based on the audit findings, Era Tech Agency developed a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for Sarah Johnson’s law firm. The strategy included: 


Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The agency conducted keyword research and optimized the client’s website for search engines. This helped improve the website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), and increase organic traffic to the website. 


Content Marketing: The agency developed a content marketing strategy to help establish the law firm as thought leaders in the industry. This included creating blog posts, articles, and other educational content that addressed common legal issues and questions. 


Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: The agency developed targeted PPC campaigns to reach the client’s ideal customer demographics. This helped drive more traffic to the website and increase leads. 


Social Media Advertising: The agency developed and implemented social media advertising campaigns on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other platforms. These campaigns helped increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience. 


Thanks to the digital marketing efforts of Era Tech Agency, Sarah Johnson’s law firm saw significant improvements in website traffic and leads. The results included: 


  • 75% increase in website traffic 
  • 100% increase in leads 

Improved brand recognition and thought leadership in the industry. 

These results were achieved within the first six months of working with Era Tech Agency, and the client continues to see growth and success. Sarah Johnson is grateful for the guidance and support of Era Tech Agency, and highly recommends their services to other law firms looking to improve their online presence. 


Client: John Smith, E-commerce industry. 

Client: John Smith, E-commerce industry. 


John Smith’s e-commerce business was struggling to increase online sales and reach its target audience effectively. Despite having a well-designed website and quality products, the business was struggling to generate enough traffic and sales to sustain its growth. 


John Smith decided to work with Era Tech Agency, a digital marketing agency with expertise in e-commerce. The agency performed an audit of the client’s existing website and digital marketing efforts and identified areas for improvement. 


Based on the audit findings, Era Tech Agency developed a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for John Smith’s e-commerce business. The strategy included: 


Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The agency conducted keyword research and optimized the client’s website for search engines. This helped improve the website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), and increase organic traffic to the website. 


Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: The agency developed targeted PPC campaigns to reach the client’s ideal customer demographics. This helped drive more traffic to the website and increase sales. 


Social Media Advertising: The agency developed and implemented social media advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. These campaigns helped increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience. 


Email Marketing: The agency developed and implemented email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and drive conversions. These campaigns helped increase customer loyalty and repeat purchases. 



Thanks to the digital marketing efforts of Era Tech Agency, John Smith’s e-commerce business saw significant improvements in website traffic, sales, and revenue. The results included: 

  • 100% increase in website traffic 
  • 150% increase in online sales 
  • 50% increase in revenue 

These results were achieved within the first six months of working with Era Tech Agency, and the client continues to see growth and success. John Smith is grateful for the guidance and support of Era Tech Agency, and highly recommends their services to other e-commerce businesses looking to improve their digital marketing efforts. 
